ZaaKScripter Posted November 24, 2020 Share Posted November 24, 2020 Galera, to tentando editar um script de enviar dinheiro para que ao invés de enviar dinheiro normal, ele envie dinheiro sujo, porem quando eu tento enviar algo ele da erro no debug e não envia nada. Abaixo está os scripts. Client Side local screenW,screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local px,py = 1366,768 local x,y = (screenW/px), (screenH/py) local Jogador = getPlayerFromName(name) local sujo = getElementData(source, "EmentDinheiroSujo") function centerWindow ( center_window ) local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local windowW, windowH = guiGetSize ( center_window, false ) local z, t = ( sx - windowW ) /2, ( sy - windowH ) /2 guiSetPosition ( center_window, z, t, false ) end give = false take = false perevod = false pricedit = false priceedit = 0 spicok = false name = "" player = nil fontname = dxCreateFont("dl/robotor.ttf", 17 ) local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local function isCursorOverRectangle(x,y,w,h) if isCursorShowing() then local mx,my = getCursorPosition() -- relative local cursorx,cursory = mx*screenW,my*screenH if cursorx > x and cursorx < x + w and cursory > y and cursory < y + h then return true end end return false end local open = false function openWindow() if open == false then open = true showCursor(true) centerWindow(window) guiSetVisible(window, true) name = "" addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(),spicok ,pricedit) elseif open == true then progress = 0 removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), spicok) guiSetVisible(window, false) showCursor(false) open = false end end bindKey('f5', 'down', openWindow ) local iGridX, iGridY, iGridW, iGridH = 450*x,355*y,150*x,35*y local iCurrentCell = 0 --function Draw() local iCellHeight = 25*y iVisibleRows = 6 window = guiCreateStaticImage(0*x,0*y,500*x,280*y,"dl/window.png", false) guiSetVisible(window, false) function spicok () --dxDrawText("Saldo: "..getPlayerMoney(localPlayer).." руб.", 1200*x, 650*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(163,163,163), 5*x, "default", "center", "center",false,false,true,false) dxDrawText('Transferência de dinheiro: ', 630*x, 600*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(0,0,0), 0.8*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) dxDrawText('Antes de transferir', 650*x, 785*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(76,76,82), 0.8*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) dxDrawText('verifique se você digitou', 630*x, 815*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(76,76,82), 0.8*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) dxDrawText('a quantidade certa! ', 670*x, 845*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(76,76,82), 0.8*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) dxDrawText('Transferência de dinheiro', 590*x, 500*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(255,255,225), 1.2*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) dxDrawText('Quantidade de dinheiro', 630*x, 660*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(192,192,192), 0.55*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) dxDrawText('Lista de jogadores', 455*x, 600*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(112,112,118), 0.7*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) dxDrawImage( 630*x,360*y,290*x,33*y,"dl/edit2.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) ,true) dxDrawImage( 645*x,465*y,250*x,38*y,"dl/btn4.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255),true) dxDrawText("Transferir", 710*x, 930*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(255,255,255), 1*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) for i = iCurrentCell, iVisibleRows+iCurrentCell-1 do visibleI = i - iCurrentCell if drawIn then if i == drawIn then dxDrawImage(iGridX, iGridY+iCellHeight*visibleI, iGridW, iCellHeight, "dl/btn_name.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) ,true) end end if isCursorOverRectangle(645*x,465*y,250*x,38*y) then if getKeyState("mouse1") then if bClicked == false then bClicked = true local input_money = tonumber(priceedit) if input_money then if not player then return false end if not isElement(player) then outputChatBox("#ff0000Оerro:#ffffffEste jogador está offline!",255,255,255,true) return true end if sujo > 0 then triggerServerEvent("moneytake", getRootElement(), localPlayer, input_money ) triggerServerEvent("moneygive", getRootElement(), name, input_money ) outputChatBox("Você enviou: #FFFF00"..input_money.." R$",0,255,0,true) else outputChatBox("Dinheiro insuficiente!",255,0,0,true) bClicked = false --triggerServerEvent( "moneygive1", getRootElement(), minmon ) player = nil name = "" pricedit = false priceedit = "0" return true end else bClicked = false end end end end if isCursorOverRectangle(iGridX, iGridY+iCellHeight*visibleI, iGridW, iCellHeight) then dxDrawImage(iGridX, iGridY+iCellHeight*visibleI, iGridW, iCellHeight, "dl/btn_name.