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Weird behavior with guiCreateLabel


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Hi. I'm new to MTA scripting community. :) I created a login screen with two edit boxes and a label on top to create a custom input fields. Now, when I type in the letters, the black vertical line stays behind as I insert text. Thank you for your help in advance on how to fix this issue.





loginLabels = { };
function updateLabels( )
    guiSetText( loginLabels[ source ], guiGetText( source ) );

local loginBackground = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, guiGetScreenSize(), guiGetScreenSize(), loginSettings[0], false)

local loginWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, guiGetScreenSize(), guiGetScreenSize(), loginSettings[1], false, loginBackground)	 

loginUser = guiCreateEdit( 0.292, 0.411, 0.155, 0.03, " ", true, loginWindow )
guiSetAlpha ( loginUser, 0 ) 
loginLabels[loginUser] = guiCreateLabel( 0.298, 0.418, 0.155, 0.03,"",true, loginWindow)
guiMoveToBack( loginLabels[loginUser] );
local loginFont = guiCreateFont(loginSettings[4], 14)
guiSetFont ( loginLabels[loginUser], loginFont )
guiLabelSetColor ( loginLabels[loginUser], 0, 0, 0)
guiBringToFront( loginUser )

loginPassword = guiCreateEdit( 0.292, 0.477, 0.155, 0.03, " ", true, loginWindow )
guiSetAlpha ( loginPassword, 0 ) 
loginLabels[loginPassword] = guiCreateLabel( 0.298, 0.483, 0.155, 0.03,"",true, loginWindow)
guiMoveToBack( loginLabels[loginPassword] );
guiSetFont ( loginLabels[loginPassword], loginFont )
guiLabelSetColor ( loginLabels[loginPassword], 0, 0, 0)
guiBringToFront( loginPassword )
guiBringToFront( loginUser )

addEventHandler( "onClientGUIChanged", loginUser, updateLabels, false );
addEventHandler( "onClientGUIChanged", loginPassword, updateLabels, false );


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1 hour ago, MIKI785 said:

I think the problem is that the font size used by the actual input boxes (that you have hidden) is smaller than that of the labels used to show the input. So the text width doesn't match.

Can one possibly set custom font on the text input as well?

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