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[Question] Serial number ans account system

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Hi, I want to authorize a player only by his serial number (without username and password) and I have a question.
Which option is better?
1. Take the number through getPlayerSerial and use it as a login:

local serial = getPlayerSerial(source)
local account = getAccount(serial, "dsfsdfdsf")
if account then
  account =...

2. Or use getAccountsBySerial()

local serial = getPlayerSerial(source)
local account = getAccountsBySerial(serial)
if #account > 1 then
  account =...

something like this. 

What is the best way to proceed? Or maybe there is some more correct way? Thanks.

Edited by manif14102
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I wouldn't recommend relying on serials as the sole authentication factor, as serials can be faked, they are not guarenteed to be unique (two players can have the same serial, it's just very unlikely). Indeed, under European privacy rules, if another user gets logged into someone else's account though serial collision, and gains the ability to view the account owner's information, you would probably be violating GDPR (I'm not a lawyer so don't quote me on that, but it definitely sounds like a violation of GDPR).

Edited by MrTasty
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