Rakashy Posted September 19, 2020 Share Posted September 19, 2020 (edited) Bom, fiz umas gambearras em alguns scripts inacabados de inventário e acabou funcionando bem, porém assim que é efetuada a compra de algo como arma, comida, bebida, o item vai normalmente para o inventário, porém não desconta o dinheiro do personagem, e não apresenta nenhum erro no debugscritp, o que me fez vir aqui, visto que não sei o motivo do bug, poderiam me ajudar ? o Script está abaixo Server local shopPed = {} addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, function() connection = dbConnect("sqlite", "database.db") dbExec(connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS shops (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, type INTEGER, pos TEXT, skin INTEGER, name TEXT)") loadShop() end) ------------------------------ -- // Shop betöltése ------------------------------ function loadShop() local query = dbQuery( connection, "SELECT * FROM shops") local result, numrows = dbPoll(query, -1) if (result and numrows > 0) then for index, shopTable in pairs(result) do local position = fromJSON(shopTable["pos"]) shopPed[shopTable["id"]] = createPed(shopTable["skin"], position[1], position[2], position[3]) if isElement(shopPed[shopTable["id"]]) then setPedRotation(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], position[6] or 0) setElementDimension(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], position[4]) setElementInterior(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], position[5]) setElementFrozen(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], true) setElementData(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], "shop >> owner", shopTable["owner"]) setElementData(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], "shop >> type", shopTable["type"]) setElementData(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], "shop >> npc", true) setElementData(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], "shop >> id", shopTable["id"]) setElementData(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], "ped >> death", true) setElementData(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], "name:tags", "PED") setElementData(shopPed[shopTable["id"]], "Ped:Name",shopTable["name"]) end end end end ------------------------------100 -- // Shop törlése ------------------------------ addCommandHandler("delshop", function(playerSource, cmd) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(playerSource)), aclGetGroup("Console")) then local x, y, _ = getElementPosition(playerSource) local shopShape = createColCircle ( x, y, 3 ) local shopNumber = 0 for _,v in ipairs(getElementsWithinColShape ( shopShape, "ped" ) ) do local ShopID = getElementData(v,"shop >> id") or 0 shopNumber = shopNumber + 1 destroyElement(shopShape) if ShopID >= 1 then destroyElement(v) end dbPoll ( dbQuery( connection, "DELETE FROM shops WHERE id = '?'", ShopID), 0 ) outputChatBox("#7cc576[SKY~Itens] #ffffffLoja excluída com sucesso. ID: #F7CA18"..ShopID, playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) return end if(shopNumber == 0) then destroyElement(shopShape) outputChatBox("#D24D57[SKY~Itens] #ffffffNenhuma loja perto de você.", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end) ------------------------------ -- // Shop létrehozása ------------------------------ function createShop(element, cmd, skin, type, name) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(element)), aclGetGroup("Console")) then if not (skin) or not type or not name and tonumber(type) < 0 and tonumber(type) < #shopItemList+1 then outputChatBox("#7cc576[use]:#ffffff /".. cmd .." [Olhar NPC] [tipo] [NPC nome]", element,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#ffffffTípus: 1: Food Individual 2: Loja de bebidas 3: Loja geral 4: eletrônica 5: Loja de passatempo 6: Burger Shot 7: Cluck'n'Bell 8: Pizza 9: Suprimentos de mineração 10: Suprimentos para lenhadores 11: Vajdaság 12: Loja da máfia 13: pescaria 14: loja Arma", element,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("15: Lojas de tabaco 16: Mudas ilegais 17: artigos de papelaria 18: Armazem de peixe 19: farmácia 20: pet Store 21: Mascaras", element,255,255,255,true) return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(element) local dim = getElementDimension(element) local int = getElementInterior(element) local rot = getPedRotation(element) local position = toJSON( {x, y, z, dim, int, rot}) local insertQuery = dbQuery( connection, "INSERT INTO shops (type, pos, skin, name) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", tonumber(type), position, skin, name) local insertQueryData, _, insertID = dbPoll ( insertQuery, -1 ) if (insertQueryData) then shopPed[insertID] = createPed(skin,x,y,z) setPedRotation(shopPed[insertID], rot) setElementDimension(shopPed[insertID], dim) setElementInterior(shopPed[insertID], int) setElementFrozen(shopPed[insertID], true) setElementData(shopPed[insertID], "shop >> type", type) setElementData(shopPed[insertID], "ped >> death", true) setElementData(shopPed[insertID], "shop >> npc", true) setElementData(shopPed[insertID], "shop >> id", insertID) setElementData(shopPed[insertID], "name:tags", "NPC") setElementData(shopPed[insertID], "Ped:Name", name) end end end addCommandHandler('addshop', createShop) addCommandHandler('createshop', createShop) ------------------------------ -- // Item adás ------------------------------ function buyItem(player, item, value, count, amount, duty) money = getPlayerMoney(player) or 0 if money >= amount then if exports.cbr_inventario:giveItem(player, item, value, count, amount, true) then takePlayerMoney(player, amount) outputChatBox("#ffffffVocê conseguiu um #32B3FF".. exports.cbr_inventario:getItemName(item).." #ffffffobjeto.",player,255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("#ffffffVocê não possui (#32B3FF".. amount .." #ffffff)$.",player,255,255,255,true) end end addEvent("btcMTA->#buyItem", true) addEventHandler("btcMTA->#buyItem", getRootElement(), buyItem) function kit_vida(source) setElementHealth(source, 100) end addEvent("DS:kit_vida", true) addEventHandler("DS:kit_vida", root, kit_vida) function kit_reparo(source) end addEvent("DS:kit_reparo", true) addEventHandler("DS:kit_reparo", root, kit_reparo) Client local monitorSize = {guiGetScreenSize()} -- // Lekérdezi a monitor méreteit local panelData = {550, 510} -- // Panel szélessége és magassága local panelX, panelY = monitorSize[1]/2-panelData[1]/2, monitorSize[2]/2-panelData[2]/2 -- // X, Y Pozició local font = dxCreateFont("files/Calibri.ttf", 10) -- // Font local showShop = false -- // A panel felvan-e rajzolva local currentShop = 0 -- // Jelenlegi shop local scroll = 0 -- // Görgetés local count = 1 -- // Darabszám local maxDraw = 8 -- // Maximum kirajzolás local createdGuis = {} -- // A guik táblázata local shopElement = nil --// Shop Element ------------------------------ -- // Klikkelés ------------------------------ addEventHandler('onClientClick', root, function (button, state, _, _, _, _, _, element) if button == 'right' and state == 'down' and element and not showShop then if getElementData(element, 'shop >> npc') or false then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(element) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, elementX, elementY, elementZ) <= 5 then if tonumber(getElementData(element,"shop:type") or 1) == 14 and not exports['cbr_inventario']:hasItem(localPlayer, 112) then outputChatBox('#D24D57[FVR] #ffffffVocê não tem uma licença de arma!', 255, 255, 255, true) return end getShopDatas(element) else outputChatBox('#D24D57[SKY~Itens] #ffffffVocê não pode falar com o vendedor sobre essa bagunça!', 255, 255, 255, true) end end elseif button == 'left' and state == 'down' and showShop then local elem = 0 for index, value in ipairs(shopItemList[currentShop].itemList) do if (index > scroll and elem < maxDraw) then elem = elem + 1 if isMouseInPosition (panelX+panelData[1]-155, panelY-25+elem*57+56/2-20/2, 77, 20) then if guiEditSetCaretIndex(createdGuis[elem], string.len(guiGetText(createdGuis[elem]))) then guiBringToFront(createdGuis[elem]) end elseif isMouseInPosition (panelX+panelData[1]-45, panelY-25+elem*57+56/2-32/2, 32, 32) then if isElement(createdGuis[elem]) then count = guiGetText(createdGuis[elem]) if tonumber(count) then if count == '' or count == ' ' then count = 1 end else count = 1 guiSetText(createdGuis[elem], '') end else count = 1 end setTimer(function(value, count) triggerServerEvent('btcMTA->#buyItem', localPlayer, localPlayer, value[2], value[3], math.floor(count), value[5]* math.floor(count)) end, 100, 1, value, count) end end end end end) ------------------------------ -- // destoy and draw funkciók ------------------------------ function getShopDatas(element) showShop = not showShop if showShop then currentShop = tonumber(getElementData(element, 'shop >> type')) createGui('create') shopElement = element addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, createShopPanel, true, 'low-5') bindKey('backspace', 'down', desroyPanel) else createGui('destroy') removeEventHandler('onClientRender', root, createShopPanel) unbindKey('backspace', 'down', desroyPanel) end end function desroyPanel () removeEventHandler('onClientRender', root, createShopPanel) showShop = false createGui('destroy') count = 1 scroll = 0 currentShop = 0 unbindKey('backspace', 'down', desroyPanel) end ------------------------------ -- // Edit létrehozása és törlése ------------------------------ function createGui(type) if tostring(type) == "destroy" then for index, value in ipairs(shopItemList[currentShop].itemList) do if isElement(createdGuis[index]) then destroyElement(createdGuis[index]) end end else for index, value in ipairs(shopItemList[currentShop].itemList) do createdGuis[index] = guiCreateEdit(-1000, -1000, 0, 0, "", false) guiSetText(createdGuis[index], value[4]) guiEditSetMaxLength(createdGuis[index], 