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Script de trancar carro

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Opa, então man, como eu disse, não funcionou, acho pq eu n sei mexer em script,  mas ele está aqui:

    function lockcar ( thePlayer )
        playervehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer )   -- define 'playervehicle' as the vehicle the player is in
        if ( playervehicle ) then                                -- if a player is in a vehicle
            if isVehicleLocked ( playervehicle ) then            -- and if the vehicle is already locked
                setVehicleLocked ( playervehicle, false )        -- unlock it
            else                                                 -- otherwise (if it isn't locked) 
                setVehicleLocked ( playervehicle, true )         -- lock it

    function bindLockOnSpawn ( theSpawnpoint )                     -- when a player spawns
        bindKey ( source, "l", "down", lockcar )                   -- bind the 'l' key to the 'lockcar' function
    addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), bindLockOnSpawn )

    -- call 'stopVehicleEntry' whenever hunterPlayer is about to enter a vehicle:
    function stopVehicleEntry ( theplayer, seat, jacked )
       cancelEvent() -- stop the event, the player will can't enter in vehicle 
    addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), stopVehicleEntry)

    function exitVehicle (thePlayer, seat, jacked)
        if (isVehicleLocked (source)) then 
            outputChatBox ("The door is locked! You can't exit the vehicle!", thePlayer)  
    addEventHandler ("onVehicleStartExit", root, exitVehicle)

Caso queira arrumar, está aí, se conseguir, me fale onde errei

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