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How to send these server side values to a client side list?

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How can I send these values from server-side to a client-sided list?

function weaponmodels()
for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		if getElementData(player, "loggedin") then
	 local owner = getElementData(player, "acc:id")
	local query = dbQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE owner = ?", owner)
	local weapons = dbPoll(query,-1)
	if weapons then
		for k,v in ipairs(weapons) do
			weapid = v["id"]
			weapmodel = v["model"]

I want to send the weapid and weapmodel to a client-sided list of course this is not working :

local items = {
	{weapid,weapmodel, 1},


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I did it with setElementData and working but this is showing only the last data from mysql... I want to display every data... for ex.: if you have 5 weapons then show 5 weapons not only the latest one. How can I do that?

If I print the "weapmodel" to the chatbox like "outputChatBox(weapmodel)" after the mysql query string in server-side then showing all of my weapons...

--- server side ---

for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		if getElementData(player, "loggedin") then
	 local owner = getElementData(player, "acc:id")
	local query = dbQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE owner = ?", owner)
	local weapons = dbPoll(query,-1)
	if weapons then
		for k,v in ipairs(weapons) do

			weapmodel = v["model"]
  setElementData(source, weapmodel, true)

--- client side ---

local weapon = getElementData(root, "weapmodel")
local items = {
function draw()
for i = currentCell + 1, maxRows + currentCell do
        	local value = items[i]
            local key = i - currentCell - 1
        	if value ~= nil then
    dxDrawText(value[1], screenW * 0.759, screenH * 0.3269+(key*54), screenW * 0.2380, screenH * 0.3519, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)


Edited by thund3rbird23
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56 minutes ago, thund3rbird23 said:


If I print the "weapmodel" to the chatbox like

You are SET the elementData to each player element and you try to GET the elementdata from the root element. (Not the same element)


- SET and GET it with the resourceRoot.

- GET the data each frame, because you do not know when it is available.


Edited by IIYAMA
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37 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

You are SET the elementData to each player element and you try to GET the elementdata from the root element. (Not the same element)


- SET and GET it with the resourceRoot.

- GET the data each frame, because you do not know when it is available.


Thanks, I replaced both to resourceRoot, now I get false in debug.

--- set the elementdata in server-side ---
setElementData(resourceRoot, "weaponmodel", weapmodel)

--- get the elementdata in client-side & debug ---

local model = getElementData ( resourceRoot, "weaponmodel" )


if I set the element to player in server-side and localPlayer in client-side then I still got only one weaponmodel (in client-side) instead of the 5 weaponmodel which I have in the database.

Edited by thund3rbird23
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33 minutes ago, thund3rbird23 said:

if I set the element to player in server-side and localPlayer in client-side then I still got only one weaponmodel (in client-side) instead of the 5 weaponmodel which I have in the database.

Don't save it per player. Because everybody will download the data double/triple/10x/100x/1000x... ?



Save all data inside of the element resourceRoot, under the key "weaponmodel"

local weapons = dbPoll(query,-1)
if weapons then
	setElementData(resourceRoot, "weaponmodel", weapons)


Now debug the data, when it is available.

local weapons
function draw()
	weapons = weapons or getElementData(resourceRoot, "weaponmodel") -- if no data from buffer, get the data.
	if weapons then
		dxDrawText(inspect(weapons), 300, 300)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)


Edited by IIYAMA
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4 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

Don't save it per player. Because everybody will download the data double/triple/10x/100x/1000x... ?



Save all data inside of the element resourceRoot, under the key "weaponmodel"

local weapons = dbPoll(query,-1)
if weapons then
	setElementData(resourceRoot, "weaponmodel", weapons)


Now debug the data, when it is available.

function draw()
	local weapons = getElementData(resourceRoot, "weaponmodel")
	if weapons then
		dxDrawText(inspect(weapons), 300, 300)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)


Okay now it's displays more information... but how can I display only the "model" row?

I know that I need to change the mysql query to:

local query = dbQuery(con,"SELECT model FROM weapons WHERE owner = ?", owner)
local weapons = dbPoll(query,-1)
if weapons then
	setElementData(resourceRoot, "weaponmodel", weapons)

But in this way I got a table with model string on the screen:

    model = 123 
  }, { 
    model = 231 
}, { 
    model = 312 
}, { 
    model = 132 
}, { 
    model = 321 

I want to display only the numbers.

This is showing only the numbers but only one model not the 5 models what I have.

local query = dbQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE owner = ?", owner)
	local weapons = dbPoll(query,-1)
	if weapons then
		for k,v in ipairs(weapons) do
			weapmodel = v["model"]
    setElementData(resourceRoot, "weaponmodel", weapmodel)


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1 minute ago, thund3rbird23 said:

Okay now it's displays more information... but how can I display only the "model" row?

By putting it in a new table.

local newTable = {}
for k,v in ipairs(weapons) do
			newTable[#newTable + 1] = v["model"]

and SET that.

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21 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

By putting it in a new table.

local newTable = {}
for k,v in ipairs(weapons) do
			newTable[#newTable + 1] = v["model"]

and SET that.

local query = dbQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE owner = ?", owner)
	local weapons = dbPoll(query,-1)
	if weapons then
		for k,v in ipairs(weapons) do
			newTable[#newTable + 1] = v["model"]
    setElementData(resourceRoot, "weaponmodel", newTable)

Output doesn't seems like a table: 

{{ 123, 321, 231, 312, 132 }}

That's what it should look like:

{{123}, {321}, {231}, {312}, {132}}


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1 minute ago, thund3rbird23 said:

That's what it should look like:


Nope, this is what it should become:

{123, 321, 231, 312, 132}

Unless you want to add more data PER weapon model.

Btw if you want to send + get data to each individual:


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