4) end end end ------------------------------ -- // felrajzolás ------------------------------ function createShopPanel() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(shopElement) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, elementX, elementY, elementZ) > 5 ) then desroyPanel() return end dxDrawRectangle(panelX, panelY, panelData[1], panelData[2], tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) -- // background dxDrawRectangle(panelX, panelY, panelData[1], 25, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200)) dxDrawText("Para sair, pressione a tecla #D24D57'backspace'", panelX+panelData[1]/2, (panelY+panelData[1]-65)+25/2, panelX+panelData[1]/2, (panelY+panelData[1]-65)+25/2, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, font, 'center', 'center', false, false, false, true) dxDrawText('#7cc576SKY#FFFFFFMTA - #7cc576'..shopItemList[currentShop].name, panelX+panelData[1]/2, panelY+25/2, panelX+panelData[1]/2, panelY+25/2, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, font, 'center', 'center', false, false, false, true) local elem = 0 for index, value in ipairs(shopItemList[currentShop].itemList) do if (index > scroll and elem < maxDraw) then elem = elem + 1 dxDrawRectangle(panelX+5, panelY-25+elem*57, panelData[1]-10, 56, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) dxDrawRectangle(panelX+10, panelY-17+elem*57, 40, 40, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 60)) dxDrawImage(panelX+10+2, panelY-17+elem*57+2, 36, 36, getItemImage(value[2])) if isElement(createdGuis[elem]) then count = guiGetText(createdGuis[elem]) if tonumber(count) then if count == '' or count == ' ' then count = 1 end else count = 1 guiSetText(createdGuis[elem], '') end else count = 1 end dxDrawText('Nome: #7cc576'.. value[1] .. '\n#ffffffPreço: #7cc576R$: '.. formatMoney(value[5]*math.floor(count))..'', panelX+10+2+43, panelY-25+elem*57+2, 36, 36, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, font, 'left', 'top', false, false, false, true) dxDrawText('Quantidade: #7cc576'.. math.floor(count), panelX+panelData[1]-155, panelY-25+elem*57+56/2, 36, panelY-25+elem*57+56/2, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, font, 'left', 'center', false, false, false, true) if isMouseInPosition (panelX+panelData[1]-45, panelY-25+elem*57+56/2-32/2, 32, 32) then dxDrawImage(panelX+panelData[1]-45, panelY-25+elem*57+56/2-32/2, 32, 32, 'files/shopIcon.png', 0, 0, 0, tocolor(124, 197, 118, 255)) else dxDrawImage(panelX+panelData[1]-45, panelY-25+elem*57+56/2-32/2, 32, 32, 'files/shopIcon.png', 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255)) end end end if #shopItemList[currentShop].itemList > maxDraw then dxDrawRectangle(panelX+panelData[1]+5, panelY+25, 10, panelData[2]-25, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) -- // scrole backfround dxDrawRectangle(panelX+panelData[1]+5+1, panelY+25+1+((panelData[2]-25)/(#shopItemList[currentShop].itemList-maxDraw+1))*scroll, 8, (panelData[2]-25)/(#shopItemList[currentShop].itemList-maxDraw+1)-2, tocolor(124,197,118, 255)) -- // Scros line end end ------------------------------ -- // Görgetés ------------------------------ bindKey("mouse_wheel_down", "down", function() if showShop then if scroll < #shopItemList[currentShop].itemList - maxDraw then scroll = scroll + 1 end end end ) bindKey("mouse_wheel_up", "down", function() if showShop then if scroll > 0 then scroll = scroll - 1 end end end ) ------------------------------ -- // Egyéb ------------------------------ function formatMoney(amount) local formatted = tonumber(amount) if formatted then while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1 %2') if (k==0) then break end end return formatted else return amount end end function isMouseInPosition ( x, y, width, height ) if ( not isCursorShowing ( ) ) then return false end local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local cx, cy = getCursorPosition ( ) local cx, cy = ( cx * sx ), ( cy * sy ) if ( cx >= x and cx <= x + width ) and ( cy >= y and cy <= y + height ) then return true else return false end end function getItemImage(item) return fileExists(":btc_items/files/items/"..item..".png") and ":btc_items/files/items/"..item..".png" or ":btc_items/files/items/0.png" end addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), function () if (getElementData(source, "ped >> death")) then cancelEvent() end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerStealthKill", getRootElement(), function(targetPlayer) if (getElementType(targetPlayer) == 'ped' and getElementData(targetPlayer, "ped >> death")) then cancelEvent() end end) Edited September 21, 2020 by Lord Henry Scripts convertidos de HTML para Lua. 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DNL291 Posted September 20, 2020 Share Posted September 20, 2020 Movido para Portuguese / Português > Programação em Lua Link to comment
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