Marwan_bv Posted April 8, 2020 Share Posted April 8, 2020 سلام هدا سكربت شرطة وسجن يعمل بالتيم المهم هو انو لما تقبض على حد عن طريق تأشر يدك عليه يتجمد في مكانه وينشأ ماركر امام مركز الشرطة ولما تخش عليه الاعب يدخل السجن بدي اعدل عليه انو لما تمسك الاعب يمشي وراك لغاية ما توصلو للماركر وهو يخش السجن ممكن مساعدة الاكواد Report post Posted Monday at 18:06 On 06/04/2020 at 15:33, jakson said: اعرض كودك و راح نساعدك On 06/04/2020 at 16:08, -Ilker. said: تحقق من الداتا الي مسجل عليها اسم القروب addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, function(wp) if wp == 41 then return end local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if team and getTeamName(team) ~= "Police" then if not isTimer(gunFireCheckTimer) then gunFireCheckTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3500, 1) local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) if wp ~= 16 then if wL < 2 then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(source) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) < 15 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", localPlayer, 2) break end end end end else if wL < 4 then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(source) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) < 15 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", localPlayer, 4) break end end end end end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage", root, function(attacker) local player = getVehicleController(source) if attacker then if getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then attacker = getVehicleController(attacker) end if player and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(player) local attackerTeam = getPlayerTeam(attacker) if playerTeam and getTeamName(playerTeam) == "Police" and attackerTeam ~= playerTeam then if not isTimer(vehicleDMGCheckTimer) then vehicleDMGCheckTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3500, 1) local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(attacker) if wL < 3 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", attacker, 3) end end end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, function(attacker, wp) if wp == 41 then return end if attacker and attacker ~= source then --if getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then --attacker = getVehicleController(attacker) --end local attackerTeam = getPlayerTeam(attacker) local sourceTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) local LegalStatus = getElementData(source, "LegalStatus") if attackerTeam and getTeamName(attackerTeam) == "Police" then local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) if wL <= 2 then cancelEvent() end end if LegalStatus == "Jailed" or LegalStatus == "Arrested" then cancelEvent() end if sourceTeam and getTeamName(sourceTeam) == "Police" and getElementData(attacker, "LegalStatus") == "Jailed" then cancelEvent() end if attackerTeam and getTeamName(attackerTeam) == "Police" and wp == 3 and LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol1) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol2) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol3) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol4) then return end triggerServerEvent("backMeToJail", localPlayer) end end end) addEvent("startAlarm", true) addEventHandler("startAlarm", root, function() if isElement(alarmSound) then destroyElement(alarmSound) end if isTimer(alarmTimer) then killTimer(alarmTimer) end alarmSound = playSound("jail-Warning.mp3", true) alarmTimer = setTimer(function() if isElement(alarmSound) then destroyElement(alarmSound) end end, 8000, 1) end) Blip = {} addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do Blip[player] = createBlipAttachedTo(player) end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", root, function() Blip[source] = createBlipAttachedTo(source) end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", root, function() if isElement(Blip[source]) then destroyElement(Blip[source]) end Blip[source] = nil end) JailCol1 = createColCuboid(1546.53, -1618.5, -90.35, 18.85, 5, 4) JailCol2 = createColCuboid(1546.53, -1640.7, -90.35, 18.85, 6.5, 4) JailCol3 = createColCuboid(1542, -1640.7, -84, 32.7, 6.5, 4) JailCol4 = createColCuboid(1542, -1618.5, -84, 32.7, 5, 4) addEvent("onHacking", true) addEventHandler("onHacking", root, function() if isTimer(hackShowTimer) then killTimer(hackShowTimer) end hackShow = getPlayerName(source) exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage(getPlayerName(source).." is hacking the Police PC.", 255, 0, 100, false, 7) hackShowTimer = setTimer(function() hackShow = false end, 7000, 1) end) addEvent("onEscaping", true) addEventHandler("onEscaping", root, function(rsp) if isTimer(escapShowTimer) then killTimer(escapShowTimer) end escapShow = rsp exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage(getPlayerName(source).." has escape from the Jail, responsible for his escape "..rsp, 255, 0, 0, false, 7) escapShowTimer = setTimer(function() escapShow = false end, 7000, 1) end) local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() local Cop = getElementData(localPlayer, "ArresterCop") if isElement(Cop) and not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then local copX, copY, copZ = getElementPosition(Cop) local PrisonerX, PrisonerY, PrisonerZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local copInt = getElementInterior(Cop) local prisonerInt = getElementInterior(localPlayer) if copInt ~= prisonerInt and not isTimer(intTimer) then intTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, "INT", copInt, copX, copY, copZ) end local copDim = getElementDimension(Cop) local prisonerDim = getElementDimension(localPlayer) if copDim ~= prisonerDim and not isTimer(dimTimer) then dimTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, "DIM", copDim, copX+0.1, copY+0.1, copZ+0.5) end local dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(copX, copY, copZ, PrisonerX, PrisonerY, PrisonerZ) if (dis > 20) then if not isTimer(tooFarCopTimer) then triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, false, false, copX+1, copY+1, copZ) setControlState("forwards", false) setControlState("walk", false) setControlState("sprint", false) tooFarCopTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) end elseif (dis > 10) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", true) setControlState("walk", false) elseif (dis > 3) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", false) setControlState("walk", false) elseif (dis > 2) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", false) setControlState("walk", true) elseif (dis > 1) then setControlState("forwards", false) setControlState("walk", false) setControlState("sprint", false) end setPedRotation(localPlayer, 360-math.deg(math.atan2((copX-PrisonerX), (copY-PrisonerY))) % 360) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end local HackTime = getElementData(localPlayer, "HackTime") or 0 if HackTime and HackTime > 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Hacking in process: "..HackTime.." sec", x*0.1, y*0.550, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear", "center") end if hackShow then dxDrawImage(x/2+160, y-110, 100, 100, "hack.png") end if escapShow then dxDrawImage(x/2+160, y-110, 100, 100, "esc.png") end if isElement(alarmSound) then if getElementInterior(localPlayer) ~= 6 then setSoundVolume(alarmSound, 0) else setSoundVolume(alarmSound, 1) end end LegalStatus = getElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus") if LegalStatus == "Arrested" or LegalStatus == "Jailed" then setPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer, 0) end JailTime = tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime")) or 0 BailAmount = tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount")) or 0 if LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if (JailTime) > 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Remaining Time: "..JailTime.." Secs", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(0, 150, 255, 255), 1.5, "clear") end if getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then if JailTime <= 0 and BailAmount <= 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Your Jail time finish | Press 'H' to exit the jail.", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") else dxDrawFramedText("Your Jail time finish | Press 'H' to pay your bail and exit the