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[SELL] Advanced Medical System

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Hi everyone! I want to offer for sale a Advanced Medical System that can be the perfect DLC for your Roleplay server.B7EMGBk.png

Basic Informations

- Includes the Hospital Interior.

- Patient and Vehicle Panel with several options.

 - With <36 health, the Player get a Hurt Walkstyle and needs to go to the Hospital and look for a Medic to heal him. (Or set the Player HP to > 36)

- With < 30 health, the Player get unconscious for 10 minutes, needing to call the ambulance with the '/medic'  command.

- Release the Stretcher on ground with '/release' command.

 - Pickup the stretcher with '/pickup' command.

- To be able to revive the patient at the accident site, you will need to use the Defibrillator. You will have 5 chances to try to revive the patient.

If not, the patient will die.

- After placing the Patient in the ambulance and taking him to the hospital, you will take him to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) room to have surgery.

- After completing the surgery on the patient, you will be taken to the recovery room for final treatment and then released.

- After the Patient has recovered, he will be given a wheelchair, in which he will stay for 2 minutes, not being able to jump and hit while in the chair.

- '/debug id' command for Admin ACL to reset System variables for a doctor.

- Command '/heal id' for Admin, SuperModerator or Moderator ACL for a fast player heal.

- Debugscript CLEAR without Errors or Warnings

(The vehicle skin is not included)

These images are from the BETA version and may not represent the final version of the product. 


ID System (Included on the resource package)

The resource is compiled

Buy it

The first 3 persons who use the Promotion Code NSCR will have 10% discount

Payment with Paypal 

Buy it fast and safe here: https://payhip.com/b/vcW7


 Facebook: facebook.com/NickScripterMTA

 E-MAIL: [email protected]

Edited by NickScripter
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