Bean666 Posted April 3, 2021 Share Posted April 3, 2021 Hi i got this zombie script from the community by dutchman, even though the max zombies is set to 5 and the spawnZombie function has a check as well if #zombiesChasingMe >= maxZombies it still exceeds the limit, more zombies are still spawning than the maxZombies value. local maxZombies = 5 --Max zombies to chase local player local minDistance = 10 --Minium distance from player to keep zombies spawning local maxDistance = 30 --Maximum distance to spawn zombies local minInterval = 2000 --Minium time between spawning zombies local maxInterval = 5000 --Maximum time between spawning zombies local zombieData = {skins={10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}} local zombiesChasingMe = {} local playersDoomed = {} local timesExecuted = 0 local playersEatable = {} local playerEated = {} local colshapes = {} local mySteps = {} local function rot( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) local t = -math.deg( math.atan2( x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ) ) return t < 0 and t + 360 or t end local function getZombieCalculatedPathDistance(zombie) local currentIndex = zombieData[zombie].positions local distance = 0 if currentIndex < #zombieData[zombie].paths then for index = currentIndex,#zombieData[zombie].paths do if zombieData[zombie].paths[index] and zombieData[zombie].paths[index+1] then local ox,oy = unpack(zombieData[zombie].paths[index]) local nx,ny = unpack(zombieData[zombie].paths[index+1]) distance = distance + getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(ox,oy,nx,ny) end end else local zVector = zombie.position local npVector = zombieData[zombie].paths[currentIndex]+1 distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(zVector.x,zVector.y,npVector.x,npVector.y) end return distance end local function isZombieChasingMe(zombieToCheck,removeIt) for index,zombie in ipairs(zombiesChasingMe) do if zombie == zombieToCheck then if removeIt then table.remove(zombiesChasingMe,index) end return zombie end end end local function onDamage(attacker,weapon,bodypart,loss) if attacker and isElement(attacker) and attacker == localPlayer then triggerServerEvent("Zday:damageZombie",source,attacker,weapon,bodypart,loss) end end local function onWasted(killer) if zombieData[source].doomed then return end zombieData[source].doomed = true triggerServerEvent("Zday:delayDestroyZombie",source) end local function onDestroy() isZombieChasingMe(source,true) if zombieData[source].syncCol and isElement(zombieData[source].syncCol) then destroyElement(zombieData[source].syncCol) end zombieData[source] = nil end local function resetPlayer() playersDoomed[source] = nil playersEatable[source] = nil playerEated[source] = nil end local function setPlayerEatable(player) playersEatable[player] = true end local function murderPlayerByZombie(player,zombie) if not getElementData(zombie, "groaning") == true then playSound3D("sounds/mgroan"..tostring(math.random(1,10))..".ogg",zombie.position) setElementData(zombie, "groaning", true) setTimer(setElementData, 3000, 1, zombie, "groaning", false) end if player == localPlayer then triggerServerEvent("Zday:murderPlayer",localPlayer,zombie) end end local function arePedLegsBlocked(zombie) local upperTorsoVec = Vector3(getPedBonePosition(zombie,4)) local legVec = Vector3(getPedBonePosition(zombie,54)) local forwardVec = zombie.matrix.position + (zombie.matrix.forward/2) local x,y = upperTorsoVec.x,upperTorsoVec.y local x2,y2 = forwardVec.x,forwardVec.y local notClear = false for z=legVec.z,upperTorsoVec.z,0.05 do if not isLineOfSightClear(x,y,z,x2,y2,z,true,true,false,true,false,true,true,zombie) then notClear=true break end end return notClear end local function checkPlayer(player,col) if not isElement(player) then return false end if not isElement(col) then return end if not colshapes[col] then return false end if player.type ~= "player" then return false end if player.dimension ~= col.dimension then return false end if player.interior ~= col.interior then return false end return true,colshapes[col] end local function comp(w1,w2) if w1[2] < w2[2] then return true end return false end local function getNewTarget(zombie,excludedTarget) local col = zombieData[zombie].syncCol local players = getElementsWithinColShape(col,"player") local possibleTargets = {} local alternativeReturn = false local isClear = false for index,player