Sucrilhex Posted May 10, 2020 Share Posted May 10, 2020 Perdão se não deu pra entender muito bem o titulo, porem eu tenho uma loja de carros, e nela queria adaptar pra um sistema de rg, no caso tem um outro mod no meu servidor que é /verdono, lá aparece o nome de login do dono, queria por pra aparecer o nome que mostra na identidade : ) -- ver nome do dono do veiculo function VerDono(thePlayer) for _, group in ipairs ({"Policia"}) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup( group )) then local usercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) local owner = getElementData(usercar, "ownercar") if usercar then local Nome = getElementData ( thePlayer, "AirNew_RG_NomeCompleto") or "Sem Dono" local Sobrenome = getElementData ( thePlayer, "AirNew_RG_Sobrenome") or "" outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493"..owner.." "..Sobrenome, thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Você precisa estar em um veículo!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end else outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Apenas funcionários do DETRAN podem usar esse comando!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end end addCommandHandler("verdono",VerDono) Loja de Veiculos [Server] customCarNames = -- новые названия { } shopsVehSpawns = { [1] = { 2131, -1133, 25.6, 0,0,359 }, [2] = { 555, -1278, 18, 0,0,100 }, [3] = { 1941, 2097, 10.8, 0,0,350 }, [4] = { -1988, 272, 36, 0,0,259 }, [5] = { -1642, 1213, 7.17, 0,0, 227 }, [6] = { 531.64141845703, -1929.9896240234, -0.55000001192093, 0, 0, 0} } function getFreeID() local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT ID FROM VehicleList ORDER BY ID ASC"), -1) newID = false for i, id in pairs (result) do if id["ID"] ~= i then newID = i break end end if newID then return newID else return #result + 1 end end function getVehicleByID(id) v = false for i, veh in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementData(veh, "ID") == id then v = veh break end end return v end function updateVehicleInfo(player) if isElement(player) then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player))), -1) if type(result) == "table" then setElementData(player, "VehicleInfo", result) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() db = dbConnect("sqlite", "database.db") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS VehicleList (ID, Account, Model, X, Y, Z, RotZ, Colors, Upgrades, Paintjob, Cost, HP, new_hydr)") for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do updateVehicleInfo(player) end end) addEvent("onOpenGui", true) addEventHandler("onOpenGui", root, function() updateVehicleInfo(source) end) function destroyVehicle(theVehicle) if isElement(theVehicle) then local Owner = getElementData(theVehicle, "Owner") if Owner then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(theVehicle) local _, _, rz = getElementRotation(theVehicle) local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2 = getVehicleColor(theVehicle, true) local color = r1..","..g1..","..b1..","..r2..","..g2..","..b2 upgrade = "" for _, upgradee in ipairs (getVehicleUpgrades(theVehicle)) do if upgrade == "" then upgrade = upgradee else upgrade = upgrade..","..upgradee end end local Paintjob = getVehiclePaintjob(theVehicle) or 3 local id = getElementData(theVehicle, "ID") dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET X = ?, Y = ?, Z = ?, RotZ = ?, HP = ?, Colors = ?, Upgrades = ?, Paintjob = ?, new_hydr = ? WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", x, y, z, rz, getElementHealth(theVehicle), color, upgrade, Paintjob, getElementData ( theVehicle, "NewHydr") and 1 or 0, getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(Owner)), id) updateVehicleInfo(Owner) local attached = getAttachedElements(theVehicle) if (attached) then for k,element in ipairs(attached) do if getElementType(element) == "blip" then destroyElement(element) end end end end destroyElement(theVehicle) end end addEvent("onBuyNewVehicle", true) addEventHandler("onBuyNewVehicle", root, function(Model, cost, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) abc = false local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))), -1) for i, data in ipairs (data) do if data["Model"] == Model then abc = true break end end if #data >= 10 then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Desculpe, mas você só pode comprar 10 veículos.","error" ) return end if abc then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "você já tem este veículo", "error" ) return end if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(cost) then takePlayerMoney ( source, cost ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local _, _, rz = getElementRotation(source) local shopID = getElementData ( source, "atVehShop") local color = r1..","..g1..","..b1..","..r2..","..g2..","..b2 if shopID and shopsVehSpawns[shopID] then vehicle = createVehicle(Model, shopsVehSpawns[shopID][1], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][2], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][3], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][4], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][5], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][6]) else vehicle = createVehicle(Model, x-5, y+5, z, 0, 0, rz) end setVehicleColor(vehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) setElementData(vehicle, "Owner", source) local NewID = getFreeID() setElementData(vehicle, "ID", NewID) dbExec(db, "INSERT INTO VehicleList VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", NewID, getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), Model, x-5, y+5, z, rz, color, "", 3, cost, 1000, 0) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Comprou este carro por: R$"..cost, "success" ) updateVehicleInfo(source) setElementData(vehicle, "ownercar", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vehicle ) vv[vehicle] = setTimer(function(source) if not isElement(source) then killTimer(vv[source]) vv[source] = nil end if isElement(source) and getElementHealth(source) <= 255 then setElementHealth(source, 255.5) setVehicleDamageProof(source, true) setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end end, 150, 