SkillZNT Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 A sim eu tambem tive um problema com um script de drift eu tentei fazer um basico nele pra dar dinheiro so que não funcionou Fiz assim addEventHandler("onElementDataChange",getRootElement(), function ( ElementData ) if ( ElementData == "Bom Drift" ) then givePlayerMoney(source,getElementData(source,ElementData)) end end ) Oque aconteceu dps de eu ligar a resource foi que o codigo não estava fazendo mais drift tipo eu dirigia deboas mais o drift não saia Meu code sem alteraçoes local newFont2 = dxCreateFont( "font/ITCBauhausMedium.ttf", 21 ) --these are the banned vehicle ids where you cannot get drift points. local BannedIDs = { 432, 532 } local rootElem = getRootElement() local thisRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) local player = getLocalPlayer() local vehicle local size = 1.2 local modo = 0.01 local score = 0 local screenScore = 0 local tick local idleTime local multTime local driftTime local Yellow = tocolor(255,255,255) local Red = tocolor(255,255,255) local TempCol = Yellow local mult = 1 local tablamult = {350,1400,4200,11200} local anterior = 0 local mejor = 0 local total = 0 local global_mejor = 0 local global_nombre = "N/A" local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x1,y1,x2,y2 = screenWidth*0.2,screenHeight*0.1,screenWidth*0.8,screenHeight*0.8 addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", thisRoot, function() addEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElem, showText) triggerServerEvent("driftClienteListo", rootElem, player) end ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", thisRoot, function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElem, showText) end ) function isValidVehicle() local temp = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if not temp or getVehicleOccupant(temp,0) ~= player or getVehicleType(temp) ~= "Automobile" then return false end local vehID = getElementModel(temp) for k,v in ipairs(BannedIDs) do if vehID == v then return false end end return temp end function showText() vehicle = isValidVehicle() if not vehicle then return end if size > 1.3 then modo = -0.01 elseif size < 1.2 then modo = 0.01 end size = size + modo tick = getTickCount() local angulo,velocidad = angle() local tempBool = tick - (idleTime or 0) < 750 if not tempBool and score ~= 0 then anterior = score setElementData(player, "Último Drift", anterior) total = total+anterior setElementData(player, "Total de Drift", total) if score > mejor then mejor = score setElementData(player, "Drift", mejor) end triggerEvent("onVehicleDriftEnd", rootElem, tick-driftTime-750) score = 0 end if angulo ~= 0 then if score == 0 then triggerEvent("onVehicleDriftStart", rootElem) driftTime = tick end if tempBool then score = score + math.floor(angulo*velocidad)*mult else score = math.floor(angulo*velocidad)*mult end if TempCol == Red then TempCol = Yellow end screenScore = score idleTime = tick end if velocidad <= 0.3 and mult ~= 1 then end if tick - (idleTime or 0) < 3000 then local temp = "Contador" if score >= 100000 then temp = "Contador\n\nDRIFT SUPER ISANO !" elseif score >= 50000 then temp = "Contador\n\nDrift Insano !" elseif score >= 20000 then temp = "Contador\n\nUltrajante !" elseif score >= 15000 then temp = "Contador\n\nEsplendido !" elseif score >= 7000 then temp = "Contador\n\nSuper Drift !" elseif score >= 3000 then temp = "Contador\n\nGrande Drift !" elseif score >= 1000 then temp = "Contador\n\nBom Drift !" end dxDrawText(temp, x1,y1,x2,y2, TempCol, 1.2, newFont2,"center","top", false,true,false) dxDrawText(string.format("\n%d",screenScore), x1,y1-10,x2,y2, TempCol, size,newFont2,"center","top", false,true,false) end end function angle() local vx,vy,vz = getElementVelocity(vehicle) local modV = math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy) if not isVehicleOnGround(vehicle) then return 0,modV end local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(vehicle) local sn,cs = -math.sin(math.rad(rz)), math.cos(math.rad(rz)) local deltaT = tick - (multTime or 0) if mult~= 1 and modV <= 0.3 and deltaT > 750 then mult = mult-1 multTime = tick elseif deltaT > 1500 then local temp = 1 if score >= 11200 then temp = 5 elseif score >= 4200 then temp = 4 elseif score >= 1400 then temp = 3 elseif score >= 350 then temp = 2 end if temp>mult then mult = temp multTime = tick end end if modV <= 0.2 then return 0,modV end --speed over 40 km/h local cosX = (sn*vx + cs*vy)/modV if cosX > 0.966 or cosX < 0 then return 0,modV end --angle between 15 and 90 degrees return math.deg(math.acos(cosX))*0.5, modV end addEvent("driftCarCrashed", true) addEventHandler("driftCarCrashed", rootElem, function() if score ~= 0 then score = 0 mult = 1 TempCol = Red triggerEvent("onVehicleDriftEnd", rootElem, 0) end end ) addEvent("driftActualizarRecord", true) addEventHandler("driftActualizarRecord", rootElem, function(score, name) global_mejor = score global_nombre = name end ) function resetScore() anterior,mejor,total = 0,0,0 setElementData(player, "Último Drift", anterior) setElementData(player, "Total De Drift", total) setElementData(player, "Drift", mejor) end addEvent("driftResetAllScores", true) addEventHandler("driftResetAllScores", rootElem, resetScore) addCommandHandler("resetdrift", resetScore) function checkPuntaje() if total > global_mejor then triggerServerEvent("driftNuevoRecord", rootElem, total, getPlayerName(player)) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerFinish", rootElem, checkPuntaje) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerOutOfTime", rootElem, checkPuntaje) Fico feliz com a ajuda de todos :3 Link to comment
Tommy. Posted January 14, 2020 Share Posted January 14, 2020 addEventHandler("onElementDataChange", getRootElement(), function (ElementData) if ElementData == "Drift" then givePlayerMoney(source, getElementData(source, ElementData)) end end) EDIT: Não testei! Link to comment
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