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Acces denied ..


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Problems : >     Acces denied @ "addAccount"  the line is : local account ="" addAccount(username, hashedPassword)  "" and the 2nd problem is : Bad argument "setAccountData [ Expected account at argument 1, got nil]  and the line is : >> setAccountData(account, "hashed_password", hashedPassword)   ( it's under the first line mentioned).
Other problem is when  a players tries to login ..  the line is : local hashedPassword = getAccountData(account, "hashed_password")  -- and the problem : "Bad argument getAccountData[ Expected account at argument 1, got boolean" and "Bad argument @ passwordVerify [ Expected string at argument 2, got boolean], the line is passwordVerify(password, getAccountData(account, "hashed_password"), function(isValid)
local function isPasswordValid(password)
    return string.len(password) >= 6
addCommandHandler("register", function(player, command, username, password)
    if not username or not password then
     return outputChatBox("Syntax: /" .. command .. " [nume utilizator] [ parola ]", player, 255, 205, 201)

    if getAccount(username) then
     return outputChatBox("Un cont cu acest nume exista deja.", player, 255, 205, 201)
    if not isPasswordValid(password) then
     return outputChatBox("Parola este invalida/Parola trebuie sa aiba minim 6 caractere.", player, 255, 100, 100)

    passwordHash(password, "bcrypt", {}, function(hashedPassword)
 local account = addAccount(username, hashedPassword)
    setAccountData(account, "hashed_password", hashedPassword)
    outputChatBox("Contul tau a fost inregistrat cu succes! Acum poti folosi /accountLogin pentru a te autentifica.", player, 100, 255, 100)
addCommandHandler("accountLogin", function(player, command, username, password)
     if not username or not password then
     return outputChatBox("Syntax: /" .. command .. " [nume utilizator] [ parola ]", player, 255, 205, 201)
 local account = getAccount(username)
 if not account then
     outputChatBox("Nu s-a gasit niciun cont cu acest nume si aceasta parola.", player, 255, 100, 100)
 local hashedPassword = getAccountData(account, "hashed_password")
 passwordVerify(password, getAccountData(account, "hashed_password"), function(isValid)
     if not isValid then
  return outputChatBox("Nu s-a gasit niciun cont cu acest nume si aceasta parola.", player, 255, 100, 100)
  if logIn(player, account, hashedPassword) then
     return outputChatBox("Te-ai autentificat cu succes!", player, 100, 255, 100)
 return outputChatBox("O eroare neasteptata a avut loc in timpul autentificarii.", player, 255, 100, 100)
end, false, false)
Edited by Marshell
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The resource which calls addAccount needs to have the correct permissions set up in ACL. Perhaps the easiest but also the most dangerous way to fix this issue is to add resource.[your resource name] object in the admin ACL group (but this grants way more permissions than just addAccount, so make sure you trust the code)

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4 minutes ago, MrTasty said:

The resource which calls addAccount needs to have the correct permissions set up in ACL. Perhaps the easiest but also the most dangerous way to fix this issue is to add resource.[your resource name] object in the admin ACL group (but this grants way more permissions than just addAccount, so make sure you trust the code)

As he said > use "Admin" ACL for all permissions

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Just now, MrTasty said:

The resource which calls addAccount needs to have the correct permissions set up in ACL. Perhaps the easiest but also the most dangerous way to fix this issue is to add resource.[your resource name] object in the admin ACL group (but this grants way more permissions than just addAccount, so make sure you trust the code)

Oke, thanks, but, the other problems ? How can I solve them ?

Edited by Marshell
hhhh.. I solved using the method u told me. Thanks!!!
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