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[HELP] The event handler runs twice (dgs element)


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There is a button in the form of a rectangle:

local buttonAuth_round = dgs:dgsCreateRoundRect(30,false,tocolor(62,153,247))
local buttonAuth = dgs:dgsCreateImage(182,0,164,56,buttonAuth_round,false,loginButtons,tocolor(62,153,247))
local buttonAuth_text = dgs:dgsCreateLabel(57,18,50,20,'Войти', false, buttonAuth)

There is an event handler:

addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", buttonAuth, function()
	local login, password = dgs:dgsGetText(inputLogin_edit), dgs:dgsGetText(inputPass_edit)
	if not string.find(login, "%S") then return end
	if not string.find(password, "%S") then return end
	triggerServerEvent("playerLogin", getLocalPlayer(), login, password)
end, false)

But when you click on a button or any other dgs element (which is being processed) - it is triggered two times (simultaneously), how can this be fixed?

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12 hours ago, p1kas said:

But when you click on a button or any other dgs element (which is being processed) - it is triggered two times (simultaneously), how can this be fixed?

Afaik there is a Mouse up and down state. The second argument.

Edited by IIYAMA
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addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", buttonAuth, function(btn, state)
	if btn == "left" and state == "down" then
		local login, password = dgs:dgsGetText(inputLogin_edit), dgs:dgsGetText(inputPass_edit)
		if not string.find(login, "%S") then return end
		if not string.find(password, "%S") then return end
		triggerServerEvent("playerLogin", getLocalPlayer(), login, password)
end, false)

This should fix the double execution.

Edited by SpecT
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