daggy_ofc Posted November 14, 2020 Share Posted November 14, 2020 --[[ ################################################ # # # Script Criado Por # # FACEBOOK.COM/AIRNEWSCR # # # # # ################################################ --]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InteriorID = 0 DimensaoID = 0 BlipSemAssaltoID = 17 BlipAssaltoEmAndamento = 20 ValorDoRoubo1 = 2400 ValorDoRoubo1A = 4200 TempoDoAssalto = 60000 eX, eY, eZ = 1379.954, -1751.114, 13.547 sX, sY, sZ = 1375.826, -1751.235, 13.6 --SairX, SairY, SairZ, SairRot = 1852.30701 + 1, -1145.14099, 23.83357, 270 --EntrX, EntrY, EntrZ, EntrRot = -30.98231, -91.75459 + 1, 1003.54688, 0 AssaltoX, AssaltoY, AssaltoZ = 1377.181, -1745.383, 13.6 AtendID, AtendX, AtendY, AtendZ, AtendRot = 189, 1377.222, -1743.888, 13.6, 176 Rot_z_Roubo = AtendRot + 180 LetraParaMarkers = "k" Roubo_Recente_SuperMercadoLS = false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Entrada_SuperMercadoLS = createMarker ( eX, eY, eZ -1, "cylinder", 1.2, 20, 70, 230, 0 ) BlipEntrada_SuperMercadoLS = createBlipAttachedTo ( Entrada_SuperMercadoLS, BlipSemAssaltoID ) setBlipVisibleDistance( BlipEntrada_SuperMercadoLS, 150 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Saida_SuperMercadoLS = createMarker ( sX, sY, sZ -1, "cylinder", 1.2, 20, 70, 230, 95 ) --setElementInterior ( Saida_SuperMercadoLS, InteriorID ) --setElementDimension ( Saida_SuperMercadoLS, DimensaoID ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local EmAssaltoBlip_SuperMercadoLS = createBlipAttachedTo ( Entrada_SuperMercadoLS, BlipAssaltoEmAndamento ) setElementVisibleTo ( EmAssaltoBlip_SuperMercadoLS, root, false ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dentro_Assalto_SuperMercadoLS = createMarker ( AssaltoX, AssaltoY, AssaltoZ -1, "cylinder", 1.2, 20, 70, 230, 95 ) setElementInterior ( Dentro_Assalto_SuperMercadoLS, InteriorID ) setElementDimension ( Dentro_Assalto_SuperMercadoLS, DimensaoID ) Atendente_SuperMercadoLS = createPed ( AtendID, AtendX, AtendY, AtendZ, AtendRot ) setElementInterior ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS, InteriorID ) setElementDimension ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS, DimensaoID ) setElementFrozen ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS, true ) function RespawnDoAtendente () if isPedDead ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS ) then setTimer(function() destroyElement (Atendente_SuperMercadoLS) Atendente_SuperMercadoLS = createPed ( AtendID, AtendX, AtendY, AtendZ, AtendRot ) setElementInterior ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS, InteriorID ) setElementDimension ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS, DimensaoID ) setElementFrozen ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS, true ) end,5000,1,thePlayer) end end addEventHandler( "onPedWasted", getRootElement(), RespawnDoAtendente ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Roubar_SuperMercadoLS ( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) if isElementWithinMarker ( thePlayer, Dentro_Assalto_SuperMercadoLS ) then local wl = getPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer ) local arma = getPedWeapon ( thePlayer ) unbindKey ( thePlayer, LetraParaMarkers, "down", Roubar_SuperMercadoLS ) -- Remover Bind do Assalto exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete (thePlayer) -- Deletar Mensagem no Meio da Tela if getElementData ( thePlayer, "Policia" ) == true then return exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( 'Você é um Policial e não Pode Assaltar Lojas', thePlayer, 255, 255, 255) end if arma == 0 or arma == 1 or arma == 2 or arma == 3 or arma == 4 or arma == 5 or arma == 6 or arma == 7 or arma == 8 or arma == 9 or arma == 16 or arma == 17 or arma == 18 or arma == 39 or arma == 41 or arma == 42 or arma == 43 or arma == 10 or arma == 11 or arma == 12 or arma == 14 or arma == 15 or arma == 44 or arma == 45 or arma == 46 or arma == 40 then return exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( 'Você Precisa de uma Arma de Fogo para Assaltar Essa Loja!', thePlayer, 255, 255, 255) end if Roubo_Recente_SuperMercadoLS == false then setElementRotation ( thePlayer, 0, 0, Rot_z_Roubo ) setPedAnimation ( thePlayer, "SHOP", "SHP_Gun_Aim", -1, true, false, true ) -- Fazer a Animação de Assalto ( Jogador ) setPedAnimation ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS, "SHOP", "SHP_Rob_GiveCash", -1, true, false, true ) -- Fazer a Animação de Se Render ( BOT ) setTimer(function() setPedAnimation ( thePlayer ) setPedAnimation ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS, "SHOP", "SHP_Rob_HandsUp", -1, true, false, true ) -- Entregar o Dinheiro ( BOT ) end,40000,1,thePlayer) if wl < 6 then setPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer, wl+1 ) -- Setar +1 Level de Procurado ( Jogador ) end triggerClientEvent ( root, "AirNew>LigarAlarme1", root, thePlayer ) -- Disparar o Alarme exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( 'Aguarde 60 Segundos & Você podera Sair da Loja. A Policia Foi Notificada Sobre o Assalto!', thePlayer, 255, 255, 255) setElementData ( thePlayer, "AirNewSCR_Roubo_SuperMercadoLS", true ) -- setElementData "RouboEmAndamento" ( Jogador ) True Roubo_Recente_SuperMercadoLS = true -- Roubo_Recente_SuperMercadoLS = true setTimer(function() setElementData ( thePlayer, "AirNewSCR_Roubo_SuperMercadoLS", false ) -- setElementData "RouboEmAndamento" ( Jogador ) False setPedAnimation ( Atendente_SuperMercadoLS ) -- Remover a Animação ( BOT ) givePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, ValorDoRoubo1 ) -- Dar Dinheiro ( Jogador ) end,TempoDoAssalto,1,thePlayer) for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local uj = getElementData(player,"Policia") or false if type(uj) == "boolean" then if uj == true then NickName = string.gsub(getPlayerName(thePlayer), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( "O Jogador "..NickName.." Esta Assaltando uma Loja em Los Santos, Siga o Icone Vermelho no Mapa", player, 255, 255, 255) setElementVisibleTo ( EmAssaltoBlip_SuperMercadoLS, player, true ) setTimer ( function() setElementVisibleTo ( EmAssaltoBlip_SuperMercadoLS, player, false ) end, 120000, 1, thePlayer ) end end end else exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( 'Essa Loja ja foi Roubada Recentemente!', thePlayer, 255, 255, 255) setTimer(function() Roubo_Recente_SuperMercadoLS = false end,TempoDoAssalto+60000,1,thePlayer) end end end function emarker(marker,md) if (md) then if marker == Dentro_Assalto_SuperMercadoLS then bindKey ( source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", Roubar_SuperMercadoLS ) exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:create(source,"Aperte 'K' Parar Efetuar o Assalto") elseif marker == Entrada_SuperMercadoLS then if getElementType ( source ) == "vehicle" then return end if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then return end setTimer ( setElementInterior, 400, 1, source, InteriorID ) setTimer ( setElementDimension, 400, 1, source, DimensaoID ) setTimer ( setElementPosition, 400, 1, source, EntrX, EntrY, EntrZ ) setTimer ( setElementRotation, 600, 1, source, 0, 0, EntrRot ) fadeCamera ( source, false, 0.1, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 600, 1, source , true, 0.5 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 600, 1, source ) setElementData (source, "Entrada_AssaltoLoja", "SuperMercadoLS" ) elseif marker == Saida_SuperMercadoLS then if getElementType ( source ) == "vehicle" then return end if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then return end if not getElementData (source, "AirNewSCR_Roubo_SuperMercadoLS" ) == true then setTimer ( setElementInterior, 400, 1, source, 0 ) setTimer ( setElementDimension, 400, 1, source, 0 ) if getElementData ( source, "Entrada_AssaltoLoja" ) == "SuperMercadoLS" then setTimer ( setElementPosition, 400, 1, source, SairX, SairY, SairZ ) setTimer ( setElementRotation, 400, 1, source, 0, 0, SairRot ) end fadeCamera ( source, false, 0.1, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 600, 1, source , true, 0.5 ) setTimer ( setCameraTarget, 600, 1, source ) else exports.Scripts_Textos:createNewDxMessage ( 'Aguarde o Assalto Terminar para Sair da Loja', source, 255, 255, 255) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerMarkerHit", getRootElement(), emarker ) function lmarker(marker,md) if (md) then if marker == Dentro_Assalto_SuperMercadoLS then unbindKey ( source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", Roubar_SuperMercadoLS ) exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) setTimer(restartResource, 360000, 1, getThisResource()) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerLeave",getRootElement(),lmarker) --------------------------------------------------- Roubo ao Cofre -------------------------------------------------------------------- local Doorentryrob1 = createMarker(1363.682, -1754.184, 12.6, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 0) createBlipAttachedTo(Doorentryrob1, 17, 2, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 7000) local robmarker1 = createMarker(1363.682, -1754.184, 12.6, "cylinder", 1.2, 255, 10, 10, 60) function msg1 (source) outputChatBox ("*Digite /roubar encima da marca vermelha para começar a roubar a loja.