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Command through the server console


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Hello everybody! Please tell me how to make the team work through the server console? I need to make the /givemoney team work through the server console .  I made an export to meta to the function where the command is written, but this did not help. I would be grateful for your help.


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1 hour ago, dima3367 said:

function where the command is written

You can use the addCommandHandler.


addCommandHandler ( "givemoney", 
function (responsibleElement, commandName, teamName, money) 
	iprint("givemoney command used")
	if responsibleElement and getElementType(responsibleElement) == "console" then
		iprint("the one used the command is the console")
		money = tonumber(money)
		if teamName and money then
			iprint("parameters are valid!")
			-- do your stuff


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