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triggerServerEvent don't want to transfer data from client to server


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Hello i'm trying to make triggerServerEvent but when i try to transfer data it's show that massage : clientside element 'marker' @argument 3 

what that even mean?


--Client side ---
GasMarker1 =nil
GasMarker2 =nil
GasMarker3 = nil
function createGasMarker ()

outputChatBox ("تم انشاء ماركرات المحطات",28,181,23)

GasMarker1 = createMarker (619.70190429688 , 1684.1682128906 , 4.9921875, "cylinder",2.0,255,255,255)
GasMarker2 = createMarker (617.69458007813 , 1686.0867919922 , 4.9921875 ,"cylinder",2.0,255,255,255)
GasMarker3 = createMarker (621.77709960938 , 1681.1126708984 , 4.9921875, "cylinder",2.0,255,255,255)

addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", root, createGasMarker)

function setGasMarkersVisible ()

 name = "Come!"
triggerServerEvent ("setVisible", root,GasMarker1 )

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart" , root, setGasMarkersVisible)

-- Server Side --
function setMarkerVisible ()


addEventHandler ("setVisible", root, setMarkerVisible)


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4 hours ago, ShohpBEK said:

what that even mean?

Clientside created elements are not available on serverside.

Those markers are already invisible for other clients/players as well as the server.

Edited by IIYAMA
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7 hours ago, DNL291 said:

Probably because at the time of trigger the value isn't defined.
What are you trying to achieve anyway?


Brother look at line 11 you will see that GasMarker1 = createMarker 
- i'm trying to transfer this Marker to server side to because i  need it to be non-visible

4 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

Clientside created elements are not available on serverside.

Those markers are already invisible for other clients/players as well as the server.

So who i can create Client elements that could be server elements?

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2 hours ago, ShohpBEK said:

So who i can create Client elements that could be server elements?

You can't. It might be fake-able with propagation, but I don't think that is what you want.



2 hours ago, ShohpBEK said:

- i'm trying to transfer this Marker to server side to because i  need it to be non-visible

That is not going to work, the serverside function will not be able to apply the effect on an clientside element.


What you need to do:

Destroy the marker  <--> recreate it.


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Passing the marker to the server-side isn't the algorithm you are looking for, this is just an algorithm task. Not to mention that this isn't gonna work as you have already been warned.

If you explain what's the purpose of your code we can help you to achieve it in a way it should work.

Besides that, you have a bad programming practice in your code like two similar events to which will trigger at the same time, also, calling the event "onClientResourceStart" for root will activate the attached function when any resource is started on the server.

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