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HTTP server file mismatch + Timed out issues



I using: Linux Debian 8.
MTA:SA Server v1.5.7-release-20359

External web server: nginx

user www-data;
worker_processes 4;
pid /run/nginx.pid;
worker_rlimit_nofile 5000;

events {
	worker_connections 5000;
	# multi_accept on;

http {

	# Basic Settings

	sendfile on;
	tcp_nopush on;
	tcp_nodelay on;
	keepalive_timeout 65;
	types_hash_max_size 2048;
	# server_tokens off;

	# server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;
	# server_name_in_redirect off;

	include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
	default_type application/octet-stream;

	# SSL Settings

	ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # Dropping SSLv3, ref: POODLE
	ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

	# Logging Settings

	access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
	error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

	# Gzip Settings

	gzip on;
	gzip_disable "msie6";
	gzip_types *;
	# gzip_vary on;
	# gzip_proxied any;
	# gzip_comp_level 6;
	# gzip_buffers 16 8k;
	# gzip_http_version 1.1;
	# gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;

	# Virtual Host Configs

	include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
	include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;

#mail {
#	# See sample authentication script at:
#	# http://wiki.nginx.org/ImapAuthenticateWithApachePhpScript
#	# auth_http localhost/auth.php;
#	# pop3_capabilities "TOP" "USER";
#	# imap_capabilities "IMAP4rev1" "UIDPLUS";
#	server {
#		listen     localhost:110;
#		protocol   pop3;
#		proxy      on;
#	}
#	server {
#		listen     localhost:143;
#		protocol   imap;
#		proxy      on;
#	}

I got sometimes this errors in my server.log

[20-02-13 16:08:31] DIAGNOSTIC: NooBiK #1012 External HTTP file download error:[28] Error downloading requested files. Timeout was reached. [Connection timed out after 6000 milliseconds] [Resources/Models/Vehicles/ae86.bin] (Disabling External HTTP) [projects\mta\mta\mods\deathmatch\resources\gm_models\Resources\Models\Vehicles\ae86.bin]
[20-02-13 16:08:49] DIAGNOSTIC: NooBiK #1012 External HTTP file download error:[28] Error downloading requested files. Timeout was reached. [Connection timed out after 6009 milliseconds] [Resources/Models/Vehicles/altezza.bin] (Disabling External HTTP) [projects\mta\mta\mods\deathmatch\resources\gm_models\Resources\Models\Vehicles\altezza.bin]
[20-02-13 16:09:04] DIAGNOSTIC: NooBiK #1012 External HTTP file download error:[28] Error downloading requested files. Timeout was reached. [Operation too slow. Less than 10 bytes/sec transferred the last 6 seconds] [Resources/Models/Vehicles/bmwe46.bin] (Disabling External HTTP) [projects\mta\mta\mods\deathmatch\resources\gm_models\Resources\Models\Vehicles\bmwe46.bin]
[20-02-13 19:22:20] DIAGNOSTIC: BeLow^#008080cya #1011 External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [gm_images\Resources\Images\AjaxLoader\Circle\5.png]
[20-02-13 19:34:42] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1011 External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [gm_images\Resources\Textures\Vehicle\Paintjobs\10.png]
[20-02-13 19:34:42] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1011 External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [gm_images\Resources\Textures\Vehicle\Paintjobs\4.png]
[20-02-13 19:34:44] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1011 External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [gm_images\Resources\Textures\Vehicle\Paintjobs\9.png]
[20-02-13 19:35:00] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) tuning.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:07D5FDD4AAB5B11C14C5F3A4CEC7A21D]
[20-02-13 19:35:00] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 4.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:E86DAD36C75166E6B697151ECD3262B2]
[20-02-13 19:35:00] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 5.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:8C33EB31A021A98A4EF9E7F11F571C8B]
[20-02-13 19:35:00] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 9.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:A87D27E66ABAA64AA7CFF9A0CC90F136]
[20-02-13 22:27:12] DIAGNOSTIC: MaxDeep #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_retexture) sidewgrass4.dds [Got size:262272 MD5:0655E4F258C0C425B32A7D5E1D4AB714, wanted MD5:7ADF5BC464D3192F5210D5B4926FDECA]

It happens randomly for some people (the same files list for player but random files for others).

