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Erro com HUD

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Boa noite, alguem pode me ajudar? 

o HUD é de veículos, estava funcionando normalmente, e de um dia pro outro parou de funcionar e ficou dando este erro.


ERROR: HudVeh\client.Lua:28: attempt to compare boolean with number

ja tentei de tudo e não consegui, se alguem puder me dizer onde estou errando, ou oque tenho que fazer.


local sZ = { guiGetScreenSize() }
local color = {}
details = {

color.fuel = {80,190,80,135}
color.engine = {80,190,80,135}
color.parts = {80,190,80,135}
color.tire = {80,190,80,135}
color.armor = {255,0,0,255}
color.health = {80,190,80,135}

	local inVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer())
	if inVehicle and isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and getVehicleController(inVehicle) then
		if parent and fuel and armor then
			if fuel > 150/2 then 
				color.fuel = {80,190,80,135}
			elseif fuel <= 150/2 and fuel > 150/3 then 
				color.fuel = {80,190,80,135} 
			elseif fuel <= 150/3 then 
				color.fuel = {80,190,80,135}	
			if getElementData(parent,"Engine_inVehicle_HP") <= 400 and getElementData(parent,"Engine_inVehicle_HP") > 300 and getElementData(parent,"Engine_inVehicle") == getElementData(inVehicle,"needengine") then--by XaskeL
				color.engine = {95,146,85,255}
			elseif getElementData(parent,"Engine_inVehicle_HP") <= 300 and getElementData(parent,"Engine_inVehicle_HP") > 150 and getElementData(parent,"Engine_inVehicle") == getElementData(inVehicle,"needengine") then
				color.engine = {180,180,114,135}
			elseif getElementData(parent,"Engine_inVehicle_HP") <= 150 and getElementData(parent,"Engine_inVehicle") == getElementData(inVehicle,"needengine") then
				color.engine = {244,122,42,255}
				color.engine = {199,40,40,255}
			if getElementData(parent,"Parts_inVehicle_HP") <= 400 and getElementData(parent,"Parts_inVehicle_HP") > 300 and getElementData(parent,"Parts_inVehicle") == getElementData(inVehicle,"needparts") then
				color.parts = {80,190,80,135}
			elseif getElementData(parent,"Parts_inVehicle_HP") <= 300 and getElementData(parent,"Parts_inVehicle_HP") > 150 and getElementData(parent,"Parts_inVehicle") == getElementData(inVehicle,"needparts") then
				color.parts = {180,180,114,135}
			elseif getElementData(parent,"Parts_inVehicle_HP") <= 150 and getElementData(parent,"Parts_inVehicle") == getElementData(inVehicle,"needparts") then
				color.parts = {244,122,42,255}
				color.parts = {199,40,40,255}
			if getElementData(parent,"Tire_inVehicle_HP") <= 400 and getElementData(parent,"Tire_inVehicle_HP") > 300 and getElementData(parent,"Tire_inVehicle") == getElementData(inVehicle,"needtires") then
				color.tire = {80,190,80,135}
			elseif getElementData(parent,"Tire_inVehicle_HP") <= 300 and getElementData(parent,"Tire_inVehicle_HP") > 150 and getElementData(parent,"Tire_inVehicle") == getElementData(inVehicle,"needtires") then
				color.tire = {180,180,114,135}
			elseif getElementData(parent,"Tire_inVehicle_HP") <= 150 and getElementData(parent,"Tire_inVehicle") == getElementData(inVehicle,"needtires") then
				color.tire = {244,122,42,255}
				color.tire = {199,40,40,255}
			if getElementHealth(inVehicle) > 500 then
                color.health = {95,146,85,255}
			elseif getElementHealth(inVehicle) < 500 and getElementHealth(inVehicle) > 350 then
                color.health = {180,180,114,135}
			elseif getElementHealth(inVehicle) <= 350 then
                color.health = {200,30,30,135}
				color.tire = {199,40,40,255}
			-- fuel
			dxDrawBoxFon(sZ[1] * 0.010,sZ[2] * 0.450,10,-150,tocolor(0,0,0,135),tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawBoxFon(sZ[1] * 0.010,sZ[2] * 0.450,10,-fuel,tocolor(unpack(color.fuel)),tocolor(0,0,0,0))
			-- armor points
			if armor > 0 then
				dxDrawBoxFon(sZ[1] * 0.070,sZ[2] * 0.450,10,-150,tocolor(0,0,0,255),tocolor(0,0,0,255))
				dxDrawBoxFon(sZ[1] * 0.070,sZ[2] * 0.450,10,-armor,tocolor(unpack(color.armor)),tocolor(0,0,0,0))
			-- engine
			dxDrawBoxFon(sZ[1] * 0.025,sZ[2] * 0.331,37,17,tocolor(unpack(color.engine)),tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			--dxDrawText("ENG",sZ[1] * 0.029,sZ[2] * 0.340,40,20,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold")
			dxDrawText("ENG",sZ[1] * 0.029,sZ[2] * 0.333,40,20,tocolor(0,0,0,255),0.85,"default-bold")
			-- dxDrawText("ENG", (screenW * 0.0266) + 1, (screenH * 0.3369) + 1, (screenW * 0.0578) + 1, (screenH * 0.3574) + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.10, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false)
       -- dxDrawText("ENG", screenW * 0.0266, screenH * 0.3369, screenW * 0.0578, screenH * 0.3574, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.10, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false)
			-- Parts
			dxDrawBoxFon(sZ[1] * 0.025,sZ[2] * 0.355,37,17,tocolor(unpack(color.parts)),tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawText("PARTS",sZ[1] * 0.029,sZ[2] * 0.357,40,20,tocolor(0,0,0,255),0.85,"default-bold")
			-- Whl
			dxDrawBoxFon(sZ[1] * 0.025,sZ[2] * 0.383,37,17,tocolor(unpack(color.tire)),tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawText("WHL",sZ[1] * 0.029,sZ[2] * 0.383,40,20,tocolor(0,0,0,255),1,"default-bold")
			-- HULL
			dxDrawBoxFon(sZ[1] * 0.025,sZ[2] * 0.305,37,17,tocolor(unpack(color.health)),tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawText("HULL",sZ[1] * 0.029,sZ[2] * 0.306,40,20,tocolor(0,0,0,255),0.85,"default-bold")