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", robmarker1, msg1 ) function duty1(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, robmarker1) then Estrelas = getPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer ) setPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer, Estrelas + 1 ) triggerClientEvent ( root, "AirNew>LigarAlarme3", root, thePlayer ) outputChatBox("#10DC6F● #828282[ #10DC6FLojas#828282 ] - #FFFFFFVocê está roubando a loja! aguarde alguns segundos ...", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, true) triggerClientEvent(root, "RoboLoja", root, getPlayerName( thePlayer ) ) for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ), aclGetGroup ( "ComandosPolicia" ) ) then triggerClientEvent(root, "addNotification", root, "ATENÇÃO: ESTÃO ASSALTANDO O SUPERMERCADO BCA PRÓX. A PREFEITURA! ", "warning") end end setPedAnimation(thePlayer, "ROB_BANK", "CAT_Safe_Rob", -1, false, false, false, false) setElementData(thePlayer, "sitting", true) setTimer(Lojalossantos1, 5000, 1) setElementPosition(robmarker1, 3099.97, -3281.69, -0.5) do local aleatorio = math.random(3000,4000) local blip1 = createBlipAttachedTo(Doorentryrob1, 20, 2, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 7000) setTimer(setElementPosition, 420000, 1, robmarker1, 1363.682, -1754.184, 12.6) setTimer(function() local dsujasso = tonumber(aclGetGroup ( "Gang" )) or 0 aclGetGroup(thePlayer, "Gang", dsujasso+aleatorio) end, 40000, 1) setTimer(destroyElement, 420000, 1, blip1) givePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, ValorDoRoubo1A ) end else outputChatBox("", source, 255, 0, 0) setTimer(restartResource, 360000, 1, getThisResource()) end end addCommandHandler("roubar", duty1) function Doorerob1(player) if source == Doorentryrob1 and getElementType(player) == "player" then if (getElementType(player) == "player") then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(player) if (not vehicle) then if (playerAccount) then if (not isGuestAccount(playerAccount)) then end end end end end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), Doorerob1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SaveSuperMercadoLSEntrada(conta) if conta then local source = getAccountPlayer(conta) local emp = getElementData(source,"Entrada_AssaltoLoja" ) or false setAccountData (conta, "Entrada_AssaltoLoja",emp) end end function LoadSuperMercadoLSEntrada(conta) if not (isGuestAccount (conta)) then if (conta) then local source = getAccountPlayer(conta) local emp = getAccountData(conta,"Entrada_AssaltoLoja") or false setElementData (source, "Entrada_AssaltoLoja", emp) end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function( _, acc ) setTimer(LoadSuperMercadoLSEntrada,50,1,acc) end ) function IniciarScriptTeleSuperMercadoLS ( res ) if res == getThisResource() then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount(player) if not isGuestAccount(acc) then LoadSuperMercadoLSEntrada(acc) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), IniciarScriptTeleSuperMercadoLS ) function DesligarScriptTeleSuperMercadoLS ( res ) if res == getThisResource() then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount(player) if not isGuestAccount(acc) then SaveSuperMercadoLSEntrada(acc) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", getRootElement(), DesligarScriptTeleSuperMercadoLS ) function SairScriptTeleSuperMercadoLS ( quitType ) local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if not (isGuestAccount (acc)) then if acc then SaveSuperMercadoLSEntrada(acc) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), SairScriptTeleSuperMercadoLS ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to comment
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