jail.", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(255, 150, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") end end dxDrawFramedText("Bail: $"..BailAmount, x*0.875, y*0.951, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(150, 255, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") end end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", root, function(player) if player == localPlayer then if source == sendToJail then triggerServerEvent("sendToJail", localPlayer) destroyElement(sendToJail) end end end) setTimer(function() local team = getPlayerTeam(localPlayer) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(localPlayer, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[localPlayer], r, g, b, 255) jMarker = false for _, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (getElementData(p, "ArresterCop") == localPlayer) then jMarker = true if not isElement(sendToJail) then sendToJail = createMarker(1533, -1676, 11, "cylinder", 5, 255, 0, 255, 150) end break end end if not jMarker and isElement(sendToJail) then destroyElement(sendToJail) end for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) ~= "Police" then local LegalStatus = getElementData(player, "LegalStatus") local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(player) if LegalStatus == "Arrested" or LegalStatus == "Jailed" then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 0, 0, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 0, 0, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 5 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 0, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 0, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 3 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 150, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 150, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 1 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 255, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 250, 0, 255) elseif wL == 0 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 255, 255) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 250, 255, 255) end else if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[player], r, g, b, 255) end end end else for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[player], r, g, b, 255) end end end if LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol1) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol2) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol3) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol4) then if JailTime > 0 then setElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime", JailTime-1) if getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) end elseif BailAmount >= 50 then bindJailExit() setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", BailAmount-50) elseif BailAmount < 50 and BailAmount > 0 then setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", 0) bindJailExit() else bindJailExit() end end end end, 1000, 0) function bindJailExit() if not getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then bindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) end end function onJailTimeComplete() if JailTime <= 0 then if BailAmount > 0 then if getPlayerMoney() >= BailAmount then setElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus", "Free") unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 255.5, 86.5, 1002.5) setElementInterior(localPlayer, 6) triggerServerEvent("takeMoney", localPlayer, BailAmount) setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", false) setElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime", false) else exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage("You don't have enough money!", 255, 0, 0, false) end else setElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus", "Free") unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 255.5, 86.5, 1002.5) setElementInterior(localPlayer, 6) end end end function dxDrawFramedText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, frameColor) if not color then color = tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) end if not frameColor then frameColor = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255) end if not scale then scale = 1 end if not sans then sans = "sans" end if not alignX then alignX = "right" end if not alignY then alignY = "top" end if not clip then clip = false end if not wordBreak then wordBreak = false end message1 = string.gsub(message, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top + 1, width + 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top - 1, width + 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top + 1, width - 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top - 1, width - 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) end function getPlayerWantedLevel(player) local level = getElementData(player, "WantLvl") or 0 return level end Report post Posted Monday at 18:06 On 06/04/2020 at 15:33, jakson said: اعرض كودك و راح نساعدك On 06/04/2020 at 16:08, -Ilker. said: تحقق من الداتا الي مسجل عليها اسم القروب addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, function(wp) if wp == 41 then return end local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if team and getTeamName(team) ~= "Police" then if not isTimer(gunFireCheckTimer) then gunFireCheckTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3500, 1) local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) if wp ~= 16 then if wL < 2 then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(source) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) < 15 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", localPlayer, 2) break end end end end else if wL < 4 then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(source) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) < 15 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", localPlayer, 4) break end end end end end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage", root, function(attacker) local player = getVehicleController(source) if attacker then if getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then attacker = getVehicleController(attacker) end if player and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(player) local attackerTeam = getPlayerTeam(attacker) if playerTeam and getTeamName(playerTeam) == "Police" and attackerTeam ~= playerTeam then if not isTimer(vehicleDMGCheckTimer) then vehicleDMGCheckTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3500, 1) local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(attacker) if wL < 3 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", attacker, 3) end end end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, function(attacker, wp) if wp == 41 then return end if attacker and attacker ~= source then --if getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then --attacker = getVehicleController(attacker) --end local attackerTeam = getPlayerTeam(attacker) local sourceTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) local LegalStatus = getElementData(source, "LegalStatus") if attackerTeam and getTeamName(attackerTeam) == "Police" then local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) if wL <= 2 then cancelEvent() end end if LegalStatus == "Jailed" or LegalStatus == "Arrested" then cancelEvent() end if sourceTeam and getTeamName(sourceTeam) == "Police" and getElementData(attacker, "LegalStatus") == "Jailed" then cancelEvent() end if attackerTeam and getTeamName(attackerTeam) == "Police" and wp == 3 and LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol1) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol2) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol3) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol4) then return end triggerServerEvent("backMeToJail", localPlayer) end end end) addEvent("startAlarm", true) addEventHandler("startAlarm", root, function() if isElement(alarmSound) then destroyElement(alarmSound) end if isTimer(alarmTimer) then killTimer(alarmTimer) end alarmSound = playSound("jail-Warning.mp3", true) alarmTimer = setTimer(function() if isElement(alarmSound) then destroyElement(alarmSound) end end, 8000, 1) end) Blip = {} addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do Blip[player] = createBlipAttachedTo(player) end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", root, function() Blip[source] = createBlipAttachedTo(source) end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", root, function() if