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Number of players does not update


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Hello there, this is my server side script, and my player number does not change it's allways the same when.


tMensagems = 5

MensagensInfo = {
    "The are, #FF0000"..getPlayerCount().."#FFFFFF  players in the server",
    "Welcome the server",

function messages() 
    outputChatBox (MensagensInfo[ math.random( 1,#MensagensInfo ) ] ,getRootElement(),255,255,255,true)  
setTimer(messages, tMensagems * 600, 0) 

Can you guys help me fixing this?, I have for example 3 players in someone joins or leaves with will keep telling that there are 3 players and not the correct amount

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That's because you call getPlayerCount when you create the string, and you created the string only at start time. What you probably want is

MensagensInfo = {
    "There are #FF0000\(plrCount)#FFFFFF players in the server",
    "Welcome the server",

and then change line 9 to the following lines:

message = MensagensInfo[math.random(1, #MensagensInfo)] -- select a random line from MensagensInfo table
message = message:gsub("\%(plrCount%)", getPlayerCount()) -- replace \(plrCount) with current player count (has no effect if \(plrCount) isn't present in the string)
outputChatBox(message, getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) -- output the replaced string


Edited by Addlibs
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