in ipairs(players) do if checkPlayer(player,col) and player ~= excludedTarget and player ~= zombieData[zombie].target then local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(zombie.position,player.position) if distance < 80 then table.insert(possibleTargets,{player,distance}) isClear = isLineOfSightClear(zombie.position,player.position,true,false,false,true,false,true,true,zombie) alternativeReturn=true end end end if not alternativeReturn then return false end table.sort(possibleTargets,comp) local target,distance2 = unpack(possibleTargets[1]) return target,isClear,distance2 end local function resetZombieAnimation(zombie) if zombie and isElement(zombie) then setPedAnimation(zombie) zombieData[zombie].eating = nil end end local function findNewTarget(player) local valid,zombie = checkPlayer(player,source) if not valid then return end if player ~= zombieData[zombie].target then return end if player ~= localPlayer then return end local newTarget = getNewTarget(zombie) if newTarget and newTarget ~= localPlayer and newTarget ~= zombieData[zombie].target then triggerServerEvent("Zday:setZombieNewTarget",zombie,newTarget) elseif not zombieData[zombie].doomed then zombieData[zombie].doomed = true triggerLatentServerEvent("Zday:destroyZombie",5000,true,zombie) end end local function trackMe() local zombies = getElementsByType("ped",resourceRoot,true) for index,zombie in ipairs(zombies) do if math.random(1,40) == 5 and isPedDead(zombie) == false then playSound3D("sounds/mgroan"..tostring(math.random(1,10))..".ogg",zombie.position) end local zombieTarget = zombieData[zombie].target if zombieTarget and isElement(zombieTarget) then local lx,ly,lz = getElementPosition(zombieTarget) local lVector = Vector3(lx,ly,lz) local hVector = Vector3(getPedBonePosition(zombie,6)) local zVector = Vector3(getElementPosition(zombie)) local doesZombieSeePlayer = isLineOfSightClear(hVector,lVector,true,false,false,true,false,true,true,zombie) local distanceToPlayer = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(zVector.x,zVector.y,lVector.x,lVector.y) if timesExecuted%5 == 0 and zombieData[zombie].target == localPlayer then local newTarget,doesSee,distance = getNewTarget(zombie) if newTarget and doesSee and distance < distanceToPlayer and newTarget ~= zombieData[zombie].target then triggerServerEvent("Zday:setZombieNewTarget",zombie,newTarget) end end if zombieData[zombie].target == localPlayer and doesZombieSeePlayer == false and isPedDead(zombieTarget)==false then local newTarget,doesSee = getNewTarget(zombie,localPlayer) if newTarget and doesSee and newTarget ~= zombieData[zombie].target then triggerServerEvent("Zday:setZombieNewTarget",zombie,newTarget) end end if zombieData[zombie].hunting then if not zombieData[zombie].positions then zombieData[zombie].positions = 0 end if not zombieData[zombie].paths then zombieData[zombie].paths = {} end local dist = false if #zombieData[zombie].paths > 1 then local llx,lly,llz = unpack(zombieData[zombie].paths[#zombieData[zombie].paths-1]) dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(llx,lly,llz,lx,ly,lz) end if dist and dist > 0.7 then table.insert(zombieData[zombie].paths,{lx,ly,lz,getPedControlState(zombieTarget,"jump"),getPedControlState(zombieTarget,"sprint")}) elseif not dist then table.insert(zombieData[zombie].paths,{lx,ly,lz,getPedControlState(zombieTarget,"jump"),getPedControlState(zombieTarget,"sprint")}) end if zombieData[zombie].paths[zombieData[zombie].positions+1] and not zombieData[zombie].eating then local nx,ny,nz,jump,sprint = unpack(zombieData[zombie].paths[zombieData[zombie].positions+1]) local nVector = Vector3(nx,ny,nz) local isClear = isLineOfSightClear(zVector,nVector,true,true,false,true,false,true,true,zombie) local notMoving = false if zombieData[zombie].lastPosition then local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(zombieData[zombie].lastPosition,zVector) if dist < 0.01 then local action = math.random(1,2) if action == 1 then setPedControlState(zombie,"fire",true) elseif action == 2 then notMoving = true end else setPedControlState(zombie,"fire",false) end end local needToJump = (jump or getPedSimplestTask(zombie) == "TASK_SIMPLE_CLIMB" or arePedLegsBlocked(zombie) or notMoving) if needToJump then if (getPedMoveState(zombie) ~= "jump" or getPedMoveState(zombie) ~= "climb") then setPedControlState(zombie,"forwards",false) end if sprint then