Rakashy Posted September 25, 2020 Share Posted September 25, 2020 Eu de novo aqui kkk, Bom, o sistema de carro esta perfeitamente bem, todas as Keys funcionam e não apresenta absolutamente NENHUM erro, o que dificulta. Resumindo, ao apertar a Bind Key que deveria confirmar a compr ado veiculo, nao acontece absolutamente NADA, no entanto as outras binds como de passar os carros, mudar cor, etc, Funcionam perfeitamente, alguma solução rápida ? server: addEvent("onClientBuyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("onClientBuyVehicle", root, function(playerSource, model, price, r, g, b, r1, g1, b1) if setElementData(playerSource, "char.money", getElementData(playerSource, "char.money") - price) then local regiertek = getElementData(playerSource, "char.money") local ujertek = getElementData(playerSource, "char.money") + price exports["vz_vehicle"]:createShopVehicle(playerSource, model, r, g, b, r1, g1, b1) exports["vz_info"]:showBoxS(playerSource,"Compra efetuada com sucesso","info") outputChatBox("#4169E1[SERVER NAME]: #ffffffLembre-se de estacionar seu veiculo para que ele sejá salvo em nosso sistema", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) end end) addEvent("onClientBuyVehiclePP", true) addEventHandler("onClientBuyVehiclePP", root, function(playerSource, model, pp, r, g, b, r1, g1, b1) if setElementData(playerSource, "char.diamante", getElementData(playerSource, "char.diamante") - pp) then local regipp = getElementData(playerSource, "char.diamante") local ujpp = getElementData(playerSource, "char.diamante") - pp exports["vz_vehicle"]:createShopVehicle(playerSource, model, r, g, b, r1, g1, b1) exports["vz_info"]:showBoxS(playerSource,"Compra efetuada com sucesso","info") outputChatBox("#4169E1[SERVER NAME]: #ffffffLembre-se de estacionar seu veiculo para que ele sejá salvo em nosso sistema", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) end end) Client: local screenSize = {guiGetScreenSize()} local currSelected = 1 local isShopActive = false local left, top = screenSize[1]/2 - 414/2, screenSize[2]/2 - 163/2 - 30 local dataFont = dxCreateFont("files/font.ttf", 19, false, "cleartype") local sellVehicles = {-- [ID DO VEICULO], [NOME DO VEICULO], [VALOR EM DINHEIRO], [KM/H], [VALOR EM DIAMANTE], [UNIDADES DISPONIVEIS] {600, "SAVEIRO CROSS", 1000, 180, 800, 21}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, {586, "NOME DO CARRO", 3200, 50, 800, 0}, } local blip = createBlip(1329.7835693359, -877.1875, 39.578125,55) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() shopPickup = createPickup(1329.7835693359, -877.1875, 39.578125, 3, 1274) end) addEventHandler("onClientPickupHit", root, function(playerSource) if source == shopPickup and playerSource == localPlayer then cancelEvent() fadeCamera(false) setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true) isShopActive = true setElementData(localPlayer, "showOOC", 0) setElementData(localPlayer, "showHUD", 0) setElementData(localPlayer, "showRadar", 0) setTimer(function() fadeCamera(true) setCameraMatrix(1317.8608398438, -867.76007080078, 41.221599578857, 1317.7788085938, -866.78424072266, 41.019165039063) shopVehicle = createVehicle(sellVehicles[currSelected][1], 1317.5485839844, -854.9912109375, 39.096145629883) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, vehicleRotation) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, colorButtonFunctions) updateCarColor() end, 2000, 1) showChat(false) currSelected = 1 end end) function exitShop() if isShopActive then setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false) setElementDimension(localPlayer, 0) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) setElementData(localPlayer, "showOOC", 1) setElementData(localPlayer, "showHUD", 1) setElementData(localPlayer, "showRadar", 1) isShopActive = false destroyElement(shopVehicle) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 1333.9366455078, -875.04479980469, 39.578125) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, vehicleRotation) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, colorButtonFunctions) showChat(true) currSelected = 1 updateCarColor() end end addEvent("backToCharacter",true) addEventHandler("backToCharacter",getRootElement(),exitShop) function vehicleRotation() local x, y, z = getElementRotation(shopVehicle) setElementRotation(shopVehicle, x, y, z + 0.5) panelImage = dxDrawImage(left-50, top * 2, 566, 245, "files/carshop.png") dxDrawText(sellVehicles[currSelected][2], left + 58, top * 2 + 31, 269, 10, tocolor(65, 105, 225,204), 0.5, dataFont) dxDrawText(sellVehicles[currSelected][4].. "#4169E1 km/h", left + 89.1, top * 2 + 55, 269, 10, tocolor(255,255,255,204), 0.5, dataFont, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) dxDrawText("#4169E1$#ffffff" ..sellVehicles[currSelected][3], left + 70, top * 2 + 165, 269, 10, tocolor(255,255,255,190), 0.5, dataFont, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) dxDrawText("#4169E1$#ffffff"..sellVehicles[currSelected][5].."", left + 80, top * 2 + 194, 269, 10, tocolor(255,255,255,190), 0.5, dataFont, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) if sellVehicles[currSelected][6] > 0 then dxDrawText((#getPremiumVehicles(sellVehicles[currSelected][1]) or 0).."