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[HELP] getRealTime() returns the time that is set on the player's computer

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I'm writing a script that gives you a random reward when you log in, once a day. I use getRealTime() to get the current date and I store it in account data, as player's last login. If the player's last login wasn't on this day, he gets his reward. It's working fine, but if I change the date on my computer (I change it from 8/13 to 8/14) then I can get my reward again. The script was made on serverside. Is this supposed to work like this? How should I solve this problem? 

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35 minutes ago, Paradoxon666 said:

If the player's last login wasn't on this day, he gets his reward. It's working fine, but if I change the date on my computer (I change it from 8/13 to 8/14) then I can get my reward again. The script was made on serverside.

That only happens on a local server, since clients/players normally can't change the server `realtime`.
Or your code is clientside by accident.

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