function dxDrawBoxFon(x, y, w, h, rcolor, lcolor)
	dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, rcolor)
	dxDrawLine(x - 1, y - 1, x - 1, y + h, lcolor, 1)
	dxDrawLine(x + w, y - 1, x + w, y + h, lcolor, 1)
	dxDrawLine(x - 1, y + h, x + w, y + h, lcolor, 1)
	dxDrawLine(x - 1, y - 1, x + w, y - 1, lcolor, 1)

function drawLine(x,y,w,h,lcolor)
	dxDrawLine(x - 1, y + h, x + w, y + h, lcolor, 1)

function checkVehicleMovable(veh)
	if isElement(veh) then
		local parent = getElementData(veh,"parent") 
		if parent then
			if ((getElementData(parent,"Tire_inVehicle") or 0) ~= getElementData(veh,"needtires")) then
			if ((getElementData(parent,"Engine_inVehicle") or 0) ~= getElementData(veh,"needengine")) then
			if ((getElementData(parent,"Parts_inVehicle") or 0) ~= getElementData(veh,"needparts")) then 
				setVehicleEngineState (veh,false) 


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	local inVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer())
	if inVehicle and isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and getVehicleController(inVehicle) then
	   local parent = getElementData(inVehicle,"parent")  --/> Adicionado
		if parent and fuel and armor then
        ---/> Adicione o resto do script 

Tente isso

  • Thanks 1
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On 11/02/2020 at 00:17, Angelo Pereira said:

addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),function()	local inVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer())	if inVehicle and isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and getVehicleController(inVehicle) then	   local parent = getElementData(inVehicle,"parent")  --/> Adicionado		if parent and fuel and armor then        ---/> Adicione o resto do script 

Tente isso

Eu havia tentado isto também, porém sem resultado, mas valeu pela tentativa de ajudar

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19 minutes ago, Lukkas2201 said:

Eu havia tentado isto também, porém sem resultado, mas valeu pela tentativa de ajudar

Oque você já tentou?

if parent and fuel and armor then

Provavelmente esteja faltando algo no scritp "fuel" e "armor"

Você precisará enviar o server-side para nós ter uma ideia do que esteja errado.

details = {

Existe uma tabela que não esta sendo utilizada, para o que ela serviria neste script?

Edited by Angelo Pereira
  • Thanks 1
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On 12/02/2020 at 00:30, Angelo Pereira said:

Oque você já tentou?

if parent and fuel and armor then

Provavelmente esteja faltando algo no scritp "fuel" e "armor"

Você precisará enviar o server-side para nós ter uma ideia do que esteja errado.

details = {

Existe uma tabela que não esta sendo utilizada, para o que ela serviria neste script?

consegui já irmão, na verdade o bug era na propria gm, onde estava alterado a tabela, por isso não estava batendo, mas mesmo assim agradeço novamente

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