isElement(Blip[source]) then destroyElement(Blip[source]) end Blip[source] = nil end) JailCol1 = createColCuboid(1546.53, -1618.5, -90.35, 18.85, 5, 4) JailCol2 = createColCuboid(1546.53, -1640.7, -90.35, 18.85, 6.5, 4) JailCol3 = createColCuboid(1542, -1640.7, -84, 32.7, 6.5, 4) JailCol4 = createColCuboid(1542, -1618.5, -84, 32.7, 5, 4) addEvent("onHacking", true) addEventHandler("onHacking", root, function() if isTimer(hackShowTimer) then killTimer(hackShowTimer) end hackShow = getPlayerName(source) exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage(getPlayerName(source).." is hacking the Police PC.", 255, 0, 100, false, 7) hackShowTimer = setTimer(function() hackShow = false end, 7000, 1) end) addEvent("onEscaping", true) addEventHandler("onEscaping", root, function(rsp) if isTimer(escapShowTimer) then killTimer(escapShowTimer) end escapShow = rsp exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage(getPlayerName(source).." has escape from the Jail, responsible for his escape "..rsp, 255, 0, 0, false, 7) escapShowTimer = setTimer(function() escapShow = false end, 7000, 1) end) local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() local Cop = getElementData(localPlayer, "ArresterCop") if isElement(Cop) and not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then local copX, copY, copZ = getElementPosition(Cop) local PrisonerX, PrisonerY, PrisonerZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local copInt = getElementInterior(Cop) local prisonerInt = getElementInterior(localPlayer) if copInt ~= prisonerInt and not isTimer(intTimer) then intTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, "INT", copInt, copX, copY, copZ) end local copDim = getElementDimension(Cop) local prisonerDim = getElementDimension(localPlayer) if copDim ~= prisonerDim and not isTimer(dimTimer) then dimTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, "DIM", copDim, copX+0.1, copY+0.1, copZ+0.5) end local dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(copX, copY, copZ, PrisonerX, PrisonerY, PrisonerZ) if (dis > 20) then if not isTimer(tooFarCopTimer) then triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, false, false, copX+1, copY+1, copZ) setControlState("forwards", false) setControlState("walk", false) setControlState("sprint", false) tooFarCopTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) end elseif (dis > 10) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", true) setControlState("walk", false) elseif (dis > 3) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", false) setControlState("walk", false) elseif (dis > 2) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", false) setControlState("walk", true) elseif (dis > 1) then setControlState("forwards", false) setControlState("walk", false) setControlState("sprint", false) end setPedRotation(localPlayer, 360-math.deg(math.atan2((copX-PrisonerX), (copY-PrisonerY))) % 360) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end local HackTime = getElementData(localPlayer, "HackTime") or 0 if HackTime and HackTime > 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Hacking in process: "..HackTime.." sec", x*0.1, y*0.550, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear", "center") end if hackShow then dxDrawImage(x/2+160, y-110, 100, 100, "hack.png") end if escapShow then dxDrawImage(x/2+160, y-110, 100, 100, "esc.png") end if isElement(alarmSound) then if getElementInterior(localPlayer) ~= 6 then setSoundVolume(alarmSound, 0) else setSoundVolume(alarmSound, 1) end end LegalStatus = getElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus") if LegalStatus == "Arrested" or LegalStatus == "Jailed" then setPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer, 0) end JailTime = tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime")) or 0 BailAmount = tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount")) or 0 if LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if (JailTime) > 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Remaining Time: "..JailTime.." Secs", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(0, 150, 255, 255), 1.5, "clear") end if getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then if JailTime <= 0 and BailAmount <= 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Your Jail time finish | Press 'H' to exit the jail.", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") else dxDrawFramedText("Your Jail time finish | Press 'H' to pay your bail and exit the jail.", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(255, 150, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") end end dxDrawFramedText("Bail: $"..BailAmount, x*0.875, y*0.951, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(150, 255, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") end end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", root, function(player) if player == localPlayer then if source == sendToJail then triggerServerEvent("sendToJail", localPlayer) destroyElement(sendToJail) end end end) setTimer(function() local team = getPlayerTeam(localPlayer) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(localPlayer, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[localPlayer], r, g, b, 255) jMarker = false for _, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (getElementData(p, "ArresterCop") == localPlayer) then jMarker = true if not isElement(sendToJail) then sendToJail = createMarker(1533, -1676, 11, "cylinder", 5, 255, 0, 255, 150) end break end end if not jMarker and isElement(sendToJail) then destroyElement(sendToJail) end for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) ~= "Police" then local LegalStatus = getElementData(player, "LegalStatus") local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(player) if LegalStatus == "Arrested" or LegalStatus == "Jailed" then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 0, 0, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 0, 0, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 5 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 0, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 0, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 3 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 150, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 150, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 1 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 255, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 250, 0, 255) elseif wL == 0 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 255, 255) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 250, 255, 255) end else if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[player], r, g, b, 255) end end end else for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[player], r, g, b, 255) end end end if LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol1) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol2) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol3) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol4) then if JailTime > 0 then setElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime", JailTime-1) if getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) end elseif BailAmount >= 50 then bindJailExit() setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", BailAmount-50) elseif BailAmount < 50 and BailAmount > 0 then setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", 0) bindJailExit() else bindJailExit() end end end end, 1000, 0) function bindJailExit() if not getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then bindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) end end function onJailTimeComplete() if JailTime <= 0 then if BailAmount > 0 then if getPlayerMoney() >= BailAmount then setElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus", "Free") unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 255.5, 86.5, 1002.5) setElementInterior(localPlayer, 6) triggerServerEvent("takeMoney", localPlayer, BailAmount) setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", false) setElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime", false) else exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage("You don't have enough money!", 255, 0, 0, false) end else setElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus", "Free") unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 255.5, 86.5, 1002.5) setElementInterior(localPlayer, 6) end end end function dxDrawFramedText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, frameColor) if not color then color = tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) end if not frameColor then frameColor = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255) end if not scale then scale = 1 end if not sans then sans = "sans" end if not alignX then alignX = "right" end if not alignY then alignY = "top" end if not clip then clip = false end if not wordBreak then wordBreak = false end message1 = string.gsub(message, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top + 1, width + 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top - 1, width + 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top + 1, width - 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top - 1, width - 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) end function getPlayerWantedLevel(player) local level = getElementData(player, "WantLvl") or 0 return level end Link to comment
