Wananazo Posted April 16, 2021 Share Posted April 16, 2021 (edited) This is my third post, the truth is that I like it because I am learning functions and I have a question with this script I still do not know how to handle the acl but I have a doubt with this since I remove the acl permission from a user and it still comes out the panel when as I understand it should not come out anymore Grupo = { "Policial" } function isPlayerOnGroup2 ( thePlayer ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local inGroup = false for _, group in ipairs ( Grupo ) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then inGroup = true break end end return inGroup end function ClickJogdor ( Player ) if isPlayerOnGroup2 ( source ) then local account = getPlayerAccount (Player) if isGuestAccount (account) then msgFeniX(source, "Esse Jogador está deslogado !", "error") return end local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( Player ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source ) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) if ( distance <= 1.7 ) then -- if Player == source then return end triggerClientEvent (source , "FeniX_AbrirDX" , source) setElementData(source, "FeniXMTA_Suspeito" , Player) end end end addEvent ( "FeniX_ClickJogdor", true ) addEventHandler ( "FeniX_ClickJogdor", root, ClickJogdor) --[[ ################################################ # Bindkey # ################################################ --]] function onPlayerCommand(command) if getElementData(source,"FeniX_Preso") then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand",getRootElement(),onPlayerCommand) --[[ ################################################ # Parte Multa # ################################################ --]] function setarMulta( Valor_Multa , Motivo_Multa ) local Abordado = getElementData( source,"FeniXMTA_Suspeito") local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( Abordado ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source ) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) if ( distance >= 1.8 ) then msgFeniX(source, "Chegue Mais Perto Do Jogador vai efetuar esta função !", "error") elseif ( distance <= 1.7) then takePlayerMoney(Abordado, tonumber(Valor_Multa)) givePlayerMoney(source, tonumber(Valor_Multa)) outputChatBox ( "#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffVocê foi Multado pelo PM: "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffff, Motivo: #FF0000"..Motivo_Multa.." #ffffff, Valor: #FF0000"..Valor_Multa.." #ffffff!" , Abordado , 255,255,255, true) end end addEvent("FeniX_SetarMulta", true) addEventHandler("FeniX_SetarMulta", root, setarMulta) addEvent("FeniX_Aviso_2",true) addEventHandler("FeniX_Aviso_2",root, function () msgFeniX(source, "Informe o Valor da Multa !", "error") end ) addEvent("FeniX_Aviso_1",true) addEventHandler("FeniX_Aviso_1",root, function () msgFeniX(source, "Informe o Motivo da Multa !", "error") end ) --[[ ################################################ # Função CNH # ################################################ --]] function cnHPlayer () local Abordado = getElementData( source,"FeniXMTA_Suspeito") local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( Abordado ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source ) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) if ( distance >= 1.8 ) then msgFeniX(source, "Chegue Mais Perto Do Jogador vai efetuar esta função !", "error") elseif ( distance <= 1.7) then if getElementData(Abordado, "Habilitacoes:Motos") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Moto ( #00FF00✔ #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Moto ( #FF0000x #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) end if getElementData(Abordado, "Habilitacoes:Carros") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Carro ( #00FF00✔ #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Carro ( #FF0000x #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) end if getElementData(Abordado, "Habilitacoes:Caminhoes") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Caminhão ( #00FF00✔ #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Caminhão ( #FF0000x #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) end if getElementData(Abordado, "Habilitacoes:Onibus") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Ônibus ( #00FF00✔ #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Ônibus ( #FF0000x #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) end if getElementData(Abordado, "Habilitacoes:Carretas") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Carreta ( #00FF00✔ #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Carreta ( #FF0000x #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) end if getElementData(Abordado, "Habilitacoes:Barcos") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Barco ( #00FF00✔ #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Barco ( #FF0000x #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) end if getElementData(Abordado, "Habilitacoes:Helicopteros") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Helicóptero ( #00FF00✔ #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Helicóptero ( #FF0000x #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) end if getElementData(Abordado, "Habilitacoes:Avioes") == true then outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Avião ( #00FF00✔ #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffCategoria Avião ( #FF0000x #ffffff)", source , 255, 255, 255, true) end end end addEvent ( "FeniX_CNH", true ) addEventHandler ( "FeniX_CNH", root, cnHPlayer) --[[ ################################################ # Identidade # ################################################ --]] cmd0 = "verificar" cmd2 = "recusar" cmd3 = "mostrar" function BuscarIDVTR (source, cmd, pname) if isPlayerOnGroup2 ( source ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (source) local cliente = getPlayerFromPartialName(pname) if isElement(cliente) then if cliente == source then msgFeniX(source, "Você não Pode Verificar sua Propria Ficha!", "error") return end if getElementData ( cliente, "FeniX:Buscar" ) == "Sim" then if isElement(vehicle) then if (getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" ) then if (getVehicleType(vehicle) == "Automobile") or (getVehicleType(vehicle) == "Bike") then local id = getElementModel ( vehicle ) if id == 433 or id == 579 or id == 427 or id == 490 or id == 528 or id == 523 or id == 470 or id == 596 or id == 598 or id == 599 or id == 597 or id == 432 or id == 601 then local Nome = getElementData ( cliente, "FeniX_RG_Nome" ) or "N/C" setElementData ( source, "PM_FeniX_RG_Nome", Nome ) local data = getElementData ( cliente, "FeniX_RG_DataNascimento" ) or "N/C" setElementData ( source, "PM_FeniX_RG_DataNascimento", data ) local sexo = getElementData ( cliente, "FeniX_RG_Sexo" ) or "N/C" setElementData ( source, "PM_FeniX_RG_Sexo", sexo ) local localOrigem = getElementData ( cliente, "FeniX_RG_LocalOrigem" ) or "N/C" setElementData ( source, "PM_FeniX_RG_LocalOrigem", localOrigem ) local Porte = getElementData ( cliente, "TS:PorteDeArmas" ) setElementData ( source, "PM_FeniX_RG_Porte", Porte ) local money = getPlayerMoney(cliente) setElementData ( source, "PM_FeniX_RG_Money", money ) setElementData ( source, "FeniX_SolicitarFicha", "Sim" ) end end end else msgFeniX(source, "Entre Dentro da Viatura para Poder Utilizar esse Comando!", "error") end else msgFeniX(source, "Você não pode puxar uma Ficha sem a Identidade do Jogador!", "error") end end end end addCommandHandler ( cmd0, BuscarIDVTR ) canceltimer={} function fix() local Abordado = getElementData( source,"FeniXMTA_Suspeito") if isPlayerOnGroup2 ( source ) then local policial = getElementData(Abordado,"cliente:policial") if isElement(policial) then msgFeniX(source, "O Jogador "..getPlayerName(Abordado).." #ffffffJa Esta Sendo Atendido Por um Policial!", "error") else setElementData(Abordado,"cliente:policial",source) msgFeniX(source, "Você Solicitou a Identidade do Jogador "..getPlayerName(Abordado), "warning") msgFeniX(Abordado, "O Policial "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffPediu sua Identidade, Digite /Mostrar ou /Recusar.", "warning") canceltimer[Abordado] = setTimer(cancelfix,15000,1,Abordado) end end end addEvent ( "FeniX_Identidade", true ) addEventHandler ( "FeniX_Identidade", root, fix) function recusar(source) local policial = getElementData(source,"cliente:policial") if isElement(policial) then msgFeniX(policial, "O Jogador "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffSe Recusou a Mostrar a Identidade, +1 Nivel de Procurado!", "error") msgFeniX(source, "Você se Recusou a Entregar a Identidade, e Agora esta Procurado!", "warning") Procurado = getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, Procurado+1 ) end setElementData(source,"cliente:policial",nil) if isTimer(canceltimer[source]) then killTimer(canceltimer[source]) end end addCommandHandler(cmd2,recusar) function aceitar(source) local policial = getElementData(source,"cliente:policial") if isElement(policial) then msgFeniX(policial, "O Jogador "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffLhe mostrou a Identidade, Verifique Dentro da Viatura /Verificar Nick. (Você tem 60 Segundos)", "success") msgFeniX(source, "Você mostrou sua identidade ao Policial "..getPlayerName(policial).." #ffffff( ele tem tem 60 Segundos pra verificar na viatura!)", "success") local cx,cy,cz = getElementPosition(policial) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,cx,cy,cz) if dist <= 7 then setElementData ( source, "FeniX:Buscar", "Sim" ) setTimer ( function() setElementData ( source, "FeniX:Buscar", "Não" ) end, 60000, 1 ) else msgFeniX(source, "O Policial Esta Muito Longe!", "error") msgFeniX(policial, "Você Esta Muito Longe do Jogador Abordado!", "error") end end setElementData(source,"cliente:policial",nil) if isTimer(canceltimer[source]) then killTimer(canceltimer[source]) end end addCommandHandler(cmd3,aceitar) function cancelfix(source) local policial = getElementData(source,"cliente:policial") if isElement(policial) then msgFeniX(policial, "O Jogador "..getPlayerName(source).." #ffffffDemorou Para Mostrar ou Recusar a Identidade, +1 Nivel de Procurado!", "error") end msgFeniX(source, "Você Demorou Demais Para Mostrar ou Recusar o Reparo e Agora esta Procurado!", "error") setElementData(source,"cliente:policial",nil) Procurado = getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, Procurado+1 ) end function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end --[[ ################################################ # Prender # ################################################ --]] viatura = {} function salvacarro (vei, assento, vitima) viatura[source] = vei end addEventHandler ('onPlayerVehicleEnter', root, salvacarro) function prender () local Abordado = getElementData( source,"FeniXMTA_Suspeito") local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( Abordado ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source ) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) if ( distance >= 1.8 ) then msgFeniX(source, "Chegue Mais Perto Do