Some logs from nginx access.log

***(IP)***** - - [13/Feb/2020:19:34:40 +0100] "GET /server_cache/gm_images/Resources/Textures/Vehicle/Paintjobs/9.png HTTP/1.1" 200 4306241 "-" "MTA:SA Server - See https://mtasa.com/agent/"
***(IP)***** - - [13/Feb/2020:22:27:09 +0100] "GET /server_cache/gm_retexture/Textures2/sidewgrass4.dds HTTP/1.1" 200 143158 "-" "MTA:SA Server - See https://mtasa.com/agent/"

Look at time

And after this i see

[20-02-13 19:34:05] CONNECT: WantingEyeball15 connected (IP: *******  Serial: *******  Version: 1.5.7-9.20358.0)
[20-02-13 19:34:08] JOIN: WantingEyeball15 joined the game (IP: *******)
[20-02-13 19:34:42] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1011 External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [gm_images\Resources\Textures\Vehicle\Paintjobs\10.png]
[20-02-13 19:34:42] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1011 External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [gm_images\Resources\Textures\Vehicle\Paintjobs\4.png]
[20-02-13 19:34:44] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1011 External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [gm_images\Resources\Textures\Vehicle\Paintjobs\9.png]
[20-02-13 19:35:00] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) tuning.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:07D5FDD4AAB5B11C14C5F3A4CEC7A21D]
[20-02-13 19:35:00] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 4.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:E86DAD36C75166E6B697151ECD3262B2]
[20-02-13 19:35:00] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 5.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:8C33EB31A021A98A4EF9E7F11F571C8B]
[20-02-13 19:35:00] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 9.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:A87D27E66ABAA64AA7CFF9A0CC90F136]
[20-02-13 19:35:23] QUIT: WantingEyeball15 left the game [Timed out]
[20-02-13 19:35:24] QUIT: />#000000Polic left the game [Quit]
[20-02-13 19:41:57] CONNECT: WantingEyeball15 connected (IP: *******  Serial: *******  Version: 1.5.7-9.20358.0)
[20-02-13 19:41:58] JOIN: WantingEyeball15 joined the game (IP: *******)
[20-02-13 19:42:07] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) tuning.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:07D5FDD4AAB5B11C14C5F3A4CEC7A21D]
[20-02-13 19:42:07] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 4.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:E86DAD36C75166E6B697151ECD3262B2]
[20-02-13 19:42:07] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 5.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:8C33EB31A021A98A4EF9E7F11F571C8B]
[20-02-13 19:42:07] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 9.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:A87D27E66ABAA64AA7CFF9A0CC90F136]
[20-02-13 19:42:18] QUIT: WantingEyeball15 left the game [Timed out]
[20-02-13 19:47:33] CONNECT: WantingEyeball15 connected (IP: *******  Serial: *******  Version: 1.5.7-9.20358.0)
[20-02-13 19:47:33] JOIN: WantingEyeball15 joined the game (IP: *******)
[20-02-13 19:47:42] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) tuning.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:07D5FDD4AAB5B11C14C5F3A4CEC7A21D]
[20-02-13 19:47:42] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 4.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:E86DAD36C75166E6B697151ECD3262B2]
[20-02-13 19:47:42] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 5.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:8C33EB31A021A98A4EF9E7F11F571C8B]
[20-02-13 19:47:42] DIAGNOSTIC: WantingEyeball15 #1013 HTTP server file mismatch (gm_images) 9.png [Got size:0 MD5:00000000000000000000000000000000, wanted MD5:A87D27E66ABAA64AA7CFF9A0CC90F136]
[20-02-13 19:47:53] QUIT: WantingEyeball15 left the game [Timed out]

It's a big problem to catch what is going on and why user is getting 'Timed out' error.
Maybe we should make some external URL crash (send it via external .exe file) dump url or something? 
Idk how server owners can catch this errors.

Edited by Kenix
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