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Hello, I Need Help Inside This Script

	if selectedType == "N/A" then 
		for i,v in ipairs (clientItems) do 
		itimage = v["item"]
		itemline = math.ceil(i/7)
		if (itemline ~= itemoline)then 
		    itemz = 1
		if (i <= 5) and (itemz > i) then 
		itemz = 1
		if selectedType == "Evenrything" then 
		dxDrawRelativeImage(466+76*itemz, 150+61*itemline, 62, 51, "images/items/"..itimage..".png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false)	

i want make +1Page after 15Items?

Can Anyone Help me?


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5 minutes ago, ^iiEcoo'x_) said:

more explanation

        dxDrawRelativeText(""..page.." / "..pageCount, 630, 628, 669, 681, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2.00, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, true, false, false)
	if selectedType == "N/A" then 

		for i,v in ipairs (clientItems) do 
		itimage = v["item"]
		if itimage == "Morphine Seed" then itimage = "Morphine" end
		if itimage == "Cocaine Seed" then itimage = "Cocaine" end
		if itimage == "DMT Seed" then itimage = "DMT" end
		if itimage == "PCP Seed" then itimage = "PCP" end
		if itimage == "2x Nitrous" then itimage = "nitro" end
		if itimage == "5x Nitrous" then itimage = "nitro" end
		if itimage == "10x Nitrous" then itimage = "nitro" end
		if itimage == "Gas Can" then itimage = "gas" end
		if itimage == "TearGas" then itimage = "Tear Gas" end
		itemline = math.ceil(i/7)
		if (itemline ~= itemoline)then 
		    itemz = 1
		if (i <= 4) and (itemz > i) then 
		itemz = 1
		for i = pageAm-21, pageAm do
	    if page > 1 then i = i + 1 end
        if clientItems[i] then
		local normalizedIndex = i - (pageAm - 21)
		if selectedType == "All" then 
		dxDrawRelativeImage(img["X"]+70*itemz, img["Y"]+58*(itemline), img["Width"], img["Height"], ":images/items/"..clientItems[i]..".png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true)
		dxDrawRelativeText("x"..v["quant"].."", x["X"]+70*(itemz*2), x["Y"]+58*(itemline*2), x["Width"], x["Height"], tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, true)

I Tried but i failed on smth which

That i need when inventory got 21Items new Page Added

Every 21Items new page added

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