0, vehicle) addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", vehicle, function(loss) local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(getElementData(source, "Owner"))) setTimer(function(source) if isElement(source) then dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET HP = ? WHERE Account = ? AND Model = ?", getElementHealth(source), account, getElementModel(source)) updateVehicleInfo(getElementData(source, "Owner")) end end, 100, 1, source) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", vehicle, function(player) if getElementHealth(source) <= 255.5 then setVehicleEngineState(source, false) else if isVehicleDamageProof(source) then setVehicleDamageProof(source, false) end end end) else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você não tem grana para comprar este veiculo.", "error" ) end end) vv = {} addEvent("SpawnMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("SpawnMyVehicle", root, function(id) local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), id), -1) if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 then if getVehicleByID(id) then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "seu veiculo "..(customCarNames[data[1]["Model"]] or getVehicleNameFromModel(data[1]["Model"])).." já está spawnado", "error" ) else local color = split(data[1]["Colors"], ',') r1 = color[1] or 255 g1 = color[2] or 255 b1 = color[3] or 255 r2 = color[4] or 255 g2 = color[5] or 255 b2 = color[6] or 255 vehicle = createVehicle(data[1]["Model"], data[1]["X"], data[1]["Y"], data[1]["Z"], 0, 0, data[1]["RotZ"]) setElementData(vehicle, "ID", id) local upd = split(tostring(data[1]["Upgrades"]), ',') for i, upgrade in ipairs(upd) do addVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, upgrade) end local Paintjob = data[1]["Paintjob"] or 3 setVehiclePaintjob(vehicle, Paintjob) setVehicleColor(vehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) if tonumber(data[1]["HP"]) <= 255.5 then data[1]["HP"] = 255 end if data[1]["new_hydr"] and data[1]["new_hydr"] == 1 then setElementData(vehicle, "NewHydr", true) else setElementData(vehicle, "NewHydr", false) end setElementData(vehicle, "ownercar", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))) setElementHealth(vehicle, data[1]["HP"]) setElementData(vehicle, "Owner", source) vv[vehicle] = setTimer(function(source) if not isElement(source) then killTimer(vv[source]) vv[source] = nil end if isElement(source) and getElementHealth(source) <= 255 then setElementHealth(source, 255.5) setVehicleDamageProof(source, true) setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end end, 50, 0, vehicle) addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", vehicle, function(loss) local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(getElementData(source, "Owner"))) setTimer(function(source) if isElement(source) then dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET HP = ? WHERE Account = ? AND Model = ?", getElementHealth(source), account, getElementModel(source)) updateVehicleInfo(getElementData(source, "Owner")) end end, 100, 1, source) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", vehicle, function(player) if getElementHealth(source) <= 255.5 then setVehicleEngineState(source, false) else if isVehicleDamageProof(source) then setVehicleDamageProof(source, false) end end end) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "seu veiculo "..(customCarNames[data[1]["Model"]] or getVehicleNameFromModel(data[1]["Model"])).." foi spawnado", "success" ) end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Há um problema com o veiculo, notifique o administrador. ","error") end end) addEvent("DestroyMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("DestroyMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), id), -1) if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 then destroyVehicle(vehicle) outputMessage ("#c1c1c1O seu veiculo #00FF66"..(customCarNames[data[1]["Model"]] or getVehicleNameFromModel(data[1]["Model"])).." #c1c1c1foi removido.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) else outputMessage("#c1c1c1Selecione um veiculo.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputMessage("#c1c1c1O seu veiculo não foi spawnado.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) addEvent("LightsMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("LightsMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then local Vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if Vehicle == vehicle then if getVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle) ~= 2 then setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 2) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "seu veículo "..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).. " teve as luzes acesas.", "success" ) elseif getVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle) ~= 1 then setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 1) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "seu veículo "..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).. " as luzes apagadas.", "success" ) end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você não está no veiculo! ", "error" ) end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Seu veiculo não está spawnado!", "error" ) end end) addEvent("LockMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("LockMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then if not isVehicleLocked(vehicle) then setVehicleLocked(vehicle, true) setVehicleDoorsUndamageable(vehicle, true) setVehicleDoorState(vehicle, 0, 0) setVehicleDoorState(vehicle, 1, 0) setVehicleDoorState(vehicle, 2, 0) setVehicleDoorState(vehicle, 3, 0) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Seu veículo "..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).." foi fechado", "success" ) elseif isVehicleLocked(vehicle) then setVehicleLocked(vehicle, false) setVehicleDoorsUndamageable(vehicle, false) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Seu veículo "..