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Change Vehicle Spawn Position.


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How can I change the position of the spawn in this function ? 

I suppose it is where it says

" vehicle = createVehicle(Model, x-5, y+5, z, 0, 0, rz) "

But I see it gets the position stored in a local variable that gets the position of an element. But I don't understand which element is this. 
Can someone help me? 

function(Model, cost, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2)
	abc = false
	local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))), -1)
	for i, data in ipairs (data) do
		if data["Model"] == Model then
			abc = true
	if #data >= 3 then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Desculpe, mas você só pode comprar 3 veículos.","error" ) return end
	if abc then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "você já tem este veículo", "error" ) return end
	if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(cost) then
		takePlayerMoney ( source, cost )
		local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source)
		local _, _, rz = getElementRotation(source)
		local shopID = getElementData ( source, "atVehShop")
		local color = r1..","..g1..","..b1..","..r2..","..g2..","..b2
		if shopID and shopsVehSpawns[shopID] then
			vehicle = createVehicle(Model, shopsVehSpawns[shopID][1], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][2], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][3], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][4], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][5], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][6])
			vehicle = createVehicle(Model, x-5, y+5, z, 0, 0, rz)
		setVehicleColor(vehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2)
		setElementData(vehicle, "Owner", source)
		local NewID = getFreeID()
		setElementData(vehicle, "ID", NewID)
		dbExec(db, "INSERT INTO VehicleList VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", NewID, getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), Model, x-5, y+5, z, rz, color, "", 3, cost, 1000, 0)
		exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Comprou este carro por: R$"..cost, "success" )
		setElementData(vehicle, "ownercar", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)))
		warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vehicle )
		vv[vehicle] = setTimer(function(source)
			if not isElement(source) then killTimer(vv[source]) vv[source] = nil end
			if isElement(source) and getElementHealth(source) <= 255 then
				setElementHealth(source, 255.5)
				setVehicleDamageProof(source, true)
				setVehicleEngineState(source, false)
		end, 150, 0, vehicle)
		addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", vehicle,
			local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(getElementData(source, "Owner")))
			setTimer(function(source) if isElement(source) then dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET HP = ? WHERE Account = ? AND Model = ?", getElementHealth(source), account, getElementModel(source)) updateVehicleInfo(getElementData(source, "Owner")) end end, 100, 1, source)
		addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", vehicle,
			if getElementHealth(source) <= 255.5 then 
				setVehicleEngineState(source, false)
				if isVehicleDamageProof(source) then
					setVehicleDamageProof(source, false)
		exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você não tem grana para comprar este veiculo.", "error" )


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