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[help] Shooter Kill Detector


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function cdoshoot()
	if bindTrigger == 1 then
		if not isPedDead(cLP) then
			bindTrigger = 0
			local x,y,z = getElementPosition(theVehicle)
			local rX,rY,rZ = getElementRotation(theVehicle)
			local x = x+4*math.cos(math.rad(rZ+90))
			local y = y+4*math.sin(math.rad(rZ+90))
			createProjectile(theVehicle, 19, x, y, z, 1.0, nil)
			setTimer(allowShoots, 3000, 1)

This is my shooting script.

And I want to detect player 


and repair him and give money!

Thank you.

Edited by Miyuru
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Can you explain a bit more what the script does and maybe share the entire script? For example, I see a function called allowshoots being called but no function in the code. Are you trying to give the player that shot money, or the player that got killed? If the player got killed, it might be better to give the money upon onPlayerSpawn

The quick answer is you could add something like this:

addEventHandler(‘onPlayerWasted’, getRootElement(),


if attacker == (some check here if it is a projectile) then





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