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Need help with my db error


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So basically I'm trying to get all of my data from my database to create bank markers around the city but for some reason I'm really having difficult time with this.. I don't understand why is this error happening but anyways.. I'll post snippet of the code and errors down below.. thanks in advanced


addEventHandler('onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() 

	local db = exports.database:getConnectionToDb()

    dbQuery(loadAllBanks, db, 'SELECT * FROM banks')


function loadAllBanks()
	local results = dbPoll(queryHandle, 0)
    for i,marker in pairs(results) do
        local bankMarkerObj = createMarker(marker.x, marker.y, marker.z, "cylinder", 1.5, 100, 255, 100, 50 )
        setElementData(bankMarkerObj, "id", marker.id)
		if(marker.isATM == 1) then
			setElementData(bankMarkerObj, "type", 'ATM')
			setElementData(bankMarkerObj, "type", 'Bank')

and errors:

" WARNING: money\bank.lua:4 Bad argument @'dbPoll' [Expected db-query at argument 1, got nil] "
"ERROR: money\bank.lua:5: Bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got boolean)"

More info:
error happens cuz of dbPoll not getting it's query and that's why I need help.
yes, I have tried dbFree
 the query should return one row at the moment
**NOTE** local results are not that tabbed in, the snippet got messed up

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