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Remove text when players enter the vehicle


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This is a simple rank tag on the players head.but how can ı destroy this tag when riding the vehicle ? this nametag needs to disappear while riding the vehicle.can someone help me ?


addEventHandler( "onClientRender",root,
   function( )
      local px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz, dist
      px, py, pz = getCameraMatrix( )
      for _, v in ipairs( getElementsByType 'player' ) do
      --if(player ~= localPlayer) then
         tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition( v )
         dist = math.sqrt( ( px - tx ) ^ 2 + ( py - ty ) ^ 2 + ( pz - tz ) ^ 2 )
         if dist < 30.0 then
            if isLineOfSightClear( px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz, true, false, false, true, false, false, false,localPlayer ) then
               local sx, sy, sz = getPedBonePosition( v, 6 )
               local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition( sx, sy, sz +1.5 )
               if x then -- getScreenFromWorldPosition returns false if the point isn't on screen
                dxDrawLine3D ( sx, sy, sz+0.2,sx, sy, sz+1.35, tocolor ( 0, 210,0, 90 ), 1.45,false)
	        dxDrawText( "Warrior", x-9.5, y, x, y, tocolor(0,210,0,150), 0.85 + ( 15 - dist ) * 0.035, "default-bold" )


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Simply use getPedOccupiedVehicle.

ddEventHandler( "onClientRender",root,
   function( )
      local px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz, dist
      px, py, pz = getCameraMatrix( )
      for _, v in ipairs( getElementsByType 'player' ) do
      --if(player ~= localPlayer) then
      	 if not getPedOccupiedVehicle(v) then
           tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition( v )
           dist = math.sqrt( ( px - tx ) ^ 2 + ( py - ty ) ^ 2 + ( pz - tz ) ^ 2 )
           if dist < 30.0 then
              if isLineOfSightClear( px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz, true, false, false, true, false, false, false,localPlayer ) then
                 local sx, sy, sz = getPedBonePosition( v, 6 )
                 local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition( sx, sy, sz +1.5 )
                 if x then -- getScreenFromWorldPosition returns false if the point isn't on screen
                  dxDrawLine3D ( sx, sy, sz+0.2,sx, sy, sz+1.35, tocolor ( 0, 210,0, 90 ), 1.45,false)
              dxDrawText( "Warrior", x-9.5, y, x, y, tocolor(0,210,0,150), 0.85 + ( 15 - dist ) * 0.035, "default-bold" )


Edited by MIKI785
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