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) ,true) --dxDrawText(name, iGridX + 10, iGridY+iCellHeight*visibleI + 2, iGridX+iGridW + 1, iGridY+iCellHeight*(visibleI+1) + 1, tocolor(2,25,255,255), 1.1*x, "default-bold", "left", "center",false,false,true,false) if getKeyState("mouse1") then if bClicked == false then for s, data in ipairs(getElementsByType( 'player' )) do if i == s - 1 then drawIn = i name = string.gsub(getPlayerName(data),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") player = data end end end else bClicked = false end end for s, data in ipairs(getElementsByType( 'player' )) do if i == s - 1 then --dxDrawImage(iGridX, iGridY+iCellHeight*visibleI, 300*x,35*y, "dl/edit1.png") -- Ректангл имени --dxDrawText(string.gsub(getPlayerName(data),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), iGridX + 10, iGridY+iCellHeight*visibleI + 2, iGridX+iGridW + 1, iGridY+iCellHeight*(visibleI+1) + 1, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.1*x, "default-bold", "left", "center",false,false,true,false) --label_groupsite = guiCreateLabel(10*x,390*y,200*x,25*y,string.gsub(getPlayerName(data),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), false) dxDrawText(string.gsub(getPlayerName(data),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), iGridX + 10, iGridY+iCellHeight*visibleI - 1, iGridX+iGridW + 1, iGridY+iCellHeight*(visibleI+1) + 1, tocolor(36,36,41,255), 0.65*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) end end end bindKey("mouse_wheel_up", "down", function() if spicok then if isCursorOverRectangle(iGridX, iGridY, iGridW, 335) then iCurrentCell = iCurrentCell - 1 if iCurrentCell < 0 then iCurrentCell = 0 end end end end) bindKey("mouse_wheel_down", "down", function() if spicok then if isCursorOverRectangle(iGridX, iGridY, iGridW, 335) then iCurrentCell = iCurrentCell + 1 end end end) --if pricedit then --dxDrawImage( 600*x,445*y,400*x,48*y,"dl/edit2.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) ,false,false,true,false) --dxDrawText(priceedit, 610*x, 905*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(163,163,163), 3*x, "default-bold", "left", "center",false,false,true,false) dxDrawText(priceedit, 640*x,725*y,290*x,33*y, tocolor(38,37,47), 1*x, fontname, "left", "center",false,false,true,false) if cursorPosition(630*x,360*y,290*x,33*y) then dxDrawImage( 630*x,360*y,290*x,33*y,"dl/edit2.png") --dxDrawText(priceedit, 610*x, 905*y, 414*x, 38*y, tocolor(163,163,163), 3*x, "default-bold", "left", "center",false,false,true,false) if getKeyState("mouse1") then if click then if pricedit == false then pricedit = true else pricedit = false end click = false else click = true end end end end addEventHandler("onClientKey",root, function(button,press) if pricedit then if button == "backspace" and press then if string.len(priceedit) > 0 then priceedit = string.sub(priceedit,1,string.len(priceedit) - 1) end if string.len(priceedit) == 0 then priceedit = "0" end return true end for i = 0, 9 do if button == tostring(i) and press then if string.len(priceedit) < 18 and string.len(priceedit) > 0 then if string.len(priceedit) == 1 and priceedit == "0" and button ~= 0 then priceedit = tostring(i) return false end priceedit = priceedit..tostring(i) break end end end if button == "." and press then priceedit = priceedit.."." end end end) function cursorPosition(x, y, w, h) if (not isCursorShowing()) then return false end local mx, my = getCursorPosition() local fullx, fully = guiGetScreenSize() cursorx, cursory = mx*fullx, my*fully if cursorx > x and cursorx < x + w and cursory > y and cursory < y + h then return true else return false end end Server Side --local DinheiroBanco = getElementData(source, "EmentDinheiroSujo") --local DinheiroBanco2 = getElementData(Jogador, "EmentDinheiroSujo") -------------- function moneys (player, input_money) --local take = takePlayerMoney(player, input_money) local take = setElementData(source, "EmentDinheiroSujo", getElementData(source, "EmentDinheiroSujo") - input_money) end addEvent( "moneytake", true ) addEventHandler( "moneytake", getRootElement(), moneys ) function moneysdive (name, input_money) local Jogador = getPlayerFromName(name) --local give = givePlayerMoney( getPlayerFromName(name), input_money) local give = setElementData(Jogador, "EmentDinheiroSujo", getElementData(Jogador, "EmentDinheiroSujo") + input_money) end addEvent( "moneygive", true ) addEventHandler( "moneygive", getRootElement(), moneysdive ) --[[function playerPerevods41eta(input_money,player,name) if not tonumber(priceedit) or tonumber(priceedit) < 0 then if (tonumber(priceedit) or 0 ) > getPlayerMoney(source) then outputChatBox('Message[35][31]22',source,255,255,255,true) givePlayerMoney( getPlayerFromName(name), priceedit) takePlayerMoney(player, priceedit) return true end end end addEvent("playerPerevods41eta",true) addEventHandler("playerPerevods41eta",getRootElement(),playerPerevods41eta)]] --[[function minmon() local getmoney = getPlayerMoney(localPlayer) --if tonumber(priceedit) <= getmoney and tonumber(priceedit) >= 1 then local give = givePlayerMoney( getPlayerFromName(name), input_money) local take = takePlayerMoney(player, input_money) if not tonumber(priceedit) or tonumber(priceedit) > 0 then if (getElementData(source,tonumber(priceedit)) or 0) < getPlayerMoney(localPlayer) then outputChatBox('Message[5][1]',source,255,255,255,true) return true end end end addEvent( "moneygive1", true ) addEventHandler( "moneygive1", getRootElement(), minmon )]] Link to comment
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