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).." foi aberto.", "success") end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Seu veículo não foi spawnado", "error") end end) addEvent("BlipMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("BlipMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then if not getElementData(vehicle, "ABlip") then setElementData(vehicle, "ABlip", true) createBlipAttachedTo(vehicle, 0, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 65535, source) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "seu veiculo "..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).. "foi marcado no radar/mapa para ver no mapa tecle f11.", "success" ) else local attached = getAttachedElements(vehicle) if (attached) then for k,element in ipairs(attached) do if getElementType(element) == "blip" then destroyElement(element) end end end setElementData(vehicle, "ABlip", false) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Seu veículo "..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).." Teve o blip removido", "success" ) end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "seu veiculo não está spawnado. ", "error" ) end end) addEvent("FixMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("FixMyVehicle", root, function(id) if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(200) then takePlayerMoney ( source, 200 ) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then fixVehicle(vehicle) setVehicleEngineState(vehicle, true) if isVehicleDamageProof(vehicle) then setVehicleDamageProof(vehicle, false) end end dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET HP = ? WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", 1000, getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), id) updateVehicleInfo(source) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Seu veículo não foi spawnado!", "error" ) else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Preço: $200", "error" ) end end) addEvent("WarpMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("WarpMyVehicle", root, function(id) if not isPedInVehicle (source) then if getElementInterior(source) == 0 then if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(200) then local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then randomizar = math.random(1,14) takePlayerMoney ( source, 200 ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) if randomizar == 1 then setElementPosition(vehicle, 1650.1873779297, -1079.98046875, 24) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,90) elseif randomizar == 2 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1650, -1084.5, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,90) elseif randomizar == 3 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1650.0380859375, -1088.8176269531, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,90) elseif randomizar == 4 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1650.6478271484, -1093.6756591797, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,90) elseif randomizar == 5 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1650.2822265625, -1098.005859375, 24) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,90) elseif randomizar == 6 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1650.3765869141, -1102.4530029297, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,90) elseif randomizar == 7 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1649.8811035156, -1106.9301757813, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,90) elseif randomizar == 8 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1650.0562744141, -1111.576171875, 24) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,90) elseif randomizar == 9 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1629.3199462891, -1085.0458984375, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,270) elseif randomizar == 10 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1629.0223388672, -1089.7844238281, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,270) elseif randomizar == 11 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1628.6702880859, -1094.4211425781, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,270) elseif randomizar == 12 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1628.34375, -1098.7193603516, 24) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,270) elseif randomizar == 13 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1628.1042480469, -1103.1959228516, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,270) elseif randomizar == 14 then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 1628.5856933594, -1107.6346435547, 24 ) setVehicleRotation(vehicle, 0,0,270) end exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Seu veículo "..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).. " foi teletransportado para o patio por $200", "success" ) else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "seu veiculo não está spawnado. ", "error" ) end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você não tem dinheiro o suficiente para enviar o carro para o patio!","error" ) end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você só poderá mudar de veículo caso saia do atual!","error" ) end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Saia do carro para conseguir mover o carro para o patio!","error" ) end end) addEvent("SellMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("SellMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), id), -1) if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 then local Money = math.ceil((data[1]["Cost"]*.9)*math.floor(data[1]["HP"])/100/10) givePlayerMoney (source, Money) if isElement(vehicle) then destroyElement(vehicle) end dbExec(db, "DELETE FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), id) updateVehicleInfo(source) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você vendeu o seu veículo por $"..Money,"success" ) end end) function getDataOnLogin(_, account) updateVehicleInfo(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, getDataOnLogin) function SaveVehicleDataOnQuit() for i, veh in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementData(veh, "Owner") == source then destroyVehicle(veh) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root,SaveVehicleDataOnQuit) addEvent("inviteToBuyCarSended", true) addEventHandler("inviteToBuyCarSended", root, function(player, price, veh_name, veh_id) if player and price and veh_name and veh_id then