setPedControlState(zombie,"sprint",true) end setPedControlState(zombie,"jump",true) else setPedControlState(zombie,"sprint",false) setPedControlState(zombie,"jump",false) end local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(zVector.x,zVector.y,nVector.x,nVector.y) local pathDistance = getZombieCalculatedPathDistance(zombie) local diff = pathDistance/distanceToPlayer if pathDistance > distanceToPlayer and diff > 1.1 and doesZombieSeePlayer then zombieData[zombie].paths = {} zombieData[zombie].positions = 0 zombieData[zombie].changingPath = true zombieData[zombie].changePathTick = getTickCount() end if zombieData[zombie].changingPath then if (getTickCount() - zombieData[zombie].changePathTick) > 500 then zombieData[zombie].changingPath = nil zombieData[zombie].changePathTick = nil end end local angle = rot(zVector.x,zVector.y,nVector.x,nVector.y) setPedCameraRotation(zombie,-angle) setPedControlState(zombie,"forwards",true) if zombie.inWater then setElementRotation(zombie,0,0,angle) setPedControlState(zombie,"sprint",true) elseif not sprint then setPedControlState(zombie,"sprint",false) end zombieData[zombie].lastPosition = Vector3(getElementPosition(zombie)) if isClear and dist < 1 then zombieData[zombie].positions = zombieData[zombie].positions + 1 end else if isPedDead(zombie) == false and getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(zVector,lVector) < 1 and not playersDoomed[zombieTarget] then murderPlayerByZombie(zombieTarget,zombie) if isPedDead(zombieTarget) then playersDoomed[zombieTarget] = true end elseif getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(zVector,lVector) < 1 and ((isPedDead(zombieTarget) or<1) and playersEatable[zombieTarget] and not playerEated[zombieTarget]) then playerEated[zombieTarget] = true zombieData[zombie].eating = true setPedAnimation(zombie,"MEDIC","cpr",-1,false,true,false) setTimer(resetZombieAnimation,10000,1,zombie) end setPedControlState(zombie,"forwards",false) end else if doesZombieSeePlayer and not zombieData[zombie].hunting then zombieData[zombie].hunting = true zombieData[zombie].positions = 0 elseif not zombieData[zombie].hunting then local newTarget = getNewTarget(zombie,localPlayer),doesSee if newTarget and doesSee and not zombieData[zombie].changingTarget then triggerServerEvent("Zday:setZombieNewTarget",zombie,newTarget) zombieData[zombie].changingTarget = true end end if not zombieData[zombie].changingPath then setPedControlState(zombie,"forwards",false) end end else setPedControlState(zombie,"forwards",false) end end timesExecuted=timesExecuted+1 end local function getPointFromDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) local a = math.rad(90 - angle); local dx = math.cos(a) * dist; local dy = math.sin(a) * dist; return x+dx, y+dy; end local function spawnZombie() if #zombiesChasingMe >= maxZombies then setTimer(spawnZombie,math.random(minInterval,maxInterval),1) return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local dist = math.random(minDistance,maxDistance) local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,fov = getCameraMatrix() local cr = getPedCameraRotation(localPlayer)+(getPedControlState(localPlayer,"look_behind") and 0 or 180) if cr > 360 then cr = cr-360 end local r = math.random(cr-fov,cr+fov) local zx,zy = getPointFromDistanceRotation(x,y,dist,r) local zz = false for tz = z,550 do local newZ = getGroundPosition(zx,zy,tz) if newZ and newZ ~= 0 then zz = newZ+1 break end end if not zz then zz = z+3 end if not isLineOfSightClear(x,y,z,zx,zy,zz,true,false,false,true,false,true,true,localPlayer) then return setTimer(spawnZombie,500,1) end local zr = rot(x,y,zx,zy) local s = zombieData.skins[math.random(1,#zombieData.skins)] triggerServerEvent("Zday:spawnZombie",localPlayer,s,zx,zy,zz,zr) setTimer(spawnZombie,math.random(minInterval,maxInterval),1) end local function lookForNewTarget(excludedTarget) local newTarget = getNewTarget(source,excludedTarget,true) if isElement(newTarget) and not zombieData[source].target ~= newTarget then triggerServerEvent("Zday:setZombieNewTarget",zombie,newTarget) elseif not zombieData[source].doomed then zombieData[source].doomed = true triggerLatentServerEvent("Zday:destroyZombie",5000,true,source) end end local function setZombieTarget(zombie,targett) if not zombieData[zombie] then zombieData[zombie] = {} end if not zombieData[zombie].handled then addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage",zombie,onDamage) addEventHandler("onClientPedWasted",zombie,onWasted) addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy",zombie,onDestroy) addEventHandler("Zday:askForNewTarget",zombie,lookForNewTarget) zombieData[zombie].handled = true end if not zombieData[zombie].syncCol then zombieData[zombie].syncCol = createColSphere(zombie.position,80) colshapes[zombieData[zombie].syncCol] = zombie attachElements(zombieData[zombie].syncCol,zombie) addEventHandler("onClientColShapeLeave",zombieData[zombie].syncCol,findNewTarget) end zombieData[zombie].target = targett isZombieChasingMe(zombie,true) if target == localPlayer then table.insert(zombiesChasingMe,zombie) end end local function getZombiesInfo(zombiesReceived) for zombie,target in pairs(zombiesReceived) do setZombieTarget(zombie,target) end end local function initScript() for _,id in ipairs(zombieData.skins) do local txd = engineLoadTXD("skins/"..tostring(id)..".txd") engineImportTXD(txd,id) local dff = engineLoadDFF("skins/"..tostring(id)..".dff") engineReplaceModel(dff,id) end for _,zombie in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",resourceRoot)) do zombieData[zombie] = {} addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage",zombie,onDamage) addEventHandler("onClientPedWasted",zombie,onWasted) addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy",zombie,onDestroy) addEventHandler("Zday:askForNewTarget",zombie,lookForNewTarget) zombieData[zombie].handled = true zombieData[zombie].syncCol = createColSphere(zombie.position,80) colshapes[zombieData[zombie].syncCol] = zombie attachElements(zombieData[zombie].syncCol,zombie) addEventHandler("onClientColShapeLeave",zombieData[zombie].syncCol,findNewTarget) end addEvent("Zday:askForNewTarget",true) addEvent("Zday:setZombieTarget",true) addEvent("Zday:sendZombiesInfo",true) addEventHandler("Zday:sendZombiesInfo",localPlayer,getZombiesInfo) addEventHandler("Zday:setZombieTarget",resourceRoot,setZombieTarget) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn",root,resetPlayer) setTimer(trackMe,100,0) setTimer(spawnZombie,math.random(minInterval,maxInterval),1) triggerServerEvent("Zday:getZombiesInfo",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,initScript) --MAKES A ZOMBIE PUNCH addEvent( "ZOMB_PUNCH", true ) function Zpunch ( zombie ) if (isElement(zombie)) then setPedControlState( zombie, "fire", true ) setTimer ( function (zombie) if ( isElement ( zombie ) ) then setPedControlState ( zombie, "fire", false) end end, 500, 1, zombie ) end end addEventHandler( "ZOMB_PUNCH", root, Zpunch ) --STFU ZOMBIE addEvent( "Zomb_STFU", true ) function Zstfu ( zombie ) if (isElement(zombie)) then setPedVoice(zombie, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_STFU", root, Zstfu ) -- More damage ZOMBIE function zombieattack ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if (attacker) then if getElementType ( attacker ) == "ped" then if (getElementData (attacker, "zombie") == true) then if getElementData(source, "threat") == "high" then local timehour, timeminute = getTime() if timehour == 21 or timehour == 22 or timehour == 23 or timehour == 0 or timehour == 1 or timehour == 2 or timehour == 3 or timehour == 4 then if not getElementData(attacker, "zombieSpecial") then setElementHealth(source, getElementHealth(getLocalPlayer())-10) end end end local playerHealth = getElementHealth ( getLocalPlayer() ) local mutatedZombie = getElementData(attacker, "mutatedZombie") local zombieSpecial = getElementData(attacker, "zombieSpecial") local model = getElementModel(attacker) if playerHealth > 15 then if mutatedZombie == "Armored" or mutatedZombie == "Brute" or mutatedZombie == "Mutated" then setElementHealth ( source, playerHealth - 40 ) elseif mutatedZombie == "Abomination" then setElementHealth ( source, playerHealth - 80 ) elseif model == 49 then setElementHealth ( source, playerHealth - 40 ) elseif zombieSpecial then setElementHealth ( source, playerHealth - 30 ) elseif getElementData(attacker, "zombie") then setElementHealth ( source, playerHealth - 10 ) end end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), zombieattack ) Link to comment
DiSaMe Posted April 3, 2021 Share Posted April 3, 2021 The variable name in that function's parameter list is "targett", but you're checking "target", so it's a different variable. Link to comment
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