Jogador vai efetuar esta função !", "error") elseif ( distance <= 1.7) then local vtr = viatura[source] if viatura[source] then attachElements (Abordado, vtr, 0.2, -1.5, 0, 0,0,90) vrx, vry, vrz = getElementRotation(vtr) setElementRotation(Abordado, vrx, vry, vrz+83) setElementData(Abordado,"algemado",nil) setPedAnimation(Abordado) setElementFrozen(Abordado,false) triggerClientEvent("algemaRemove", Abordado) setElementData ( Abordado, "Algemar_Desalgemar", false ) setPedAnimation(Abordado, "ped", "CAR_dead_LHS", false, false) setElementData ( source, "Algemar_Desalgemar", false ) setElementData ( Abordado, "FeniX_Preso", true ) setElementData ( Abordado, "FeniXMTA_Preso", true ) else msgFeniX(source, "Entre no carro e saia para executar esta função !", "error") end end end addEvent ( "FeniX_Prender", true ) addEventHandler ( "FeniX_Prender", root, prender) --[[ ################################################ # Revistar # ################################################ --]] function verEstrelas () local Abordado = getElementData( source,"FeniXMTA_Suspeito") local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( Abordado ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source ) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) if ( distance >= 1.8 ) then msgFeniX(source, "Chegue Mais Perto Do Jogador vai efetuar esta função !", "error") elseif ( distance <= 1.7) then local estrelas_player = getPlayerWantedLevel ( Abordado ) if estrelas_player > 0 then outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffEstrela(s): #00ff00"..estrelas_player.."!", source, 255, 255, 255, true) else end outputChatBox("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffSem nível de #FF0000procurado!", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addEvent ( "FeniX_Revistar", true ) addEventHandler ( "FeniX_Revistar", root, verEstrelas) function verArmas () local Abordado = getElementData( source,"FeniXMTA_Suspeito") local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( Abordado ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source ) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) if ( distance >= 1.8 ) then msgFeniX(source, "Chegue Mais Perto Do Jogador vai efetuar esta função !", "error") elseif ( distance <= 1.7) then for slot = 0, 12 do local Armas = getPedWeapon ( Abordado, slot ) local Municao = getPedTotalAmmo ( Abordado, slot ) if Armas > 0 then if Municao > 0 then setPedAnimation( source, "POLICE", "plc_drgbst_01", 3100, true, false, false, false) weapon_nome = getWeaponNameFromID ( Armas ) outputChatBox ("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffff"..weapon_nome.." com "..Municao.." Bala(s) !", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end else setPedAnimation( source, "POLICE", "plc_drgbst_01", 3100, true, false, false, false) end end end end addEvent ( "FeniX_Revistar", true ) addEventHandler ( "FeniX_Revistar", root, verArmas) --[[ ################################################ # Algemar/Desalgemar # ################################################ --]] function algemarDesalgemar () local Abordado = getElementData( source,"FeniXMTA_Suspeito") local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( Abordado ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source ) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) local dataAlgemado = getElementData(Abordado, "algemado") if ( distance >= 1.8 ) then msgFeniX(source, "Chegue Mais Perto Do Jogador vai efetuar esta função !", "error") elseif ( distance <= 1.7) then setElementData(Abordado,"algemado",true) triggerClientEvent("algemaAdd", Abordado) setElementFrozen(Abordado, true) setPedAnimation(Abordado, "GANG", "prtial_gngtlkA", false, false) if (not dataAlgemado) then setElementData ( source, "Algemar_Desalgemar", true ) else setElementData(Abordado,"algemado",nil) setPedAnimation(Abordado) setElementFrozen(Abordado,false) triggerClientEvent("algemaRemove", Abordado) setElementData ( source, "Algemar_Desalgemar", false ) end end end addEvent ( "FeniX_AlgemarDesalgemar", true ) addEventHandler ( "FeniX_AlgemarDesalgemar", root, algemarDesalgemar) function algemadoQuit() triggerClientEvent("algemaRemove", source) setElementData ( source, "Algemar_Desalgemar", false ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, algemadoQuit) --[[ ################################################ # Apreender Armas # ################################################ --]] function apreenderArmas () local Abordado = getElementData( source,"FeniXMTA_Suspeito") local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( Abordado ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( source ) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) if ( distance >= 1.8 ) then msgFeniX(source, "Chegue Mais Perto Do Jogador vai efetuar esta função !", "error") elseif ( distance <= 1.7) then for slot = 0, 12 do local Armas = getPedWeapon ( Abordado , slot ) if Armas > 0 then takeAllWeapons ( Abordado ) outputChatBox ("#FF0000✘ #ffffffINFO #FF0000✘➺ #ffffffTodas as Armas do Jogador "..getPlayerName(Abordado).." #FFFFFFfoi recolhida !", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end end end addEvent ( "FeniX_ApreenderArmas", true ) addEventHandler ( "FeniX_ApreenderArmas", root, apreenderArmas) --[[ ################################################ # DxMensagem # ################################################ --]] function msgFeniX(source, text, type) exports.dxmessages:outputDx(source, text, type) end Edited April 16, 2021 by Wananazo Link to comment
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