local pl = getPlayerFromName ( player ) if pl then triggerClientEvent ( pl, "recieveInviteToBuyCar", pl, getPlayerName (source), getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), price, veh_name, veh_id ) else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "jogador não foi encontrado, a venda foi cancelada","success" ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "cleanCarInvitations", source ) end end end) addEvent("invitationBuyCarNotAccepted", true) addEventHandler("invitationBuyCarNotAccepted", root, function(player, acc, price, veh_name, veh_id) local pl = getPlayerFromName ( player ) if pl then triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você não tem dinheiro suficiente!","error" ) end end) addEvent("invitationBuyCarAccepted", true) addEventHandler("invitationBuyCarAccepted", root, function(player, acc, price, veh_name, veh_id) local pl = getPlayerFromName ( player ) local avail = false local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))), -1) for i, data in ipairs (data) do if data["Model"] == Model then abc = true break end end if #data >= 10 then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Desculpe, mas você só pode comprar 10 veículos.","error" ) return end if pl and getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount (pl)) == acc then avail = true triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) else for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do if getAccountName(getPlayerAccount ( v )) == acc then avail = true pl = v break end end end price = tonumber(price) or 0 if avail then if isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você não está logado em sua conta, a transação foi cancelada","error" ) return true end if getPlayerMoney ( source ) >= price then local vehicle = getVehicleByID(tonumber(veh_id)) local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(pl)), veh_id), -1) if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 and isElement ( vehicle ) then givePlayerMoney ( pl, price ) takePlayerMoney ( source, price ) dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET Account = ? WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(pl)), veh_id) updateVehicleInfo(source) updateVehicleInfo(pl) setElementData(vehicle, "Owner", source) setElementData(vehicle, "ownercar", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você vendeu o seu veiculo por $"..price,"success" ) triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Veículo não encontrado, negócio cancelado!","error" ) triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "Você não tem dinheiro suficiente, a transação foi cancelada","success" ) end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ( source, "O jogador não foi encontrado, a operação foi cancelada","success" ) end end) Link to comment
Blaack Posted May 11, 2020 Share Posted May 11, 2020 (edited) Tente: -- ver nome do dono do veiculo function VerDono(thePlayer) for k, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local contap = getPlayerAcount (player) for _, group in ipairs ({"Policia"}) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup( group )) then local usercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) local owner = getElementData(usercar, "ownercar") or "Sem Dono" if getAccountName(contap) == owner then if usercar then local DonoCarro = getPlayerName(player) or "Sem Dono" outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493"..DonoCarro.." ", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Você precisa estar em um veículo!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end else outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Apenas funcionários do DETRAN podem usar esse comando!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end end end addCommandHandler("verdono",VerDono) Não testei... me avise caso de certo; Edited May 11, 2020 by ~#BlackSCR Link to comment
Sucrilhex Posted May 11, 2020 Author Share Posted May 11, 2020 8 hours ago, ~#BlackSCR said: Tente: -- ver nome do dono do veiculofunction VerDono(thePlayer) for k, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local contap = getPlayerAcount (player) for _, group in ipairs ({"Policia"}) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup( group )) then local usercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) local owner = getElementData(usercar, "ownercar") or "Sem Dono" if getAccountName(contap) == owner then if usercar then local DonoCarro = getPlayerName(player) or "Sem Dono" outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493"..DonoCarro.." ", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Você precisa estar em um veículo!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end else outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Apenas funcionários do DETRAN podem usar esse comando!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end endendaddCommandHandler("verdono",VerDono) Não testei... me avise caso de certo; funcionou, porem quero que apareça o nome que mostra na identidade, por isso deixei o local local Nome = getElementData ( thePlayer, "AirNew_RG_NomeCompleto") or "Sem Dono" Link to comment
Blaack Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 1 hour ago, Sucrilhex said: funcionou, porem quero que apareça o nome que mostra na identidade, por isso deixei o local local Nome = getElementData ( thePlayer, "AirNew_RG_NomeCompleto") or "Sem Dono" -- ver nome do dono do veiculo function VerDono(thePlayer) for k, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local contap = getPlayerAcount (player) for _, group in ipairs ({"Policia"}) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup( group )) then local usercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) local owner = getElementData(usercar, "ownercar") or "Sem Dono" if getAccountName(contap) == owner then if usercar then local DonoCarro = getElementData(source,"AirNew_RG_NomeCompleto") or "Sem Dono" outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493"..DonoCarro.." ", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Você precisa estar em um veículo!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end else outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Apenas funcionários do DETRAN podem usar esse comando!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end end end addCommandHandler("verdono",VerDono) Se funcionar deixa um thanks ai em kk Link to comment
