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passwordVerify problem ..


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Bad argument @ passwordVerify  [ Expected string at argument 2, got boolean]

Thanks in advance.


 local function isPasswordValid(password)
     return string.len(password) >= MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH
 -- create an account
 addEvent('auth:register-attempt', true)
 addEventHandler('auth:register-attempt', root, function (username, password)
     -- check if an account with that username already exists
     if getAccount(username) then
         return outputChatBox('An account already exists with that name.', source, 255, 100, 100)
     -- is the password valid?
     if not isPasswordValid(password) then
         return outputChatBox('The password supplied was not valid.', source, 255, 100, 100)
     -- create a hash of the password
     local player = source
     passwordHash(password, 'bcrypt', {}, function (hashedPassword)
         -- create the account
         local account = addAccount(username, hashedPassword)
         setAccountData(account, 'hashed_password', hashedPassword)
         -- automatically login and spawn the player.
         logIn(player, account, hashedPassword)
         spawnPlayer(player, 0, 0, 10)
         setCameraTarget(player, player)
         return triggerClientEvent(player, 'register-menu:close', player)
 -- login to their account
 addEvent('auth:login-attempt', true)
 addEventHandler('auth:login-attempt', root, function (username, password)
     local account = getAccount(username)
     if not account then
         return outputChatBox('No such account could be found with that username or password.', source, 255, 100, 100)
     local hashedPassword = getAccountData(account, 'hashed_password')
     local player = source
     passwordVerify(password, hashedPassword, function (isValid)        <<<< THIS IS THE LINE
         if not isValid then
             return outputChatBox('No such account could be found with that username or password.', player, 255, 100, 100)
         if logIn(player, account, hashedPassword) then
             spawnPlayer(player, 0, 0, 10)
             setCameraTarget(player, player)
            return triggerClientEvent(player, 'login-menu:close', player)
         return outputChatBox('An unknown error occured while attempting to authenticate.', player, 255, 100, 100)
 -- logout of their account
 addCommandHandler('accountLogout', function (player)

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Just now, Shux said:

I'd guess the account you're attempting to sign in with doesn't have the data key "hashed_password" set to it. So you need to check if the data is found before you attempt to verify the password.

How can I do this ? can you tell me, please?

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