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table math.random question


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local locations = {
{-1506.498046875, 2536.84765625, 55.888042449951,-1505.80859375, 2566.9189453125, 55.8359375,-1490.5693359375, 2649.619140625, 55.8359375,-1517.75390625, 2668.05859375, 55.6875, 20000},
{-1608.9736328125, 2452.9296875, 68.308662414551,-1582.5891113281, 2494.0854492188, 69.000640869141,-1582.5891113281, 2494.0854492188, 69.000640869141,-1576.248046875, 2503.6533203125, 69.123001098633, 20000},
{-1608.9736328125, 2452.9296875, 68.308662414551,-1582.5891113281, 2494.0854492188, 69.000640869141,-1582.5891113281, 2494.0854492188, 69.000640869141,-1576.248046875, 2503.6533203125, 69.123001098633, 20000}

function startlogin()
showPlayerHudComponent ( "radar", false )
loc = math.random(#locations) 
smoothMoveCamera( locations[loc][1], locations[loc][2], locations[loc][3], locations[loc][4], locations[loc][5], locations[loc][6], locations[loc][7], locations[loc][8], locations[loc][9], locations[loc][10], locations[loc][11], locations[loc][12], locations[loc][13])
cameratimer = setTimer(function()
loc = math.random(#locations) 
smoothMoveCamera( locations[loc][1], locations[loc][2], locations[loc][3], locations[loc][4], locations[loc][5], locations[loc][6], locations[loc][7], locations[loc][8], locations[loc][9], locations[loc][10], locations[loc][11], locations[loc][12], locations[loc][13])
end, 21000, 0)
theme = playSound("sounds/theme.mp3", true)
setSoundVolume(theme, 1.0)

so I made a table of locations for the smoothmovecamera, locations are random but sometimes it repeats, how to make it not repeat despite the locations being random? it's the hard way, the easy way is just to make the sequence in order(this seems like the easiest choice) but if possible i'd like them all random but not repeating but it seems hard.

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