Sucrilhex Posted May 12, 2020 Author Share Posted May 12, 2020 2 hours ago, ~#BlackSCR said: -- ver nome do dono do veiculofunction VerDono(thePlayer) for k, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local contap = getPlayerAcount (player) for _, group in ipairs ({"Policia"}) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup( group )) then local usercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) local owner = getElementData(usercar, "ownercar") or "Sem Dono" if getAccountName(contap) == owner then if usercar then local DonoCarro = getElementData(source,"AirNew_RG_NomeCompleto") or "Sem Dono" outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493"..DonoCarro.." ", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Você precisa estar em um veículo!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end else outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Apenas funcionários do DETRAN podem usar esse comando!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end endendaddCommandHandler("verdono",VerDono) Se funcionar deixa um thanks ai em kk eu realmente queria dizer que funcionou, porem não foi Link to comment
Blaack Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 na linha 11, troque source por player; errei la perdao Link to comment
Blaack Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 -- ver nome do dono do veiculo function VerDono(thePlayer) for k, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local contap = getPlayerAcount (player) for _, group in ipairs ({"Policia"}) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup( group )) then local usercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) local owner = getElementData(usercar, "ownercar") or "Sem Dono" if getAccountName(contap) == owner then if usercar then local DonoCarro = getElementData(player,"AirNew_RG_NomeCompleto") or "Sem Dono" outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493"..DonoCarro.." ", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Você precisa estar em um veículo!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end else outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Apenas funcionários do DETRAN podem usar esse comando!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end end end addCommandHandler("verdono",VerDono) 1 Link to comment
Angelo Pereira Posted May 12, 2020 Share Posted May 12, 2020 Dei uma ajeitada no código, teste lá : addCommandHandler("verdono", function ( thePlayer ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup( "Policia" )) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) if vehicle then local owner = getElementData(vehicle, "ownercar") or false if owner then local player = verificar_conta (owner) if player then local dono_do_veiculo = getElementData( player,"AirNew_RG_NomeCompleto" ) or "Sem Dono" outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493"..dono_do_veiculo.." ", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493 Não Se Encontra na CITY.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bVeiculo Sem Origem !", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Você precisa estar em um veículo!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end else outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Apenas funcionários do DETRAN podem usar esse comando!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end) function verificar_conta ( account ) for i, players in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(players)) == account then return players end end return false end 1 Link to comment
Sucrilhex Posted May 12, 2020 Author Share Posted May 12, 2020 4 hours ago, Angelo Pereira said: Dei uma ajeitada no código, teste lá : addCommandHandler("verdono", function ( thePlayer ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup( "Policia" )) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) if vehicle then local owner = getElementData(vehicle, "ownercar") or false if owner then local player = verificar_conta (owner) if player then local dono_do_veiculo = getElementData( player,"AirNew_RG_NomeCompleto" ) or "Sem Dono" outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493"..dono_do_veiculo.." ", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493 Não Se Encontra na CITY.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bVeiculo Sem Origem !", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Você precisa estar em um veículo!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end else outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Apenas funcionários do DETRAN podem usar esse comando!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end)function verificar_conta ( account ) for i, players in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(players)) == account then return players end end return falseend 9 hours ago, ~#BlackSCR said: -- ver nome do dono do veiculofunction VerDono(thePlayer) for k, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local contap = getPlayerAcount (player) for _, group in ipairs ({"Policia"}) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup( group )) then local usercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) local owner = getElementData(usercar, "ownercar") or "Sem Dono" if getAccountName(contap) == owner then if usercar then local DonoCarro = getElementData(player,"AirNew_RG_NomeCompleto") or "Sem Dono" outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #7b7b7bProprietário: #FF1493"..DonoCarro.." ", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Você precisa estar em um veículo!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox("#ffea00═════════════════ DETRAN ERP ═════════════════", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end else outputChatBox("#ffea00DETRAN #ababab| #ff0000Apenas funcionários do DETRAN podem usar esse comando!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end endendaddCommandHandler("verdono",VerDono) vlw pessoal, deu certo Link to comment
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