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Map and spawn players


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I created a map with the MTA editor map.
And now I have the map file with no changes.
I want to upload the map player after he logs in and the player where I want to be spawned.
Summary of Questions:
First question: How do I load the map for the player after login?
second Question: How do I determine the player's spawn location?

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18 hours ago, DANFOR said:

How do I determine the player's spawn location?

This is a question for you. How do you want to the spawn location chosen? At random? If so, you'll want to use math.random between 1 and the number of spawn points you have, and then take the coordinates for that index. E.g.

local spawns = {
  {x1, y1, z1},
  {x2, y2, z2},

-- later in the code when you're actually spawning
local spawnIndex = math.random(1, #spawns) -- select a random index between 1 and number of spawns
local spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ = spawns[spawnIndex][1], spawns[spawnIndex][2], spawns[spawnIndex][3] -- collect it's first, second and third parameters (x, y and z position)


Edited by MrTasty
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3 hours ago, MrTasty said:

This is a question for you. How do you want to the spawn location chosen? At random? If so, you'll want to use math.random between 1 and the number of spawn points you have, and then take the coordinates for that index. E.g.

i inserted that the code you say to me but when i go to my server i'm see a black/blank page .

what i can do ?

i just want say : when player join load the map and spawn the player in the map .

please help me thanks 

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