jakson Posted April 8, 2020 Share Posted April 8, 2020 6 hours ago, Marwan_bv said: سلام هدا سكربت شرطة وسجن يعمل بالتيم المهم هو انو لما تقبض على حد عن طريق تأشر يدك عليه يتجمد في مكانه وينشأ ماركر امام مركز الشرطة ولما تخش عليه الاعب يدخل السجن بدي اعدل عليه انو لما تمسك الاعب يمشي وراك لغاية ما توصلو للماركر وهو يخش السجن ممكن مساعدة الاكواد Report post Posted Monday at 18:06 On 06/04/2020 at 15:33, jakson said: اعرض كودك و راح نساعدك On 06/04/2020 at 16:08, -Ilker. said: تحقق من الداتا الي مسجل عليها اسم القروب ?"> addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, function(wp) if wp == 41 then return end local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if team and getTeamName(team) ~= "Police" then if not isTimer(gunFireCheckTimer) then gunFireCheckTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3500, 1) local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) if wp ~= 16 then if wL < 2 then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(source) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) < 15 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", localPlayer, 2) break end end end end else if wL < 4 then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(source) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) < 15 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", localPlayer, 4) break end end end end end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage", root, function(attacker) local player = getVehicleController(source) if attacker then if getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then attacker = getVehicleController(attacker) end if player and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(player) local attackerTeam = getPlayerTeam(attacker) if playerTeam and getTeamName(playerTeam) == "Police" and attackerTeam ~= playerTeam then if not isTimer(vehicleDMGCheckTimer) then vehicleDMGCheckTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3500, 1) local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(attacker) if wL < 3 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", attacker, 3) end end end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, function(attacker, wp) if wp == 41 then return end if attacker and attacker ~= source then --if getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then --attacker = getVehicleController(attacker) --end local attackerTeam = getPlayerTeam(attacker) local sourceTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) local LegalStatus = getElementData(source, "LegalStatus") if attackerTeam and getTeamName(attackerTeam) == "Police" then local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) if wL <= 2 then cancelEvent() end end if LegalStatus == "Jailed" or LegalStatus == "Arrested" then cancelEvent() end if sourceTeam and getTeamName(sourceTeam) == "Police" and getElementData(attacker, "LegalStatus") == "Jailed" then cancelEvent() end if attackerTeam and getTeamName(attackerTeam) == "Police" and wp == 3 and LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol1) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol2) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol3) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol4) then return end triggerServerEvent("backMeToJail", localPlayer) end end end) addEvent("startAlarm", true) addEventHandler("startAlarm", root, function() if isElement(alarmSound) then destroyElement(alarmSound) end if isTimer(alarmTimer) then killTimer(alarmTimer) end alarmSound = playSound("jail-Warning.mp3", true) alarmTimer = setTimer(function() if isElement(alarmSound) then destroyElement(alarmSound) end end, 8000, 1) end) Blip = {} addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do Blip[player] = createBlipAttachedTo(player) end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", root, function() Blip[source] = createBlipAttachedTo(source) end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", root, function() if isElement(Blip[source]) then destroyElement(Blip[source]) end Blip[source] = nil end) JailCol1 = createColCuboid(1546.53, -1618.5, -90.35, 18.85, 5, 4) JailCol2 = createColCuboid(1546.53, -1640.7, -90.35, 18.85, 6.5, 4) JailCol3 = createColCuboid(1542, -1640.7, -84, 32.7, 6.5, 4) JailCol4 = createColCuboid(1542, -1618.5, -84, 32.7, 5, 4) addEvent("onHacking", true) addEventHandler("onHacking", root, function() if isTimer(hackShowTimer) then killTimer(hackShowTimer) end hackShow = getPlayerName(source) exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage(getPlayerName(source).." is hacking the Police PC.", 255, 0, 100, false, 7) hackShowTimer = setTimer(function() hackShow = false end, 7000, 1) end) addEvent("onEscaping", true) addEventHandler("onEscaping", root, function(rsp) if isTimer(escapShowTimer) then killTimer(escapShowTimer) end escapShow = rsp exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage(getPlayerName(source).." has escape from the Jail, responsible for his escape "..rsp, 255, 0, 0, false, 7) escapShowTimer = setTimer(function() escapShow = false end, 7000, 1) end) local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() local Cop = getElementData(localPlayer, "ArresterCop") if isElement(Cop) and not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then local copX, copY, copZ = getElementPosition(Cop) local PrisonerX, PrisonerY, PrisonerZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local copInt = getElementInterior(Cop) local prisonerInt = getElementInterior(localPlayer) if copInt ~= prisonerInt and not isTimer(intTimer) then intTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, "INT", copInt, copX, copY, copZ) end local copDim = getElementDimension(Cop) local prisonerDim = getElementDimension(localPlayer) if copDim ~= prisonerDim and not isTimer(dimTimer) then dimTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, "DIM", copDim, copX+0.1, copY+0.1, copZ+0.5) end local dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(copX, copY, copZ, PrisonerX, PrisonerY, PrisonerZ) if (dis > 20) then if not isTimer(tooFarCopTimer) then triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, false, false, copX+1, copY+1, copZ) setControlState("forwards", false) setControlState("walk", false) setControlState("sprint", false) tooFarCopTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) end elseif (dis > 10) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", true) setControlState("walk", false) elseif (dis > 3) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", false) setControlState("walk", false) elseif (dis > 2) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", false) setControlState("walk", true) elseif (dis > 1) then setControlState("forwards", false) setControlState("walk", false) setControlState("sprint", false) end setPedRotation(localPlayer, 360-math.deg(math.atan2((copX-PrisonerX), (copY-PrisonerY))) % 360) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end local HackTime = getElementData(localPlayer, "HackTime") or 0 if HackTime and HackTime > 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Hacking in process: "..HackTime.." sec", x*0.1, y*0.550, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear", "center") end if hackShow then dxDrawImage(x/2+160, y-110, 100, 100, "hack.png") end if escapShow then