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guiGridListGetSelectedItem not refreshing my guiSetText


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Hello I'm working on something but every time I click the selected grid list it doesn't refresh the content.

Btw I'm using a table.


storeList = {
{food = 22, water = 15000,    bp = 12},
{food = 23, water = 20000,    bp = 12},
{food = 24, water = 35000,    bp = 12},

function refreshInfoListt()
	for k, v in ipairs(storeList) do
		if guiGridListGetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 1) then
			guiSetText(GUIEditor.label[2], "Info List:  \n\Food: "..v["food"].."\nWater: "..v["water"].."\nBattle Points: "..v["bP"])
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.gridlist[1], refreshInfoListt, false)


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3 hours ago, -Note said:

the selected grid list it doesn't refresh the content.

That condition you use inside of your loop is not very useful. All items have item text, even if they are empty.


And your gridlist doesn't update, because you are not updating it with the right function.



If you want to update just the label, that loop is not required. Make sure you save each sub table on to an item. Then you can get the selected item and get the data from it.







Edited by IIYAMA
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6 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

That condition you use inside of your loop is not very useful. All items have item text, even if they are empty.


And your gridlist doesn't update, because you are not updating it with the right function.



If you want to update just the label, that loop is not required. Make sure you save each sub table on to an item. Then you can get the selected item and get the data from it.



Okay thanks. I already fixed it.


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