#ffffff/#4169E1"..sellVehicles[currSelected][6], left + 58, top * 2 + 82, 269, 10, tocolor(65, 105, 225,204), 0.5, dataFont, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) else dxDrawText("Não", left + 58, top * 2 + 82, 269, 10, tocolor(65, 105, 225,204), 0.5, dataFont, "left", "top", false, false, false, true) end end addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function(key, source) if not source or not isShopActive then return end if key == "backspace" then exitShop() elseif key == "arrow_l" then if sellVehicles[currSelected - 1] then currSelected = currSelected - 1 setElementModel(shopVehicle, sellVehicles[currSelected][1]) else currSelected = #sellVehicles setElementModel(shopVehicle, sellVehicles[currSelected][1]) end elseif key == "arrow_r" then if sellVehicles[currSelected + 1] then currSelected = currSelected + 1 setElementModel(shopVehicle, sellVehicles[currSelected][1]) else currSelected = 1 setElementModel(shopVehicle, sellVehicles[currSelected][1]) end elseif key == "enter" then if sellVehicles[currSelected][6] > 0 then if (#getPremiumVehicles(sellVehicles[currSelected][1]) or 0) >= sellVehicles[currSelected][6] then exports["vz_info"]:showBox("A loja atingiu o limite maximo desse veiculo","error") return end end if sellVehicles[currSelected][3] > tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "char.money")) then exports["vz_info"]:showBox("Dinheiro insuficiente","error") else local r,g,b,r1,g1,b1 = getVehicleColor(shopVehicle, true) triggerServerEvent("onClientBuyVehicle", localPlayer, localPlayer, sellVehicles[currSelected][1], sellVehicles[currSelected][3], r, g, b, r1, g1, b1) exitShop() end elseif key == "d" then if sellVehicles[currSelected][5] > tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "char.diamante")) then exports["vz_info"]:showBox("Diamante insuficiente","error") else local r,g,b,r1,g1,b1 = getVehicleColor(shopVehicle, true) triggerServerEvent("onClientBuyVehiclePP", localPlayer, localPlayer, sellVehicles[currSelected][1], sellVehicles[currSelected][5], r, g, b, r1, g1, b1) exitShop() end end end) function updateCarColor() if isShopActive then orange = guiCreateButton(left+8, top * 2 + 123, 15, 15, "o", false) guiSetAlpha(orange, 0) red = guiCreateButton(left+28, top * 2 + 123, 15, 15, "r", false) guiSetAlpha(red, 0) black = guiCreateButton(left+48, top * 2 + 123, 15, 15, "b", false) guiSetAlpha(black, 0) white = guiCreateButton(left+68, top * 2 + 123, 15, 15, "w", false) guiSetAlpha(white, 0) blue = guiCreateButton(left+88, top * 2 + 123, 15, 15, "b", false) guiSetAlpha(blue, 0) green = guiCreateButton(left+108, top * 2 + 123, 15, 15, "g", false) guiSetAlpha(green, 0) else destroyElement(orange) destroyElement(red) destroyElement(black) destroyElement(white) destroyElement(blue) destroyElement(green) end end function colorButtonFunctions(button,state) if source == orange then setVehicleColor(shopVehicle, 219, 105, 13, 255, 255, 255) elseif source == red then setVehicleColor(shopVehicle, 157, 37, 37, 255, 255, 255) elseif source == black then setVehicleColor(shopVehicle, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255) elseif source == white then setVehicleColor(shopVehicle, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255) elseif source == blue then setVehicleColor(shopVehicle, 9, 53, 93, 255, 255, 255) elseif source == green then setVehicleColor(shopVehicle, 10, 55, 27, 255, 255, 255) end end function getVehicleRealName(model) for k, v in ipairs(sellVehicles) do if v[1] == model then return v[2] end end return "Desconhecido" end function getVehiclePrice(model) for k, v in ipairs(sellVehicles) do if v[1] == model then return v[3] end end return 5000 end function getPremiumVehicles(id) local have = {} for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementData(v, "veh.owner") and getElementData(v, "veh.owner") > 0 then if id == getElementModel(v) then have[#have + 1] = v end end end return have end Link to comment
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