dxDrawImage(x/2+160, y-110, 100, 100, "esc.png") end if isElement(alarmSound) then if getElementInterior(localPlayer) ~= 6 then setSoundVolume(alarmSound, 0) else setSoundVolume(alarmSound, 1) end end LegalStatus = getElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus") if LegalStatus == "Arrested" or LegalStatus == "Jailed" then setPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer, 0) end JailTime = tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime")) or 0 BailAmount = tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount")) or 0 if LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if (JailTime) > 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Remaining Time: "..JailTime.." Secs", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(0, 150, 255, 255), 1.5, "clear") end if getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then if JailTime <= 0 and BailAmount <= 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Your Jail time finish | Press 'H' to exit the jail.", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") else dxDrawFramedText("Your Jail time finish | Press 'H' to pay your bail and exit the jail.", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(255, 150, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") end end dxDrawFramedText("Bail: $"..BailAmount, x*0.875, y*0.951, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(150, 255, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") end end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", root, function(player) if player == localPlayer then if source == sendToJail then triggerServerEvent("sendToJail", localPlayer) destroyElement(sendToJail) end end end) setTimer(function() local team = getPlayerTeam(localPlayer) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(localPlayer, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[localPlayer], r, g, b, 255) jMarker = false for _, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (getElementData(p, "ArresterCop") == localPlayer) then jMarker = true if not isElement(sendToJail) then sendToJail = createMarker(1533, -1676, 11, "cylinder", 5, 255, 0, 255, 150) end break end end if not jMarker and isElement(sendToJail) then destroyElement(sendToJail) end for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) ~= "Police" then local LegalStatus = getElementData(player, "LegalStatus") local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(player) if LegalStatus == "Arrested" or LegalStatus == "Jailed" then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 0, 0, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 0, 0, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 5 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 0, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 0, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 3 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 150, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 150, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 1 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 255, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 250, 0, 255) elseif wL == 0 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 255, 255) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 250, 255, 255) end else if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[player], r, g, b, 255) end end end else for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[player], r, g, b, 255) end end end if LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol1) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol2) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol3) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol4) then if JailTime > 0 then setElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime", JailTime-1) if getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) end elseif BailAmount >= 50 then bindJailExit() setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", BailAmount-50) elseif BailAmount < 50 and BailAmount > 0 then setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", 0) bindJailExit() else bindJailExit() end end end end, 1000, 0) function bindJailExit() if not getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then bindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) end end function onJailTimeComplete() if JailTime <= 0 then if BailAmount > 0 then if getPlayerMoney() >= BailAmount then setElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus", "Free") unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 255.5, 86.5, 1002.5) setElementInterior(localPlayer, 6) triggerServerEvent("takeMoney", localPlayer, BailAmount) setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", false) setElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime", false) else exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage("You don't have enough money!", 255, 0, 0, false) end else setElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus", "Free") unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 255.5, 86.5, 1002.5) setElementInterior(localPlayer, 6) end end end function dxDrawFramedText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, frameColor) if not color then color = tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) end if not frameColor then frameColor = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255) end if not scale then scale = 1 end if not sans then sans = "sans" end if not alignX then alignX = "right" end if not alignY then alignY = "top" end if not clip then clip = false end if not wordBreak then wordBreak = false end message1 = string.gsub(message, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top + 1, width + 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top - 1, width + 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top + 1, width - 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top - 1, width - 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) end function getPlayerWantedLevel(player) local level = getElementData(player, "WantLvl") or 0 return level end Report post Posted Monday at 18:06 On 06/04/2020 at 15:33, jakson said:اعرض كودك و راح نساعدك On 06/04/2020 at 16:08, -Ilker. said:تحقق من الداتا الي مسجل عليها اسم القروب?">addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer,function(wp) if wp == 41 then return end local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if team and getTeamName(team) ~= "Police" then if not isTimer(gunFireCheckTimer) then gunFireCheckTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3500, 1) local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) if wp ~= 16 then if wL < 2 then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(source) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) < 15 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", localPlayer, 2) break end end end end else if wL < 4 then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(source) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) < 15 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", localPlayer, 4) break end end end end end end endend)addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage", root,function(attacker) local player = getVehicleController(source) if attacker then if getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then attacker = getVehicleController(attacker) end if player and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(player) local attackerTeam = getPlayerTeam(attacker) if playerTeam and getTeamName(playerTeam) == "Police" and attackerTeam ~= playerTeam then if not isTimer(vehicleDMGCheckTimer) then vehicleDMGCheckTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3500, 1) local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(attacker) if wL < 3 then triggerServerEvent("setWantLevel", attacker, 3) end end end end endend)addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer,function(attacker, wp) if wp == 41 then return end if attacker and attacker ~= source then --if getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then --attacker = getVehicleController(attacker) --end local attackerTeam = getPlayerTeam(attacker) local sourceTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) local LegalStatus = getElementData(source, "LegalStatus") if attackerTeam and getTeamName(attackerTeam) == "Police" then local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) if