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element data?


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is client element data and server element data shared?

what if i set an element data to a player on serverside

will the clientside getElementData still get the data i set on a player from the serverside?

i havent scripted for years and i just came back so im kinda confused again.


EDIT: SOLVED, lol sorry for this dumbass question. just came back 

Edited by Shaman123
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21 minutes ago, Shaman123 said:

is client element data and server element data shared?

By default: yes

bool setElementData ( element theElement, string key, var value [, bool synchronize = true ] )

If synchronize is disabled: no




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anyway, i created a table with markers, but why does it not go with onClientMarkerHit? can u check on this one?

it creates the markers within the tables, but the event onClientMarkerHit doesn't work anymore

For some reason, when i only had one marker, the event worked, but now markers are created from a table which is random, now it doesn't work, why?

for some reason when the marker is already created, the Markerhit event works, but if it wasnt created yet and it was created

by an event, the Markerhit event doesnt work.

and it gives me an error 

that the marker is nil on the onClientMarkerhit, which ofc only happens when i restart the script, since the marker isnt made yet since the creation of the marker triggered by an event.

local markers = { 
      { -2403.62598, -599.17444, 131.5 },
      {-2425.51172, -610.80096, 132.56250}, 
      { -2416.54712, -594.27307, 132.7115 }

function setAlpha(localPlayer)
setElementAlpha(jobmarker, 150)
local v = math.random(#markers) 
marker = createMarker(markers[v][1], markers[v][2], markers[v][3], "cylinder", 3, 0, 240, 0) 
addEvent( "activate", true )
addEventHandler( "activate", localPlayer, setAlpha )

addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker, 
    function ( hitElement ) 
        if ( hitElement == localPlayer and getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then 


Edited by Shaman123
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10 minutes ago, Bilal135 said:

Try this,

addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", root, 
    function ( hitElement ) 
        if source == marker then
            if ( hitElement == localPlayer and getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then 



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