wL <= 2 then cancelEvent() end end if LegalStatus == "Jailed" or LegalStatus == "Arrested" then cancelEvent() end if sourceTeam and getTeamName(sourceTeam) == "Police" and getElementData(attacker, "LegalStatus") == "Jailed" then cancelEvent() end if attackerTeam and getTeamName(attackerTeam) == "Police" and wp == 3 and LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol1) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol2) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol3) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol4) then return end triggerServerEvent("backMeToJail", localPlayer) end endend)addEvent("startAlarm", true)addEventHandler("startAlarm", root,function() if isElement(alarmSound) then destroyElement(alarmSound) end if isTimer(alarmTimer) then killTimer(alarmTimer) end alarmSound = playSound("jail-Warning.mp3", true) alarmTimer = setTimer(function() if isElement(alarmSound) then destroyElement(alarmSound) end end, 8000, 1)end)Blip = {}addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,function() for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do Blip[player] = createBlipAttachedTo(player) endend)addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", root,function() Blip[source] = createBlipAttachedTo(source)end)addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", root,function() if isElement(Blip[source]) then destroyElement(Blip[source]) end Blip[source] = nilend)JailCol1 = createColCuboid(1546.53, -1618.5, -90.35, 18.85, 5, 4)JailCol2 = createColCuboid(1546.53, -1640.7, -90.35, 18.85, 6.5, 4)JailCol3 = createColCuboid(1542, -1640.7, -84, 32.7, 6.5, 4)JailCol4 = createColCuboid(1542, -1618.5, -84, 32.7, 5, 4)addEvent("onHacking", true)addEventHandler("onHacking", root,function() if isTimer(hackShowTimer) then killTimer(hackShowTimer) end hackShow = getPlayerName(source) exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage(getPlayerName(source).." is hacking the Police PC.", 255, 0, 100, false, 7) hackShowTimer = setTimer(function() hackShow = false end, 7000, 1)end)addEvent("onEscaping", true)addEventHandler("onEscaping", root,function(rsp) if isTimer(escapShowTimer) then killTimer(escapShowTimer) end escapShow = rsp exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage(getPlayerName(source).." has escape from the Jail, responsible for his escape "..rsp, 255, 0, 0, false, 7) escapShowTimer = setTimer(function() escapShow = false end, 7000, 1)end)local x, y = guiGetScreenSize()addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root,function() local Cop = getElementData(localPlayer, "ArresterCop") if isElement(Cop) and not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then local copX, copY, copZ = getElementPosition(Cop) local PrisonerX, PrisonerY, PrisonerZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local copInt = getElementInterior(Cop) local prisonerInt = getElementInterior(localPlayer) if copInt ~= prisonerInt and not isTimer(intTimer) then intTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, "INT", copInt, copX, copY, copZ) end local copDim = getElementDimension(Cop) local prisonerDim = getElementDimension(localPlayer) if copDim ~= prisonerDim and not isTimer(dimTimer) then dimTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, "DIM", copDim, copX+0.1, copY+0.1, copZ+0.5) end local dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(copX, copY, copZ, PrisonerX, PrisonerY, PrisonerZ) if (dis > 20) then if not isTimer(tooFarCopTimer) then triggerServerEvent("warpPosAndIntAndDim", localPlayer, false, false, copX+1, copY+1, copZ) setControlState("forwards", false) setControlState("walk", false) setControlState("sprint", false) tooFarCopTimer = setTimer(function() end, 3000, 1) end elseif (dis > 10) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", true) setControlState("walk", false) elseif (dis > 3) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", false) setControlState("walk", false) elseif (dis > 2) then setControlState("forwards", true) setControlState("sprint", false) setControlState("walk", true) elseif (dis > 1) then setControlState("forwards", false) setControlState("walk", false) setControlState("sprint", false) end setPedRotation(localPlayer, 360-math.deg(math.atan2((copX-PrisonerX), (copY-PrisonerY))) % 360) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end local HackTime = getElementData(localPlayer, "HackTime") or 0 if HackTime and HackTime > 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Hacking in process: "..HackTime.." sec", x*0.1, y*0.550, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear", "center") end if hackShow then dxDrawImage(x/2+160, y-110, 100, 100, "hack.png") end if escapShow then dxDrawImage(x/2+160, y-110, 100, 100, "esc.png") end if isElement(alarmSound) then if getElementInterior(localPlayer) ~= 6 then setSoundVolume(alarmSound, 0) else setSoundVolume(alarmSound, 1) end end LegalStatus = getElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus") if LegalStatus == "Arrested" or LegalStatus == "Jailed" then setPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer, 0) end JailTime = tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime")) or 0 BailAmount = tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount")) or 0 if LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if (JailTime) > 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Remaining Time: "..JailTime.." Secs", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(0, 150, 255, 255), 1.5, "clear") end if getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then if JailTime <= 0 and BailAmount <= 0 then dxDrawFramedText("Your Jail time finish | Press 'H' to exit the jail.", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") else dxDrawFramedText("Your Jail time finish | Press 'H' to pay your bail and exit the jail.", x*0.875, y*0.911, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(255, 150, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") end end dxDrawFramedText("Bail: $"..BailAmount, x*0.875, y*0.951, x*0.99, y*0.97, tocolor(150, 255, 0, 255), 1.5, "clear") endend)addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", root,function(player) if player == localPlayer then if source == sendToJail then triggerServerEvent("sendToJail", localPlayer) destroyElement(sendToJail) end endend)setTimer(function() local team = getPlayerTeam(localPlayer) if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(localPlayer, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[localPlayer], r, g, b, 255) jMarker = false for _, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (getElementData(p, "ArresterCop") == localPlayer) then jMarker = true if not isElement(sendToJail) then sendToJail = createMarker(1533, -1676, 11, "cylinder", 5, 255, 0, 255, 150) end break end end if not jMarker and isElement(sendToJail) then destroyElement(sendToJail) end for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team and getTeamName(team) ~= "Police" then local LegalStatus = getElementData(player, "LegalStatus") local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(player) if LegalStatus == "Arrested" or LegalStatus == "Jailed" then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 0, 0, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 0, 0, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 5 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 0, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 0, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 3 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 150, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 150, 0, 255) elseif wL >= 1 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 255, 0) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 250, 0, 255) elseif wL == 0 then setPlayerNametagColor(player, 255, 255, 255) setBlipColor(Blip[player], 255, 250, 255, 255) end else if team and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[player], r, g, b, 255) end end end else for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local team = getPlayerTeam(player) if team then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) setBlipColor(Blip[player], r, g, b, 255) end end end if LegalStatus == "Jailed" then if isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol1) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol2) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol3) or isElementWithinColShape(localPlayer, JailCol4) then if JailTime > 0 then setElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime", JailTime-1) if getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) end elseif BailAmount >= 50 then bindJailExit() setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", BailAmount-50) elseif BailAmount < 50 and BailAmount > 0 then setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", 0) bindJailExit() else bindJailExit() end end endend, 1000, 0)function bindJailExit() if not getKeyBoundToFunction(onJailTimeComplete) then bindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) endendfunction onJailTimeComplete() if JailTime <= 0 then if BailAmount > 0 then if getPlayerMoney() >= BailAmount then setElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus", "Free") unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 255.5, 86.5, 1002.5) setElementInterior(localPlayer, 6) triggerServerEvent("takeMoney", localPlayer, BailAmount) setElementData(localPlayer, "BailAmount", false) setElementData(localPlayer, "JailTime", false) else exports.TopBarChat:sendClientMessage("You don't have enough money!", 255, 0, 0, false) end else setElementData(localPlayer, "LegalStatus", "Free") unbindKey("H", "down", onJailTimeComplete) setElementPosition(localPlayer, 255.5, 86.5, 1002.5) setElementInterior(localPlayer, 6) end endendfunction dxDrawFramedText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, frameColor) if not color then color = tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255) end if not frameColor then frameColor = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255) end if not scale then scale = 1 end if not sans then sans = "sans" end if not alignX then alignX = "right" end if not alignY then alignY = "top" end if not clip then clip = false end if not wordBreak then wordBreak = false end message1 = string.gsub(message, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top + 1, width + 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left + 1, top - 1, width + 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top + 1, width - 1, height + 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left - 1, top - 1, width - 1, height - 1, frameColor, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true) dxDrawText(message, left, top, width, height, color, scale, sans, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, true)endfunction getPlayerWantedLevel(player) local level = getElementData(player, "WantLvl") or 0 return levelend كودك كبير جدا فا ماحد راح يضيع وقته في القراءه في الكود حقك انصحك نصيحه خد جميع النصوص الي فيها getPlayerTeam واعرضها وراح نساعدك ان شاء الله ولو بدك اعطيك كود تحط فيه التيمات وتنحفظ يعني لما تخرج و تدخل ما تنحذف اعطيك الكود و يكون افضلك هاذا لو عندك مود الوظائف Link to comment
Jw8. Posted April 8, 2020 Share Posted April 8, 2020 يحبيبي المود شغال , بس جربه على شخص 1 Link to comment
jakson Posted April 8, 2020 Share Posted April 8, 2020 (edited) 40 minutes ago, DmaR..x said: يحبيبي المود شغال , بس جربه على شخص انا جالس علي الجوال وكنت افكر أنه يريد يعدلها القروب متل ما كان مسوي فل توبك الي قبله ما قريت الموضوع 57 minutes ago, jakson said: كودك كبير جدا فا ماحد راح يضيع وقته في القراءه في الكود حقك انصحك نصيحه خد جميع النصوص الي فيها getPlayerTeam واعرضها وراح نساعدك ان شاء الله ولو بدك اعطيك كود تحط فيه التيمات وتنحفظ يعني لما تخرج و تدخل ما تنحذف اعطيك الكود و يكون افضلك هاذا لو عندك مود الوظائف Edited April 8, 2020 by jakson 1 Link to comment
Marwan_bv Posted April 8, 2020 Author Share Posted April 8, 2020 55 minutes ago, DmaR..x said: يحبيبي المود شغال , بس جربه على شخص اعرف شغال المشكل اريده لما امسك شخص يجي ورايا مو يتجمد في مكانه ومشكور على وقتك 16 minutes ago, jakson said: انا جالس علي الجوال وكنت افكر أنه يريد يعدلها القروب متل ما كان مسوي فل توبك الي قبله ما قريت الموضوع مشكل القروب اتحل بفضل الله تم مود وانا اعرف مافي مشكل بالمود بس الشخص اللي ينمسك يتجمد في مكانه حتى يدخل السجن بعد مدة اريدو انو لما ينمسك يجي ورايا حتى الماركر بس Link to comment
jakson Posted April 8, 2020 Share Posted April 8, 2020 (edited) --Server Side function addPed(thePlayer) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( thePlayer ); x = x + math.cos( math.rad( getPlayerRotation( thePlayer ) ) ) * 2; y = y - math.sin( math.rad( getPlayerRotation( thePlayer ) ) ) * 2; if (thePed) then destroyElement(thePed) end thePed = createPed ( math.random( 10, 270 ), x, y, z) triggerClientEvent ( "followPlayer", Ped, thePlayer, true ) end addCommandHandler ( "ped", addPed ) --Client Side local followTo local follower addEvent("followPlayer", true) addEventHandler("followPlayer", root, function (thePlayer, value) if (isElement(source) and isElement(thePlayer) ) then if (value) then followTo = thePlayer follower = source removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, FollowToPlayer) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, FollowToPlayer) else removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, FollowToPlayer) end end end) function FollowToPlayer() local ped = follower -- الكركتر الي راح تصنعها تمشي وراك local plr = followTo -- الاعب الي هو انت if ped then local x, y, z = getElementPosition( plr ); local px, py, pz = getElementPosition( ped ); local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x, y, z, px, py, pz ) if distance < 3.5 then setPedControlState( ped, "forwards", false ); if ( isPedDucked( plr ) ~= isPedDucked( ped ) ) then setPedControlState( ped, "crouch", isPedDucked( getLocalPlayer( ) )); return end else setPedControlState( ped, "forwards", true ); if distance < 6.0 then if isPedDucked( plr ) ~= isPedDucked( ped ) then setPedControlState( ped, "crouch", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "crouch", true ); setPedControlState( ped, "walk", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", false ); return else setPedControlState( ped, "walk", true ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", false ); end elseif distance < 10.0 then setPedControlState( ped, "walk", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", true ); else setPedControlState( ped, "walk", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", true ); end local X, Y = 0, 0; X = math.abs( x - px ); Y = math.abs( y - py ); faceMe = math.deg( math.atan2( Y , X ) ); if ( x >= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-east faceMe = 90 - faceMe elseif ( x <= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-west faceMe = 270 + faceMe elseif ( x >= px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-east faceMe = 90 + faceMe elseif ( x < px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-west faceMe = 270 - faceMe end setPedRotation( ped, faceMe ); setPedLookAt( ped, x, y, z + .5 ); end end end _setPedRotation = setPedRotation function setPedRotation( ped, rot ) return _setPedRotation( ped, 360 - rot ); end خد هاذا الكود كا مثال و حاول أطبق خطواطه او تحمل مود شرطه منشور و تحاول انك تاخذ فكره من المود غير كدا ماحد راح يقدر يساعدك Edited April 8, 2020 by jakson 1 Link to comment
Marwan_bv Posted April 8, 2020 Author Share Posted April 8, 2020 57 minutes ago, jakson said: --Server Side function addPed(thePlayer) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( thePlayer ); x = x + math.cos( math.rad( getPlayerRotation( thePlayer ) ) ) * 2; y = y - math.sin( math.rad( getPlayerRotation( thePlayer ) ) ) * 2; if (thePed) then destroyElement(thePed) end thePed = createPed ( math.random( 10, 270 ), x, y, z) triggerClientEvent ( "followPlayer", Ped, thePlayer, true ) end addCommandHandler ( "ped", addPed ) --Client Side local followTo local follower addEvent("followPlayer", true) addEventHandler("followPlayer", root, function (thePlayer, value) if (isElement(source) and isElement(thePlayer) ) then if (value) then followTo = thePlayer follower = source removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, FollowToPlayer) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, FollowToPlayer) else removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, FollowToPlayer) end end end) function FollowToPlayer() local ped = follower -- الكركتر الي راح تصنعها تمشي وراك local plr = followTo -- الاعب الي هو انت if ped then local x, y, z = getElementPosition( plr ); local px, py, pz = getElementPosition( ped ); local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x, y, z, px, py, pz ) if distance < 3.5 then setPedControlState( ped, "forwards", false ); if ( isPedDucked( plr ) ~= isPedDucked( ped ) ) then setPedControlState( ped, "crouch", isPedDucked( getLocalPlayer( ) )); return end else setPedControlState( ped, "forwards", true ); if distance < 6.0 then if isPedDucked( plr ) ~= isPedDucked( ped ) then setPedControlState( ped, "crouch", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "crouch", true ); setPedControlState( ped, "walk", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", false ); return else setPedControlState( ped, "walk", true ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", false ); end elseif distance < 10.0 then setPedControlState( ped, "walk", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", true ); else setPedControlState( ped, "walk", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", true ); end local X, Y = 0, 0; X = math.abs( x - px ); Y = math.abs( y - py ); faceMe = math.deg( math.atan2( Y , X ) ); if ( x >= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-east faceMe = 90 - faceMe elseif ( x <= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-west faceMe = 270 + faceMe elseif ( x >= px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-east faceMe = 90 + faceMe elseif ( x < px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-west faceMe = 270 - faceMe end setPedRotation( ped, faceMe ); setPedLookAt( ped, x, y, z + .5 ); end end end _setPedRotation = setPedRotation function setPedRotation( ped, rot ) return _setPedRotation( ped, 360 - rot ); end خد هاذا الكود كا مثال و حاول أطبق خطواطه او تحمل مود شرطه منشور و تحاول انك تاخذ فكره من المود غير كدا ماحد راح يقدر يساعدك بس شوف الكود اللي كاتبو يصلح للمود اللي باعتو انا او لازم مود شرطة اخر 1 hour ago, jakson said: --Server Side function addPed(thePlayer) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( thePlayer ); x = x + math.cos( math.rad( getPlayerRotation( thePlayer ) ) ) * 2; y = y - math.sin( math.rad( getPlayerRotation( thePlayer ) ) ) * 2; if (thePed) then destroyElement(thePed) end thePed = createPed ( math.random( 10, 270 ), x, y, z) triggerClientEvent ( "followPlayer", Ped, thePlayer, true ) end addCommandHandler ( "ped", addPed ) --Client Side local followTo local follower addEvent("followPlayer", true) addEventHandler("followPlayer", root, function (thePlayer, value) if (isElement(source) and isElement(thePlayer) ) then if (value) then followTo = thePlayer follower = source removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, FollowToPlayer) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, FollowToPlayer) else removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, FollowToPlayer) end end end) function FollowToPlayer() local ped = follower -- الكركتر الي راح تصنعها تمشي وراك local plr = followTo -- الاعب الي هو انت if ped then local x, y, z = getElementPosition( plr ); local px, py, pz = getElementPosition( ped ); local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x, y, z, px, py, pz ) if distance < 3.5 then setPedControlState( ped, "forwards", false ); if ( isPedDucked( plr ) ~= isPedDucked( ped ) ) then setPedControlState( ped, "crouch", isPedDucked( getLocalPlayer( ) )); return end else setPedControlState( ped, "forwards", true ); if distance < 6.0 then if isPedDucked( plr ) ~= isPedDucked( ped ) then setPedControlState( ped, "crouch", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "crouch", true ); setPedControlState( ped, "walk", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", false ); return else setPedControlState( ped, "walk", true ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", false ); end elseif distance < 10.0 then setPedControlState( ped, "walk", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", true ); else setPedControlState( ped, "walk", false ); setPedControlState( ped, "sprint", true ); end local X, Y = 0, 0; X = math.abs( x - px ); Y = math.abs( y - py ); faceMe = math.deg( math.atan2( Y , X ) ); if ( x >= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-east faceMe = 90 - faceMe elseif ( x <= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-west faceMe = 270 + faceMe elseif ( x >= px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-east faceMe = 90 + faceMe elseif ( x < px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-west faceMe = 270 - faceMe end setPedRotation( ped, faceMe ); setPedLookAt( ped, x, y, z + .5 ); end end end _setPedRotation = setPedRotation function setPedRotation( ped, rot ) return _setPedRotation( ped, 360 - rot ); end خد هاذا الكود كا مثال و حاول أطبق خطواطه او تحمل مود شرطه منشور و تحاول انك تاخذ فكره من المود غير كدا ماحد راح يقدر يساعدك المشكل كود الشرطة كبير اللي عندي كيف ادمج كودك ياريت تشرح ترى جديد فالبرمجة واحاول افهم بايستيعاب Link to comment
Infinity-War Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 @jakson - الكود ماهو لك يالحبيب . وإذا ودك مرة ثانية تحط كود ما هو لك , حط رابط الموضوع الي جبته منه الكود .. يعطيك العافية .. 1 Link to comment
Marwan_bv Posted April 9, 2020 Author Share Posted April 9, 2020 3 minutes ago, Infinity-War said: @jakson - الكود ماهو لك يالحبيب . وإذا ودك مرة ثانية تحط كود ما هو لك , حط رابط الموضوع الي جبته منه الكود .. يعطيك العافية .. اوكي بس قولي كيف اظيف الكود للكود اللي نشرتو فوق Link to comment
jakson Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 (edited) 4 hours ago, Infinity-War said: @jakson - الكود ماهو لك يالحبيب . وإذا ودك مرة ثانية تحط كود ما هو لك , حط رابط الموضوع الي جبته منه الكود .. يعطيك العافية . ما راح يفهم انجليزي لأن كنت شفته في توبك قبل كدا فل بيج الانجليزي وما قلت الكود الي انا شرحتله أن الكود ممكن يساعده أن يسوي الي هو يريده + انا مو فاضي أن اسوي كود مثل هاذا كا اجزنبل لا احد + وش دخلك بل موضوع عندك شيئ تقدر تساعده بيه قوله لاكن لا تكون حقودي Edited April 9, 2020 by jakson 1 Link to comment
Marwan_bv Posted April 9, 2020 Author Share Posted April 9, 2020 37 minutes ago, jakson said: ما راح يفهم انجليزي لأن كنت شفته في توبك قبل كدا فل بيج الانجليزي وما قلت الكود الي انا شرحتله أن الكود ممكن يساعده أن يسوي الي هو يريده + انا مو فاضي أن اسوي كود مثل هاذا كا اجزنبل لا احد + وش دخلك بل موضوع عندك شيئ تقدر تساعده بيه قوله لاكن لا تكون حقودي اوكي شكرا على النصيحةقولي الكود كيف اضيفه للمود Link to comment
Infinity-War Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 4 hours ago, jakson said: ما راح يفهم انجليزي لأن كنت شفته في توبك قبل كدا فل بيج الانجليزي وما قلت الكود الي انا شرحتله أن الكود ممكن يساعده أن يسوي الي هو يريده + انا مو فاضي أن اسوي كود مثل هاذا كا اجزنبل لا احد + وش دخلك بل موضوع عندك شيئ تقدر تساعده بيه قوله لاكن لا تكون حقودي يا حبيب , ما قلت لك شيء غلط , قلت لك اذا تاخذ كود من موضوع ناس ثاني , حط الموضوع هنا . وصحح كلماتك , لانك تدمر اللغة العربية , الي فيها يكفيها . لاكن - لكن \ حقودي - حقود \ أن - إن \ هاذا - هذا .. حتى 4 كلمات مو عارفهم تلزقهم ببعض مزبوط Link to comment
jakson Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 1 minute ago, Infinity-War said: يا حبيب , ما قلت لك شيء غلط , قلت لك اذا تاخذ كود من موضوع ناس ثاني , حط الموضوع هنا . وصحح كلماتك , لانك تدمر اللغة العربية , الي فيها يكفيها . لاكن - لكن \ حقودي - حقود \ أن - إن \ هاذا - هذا .. حتى 4 كلمات مو عارفهم تلزقهم ببعض مزبوط اسف اتكلم كدا لائن تعليمي يختلف عن تعليمك انا مانا سعودي فا أحاول اتكلم مع الناس بلغتهم بالتوفيق 1 Link to comment
Infinity-War Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 10 minutes ago, jakson said: اسف اتكلم كدا لائن تعليمي يختلف عن تعليمك انا مانا سعودي فا أحاول اتكلم مع الناس بلغتهم بالتوفيق اها , انت من جماعة الهاي كلاس 1 Link to comment
jakson Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 20 minutes ago, Infinity-War said: اها , انت من جماعة الهاي كلاس اسف لو كنت بوخت معك فل كلام عن طريقه قولي حقودي لك انا اعتزرلك لائنك عربي متلي يعني اخوات فا اعتزرلك علي اي شيئ مستفز قلته لك ولله قاعد ضميري يئىنبني لائني اتكلمت معك بطريقه مو حلوه ** بس احب اقولك انا مو من جماعه الهاي لاكس ولا نيله انا يمكن أقل من اي حد وانا اسامحك علي طريقتك بردو و اتمني انك تقبل اعتزاري 3 Link to comment
Marwan_bv Posted April 10, 2020 Author Share Posted April 10, 2020 15 hours ago, jakson said: اسف لو كنت بوخت معك فل كلام عن طريقه قولي حقودي لك انا اعتزرلك لائنك عربي متلي يعني اخوات فا اعتزرلك علي اي شيئ مستفز قلته لك ولله قاعد ضميري يئىنبني لائني اتكلمت معك بطريقه مو حلوه ** بس احب اقولك انا مو من جماعه الهاي لاكس ولا نيله انا يمكن أقل من اي حد وانا اسامحك علي طريقتك بردو و اتمني انك تقبل اعتزاري تسامحو تحابو شباب والله ازعل لما اشوف اني فتحت موضوع واشوف ناس يتصارعو فيه الخطأ خطئي اسف 1 Link to comment
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