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How to Display Mysql result on client side


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Hello there I have the following script:

if getElementModel(source) == 1000 then
	ID = getElementID(source)

local result = mysql:query("SELECT id, x, y, z, rotation, dimension, interior FROM table WHERE id=".. ID .."")
local rowID = mysql:fetch_assoc(result)
local ID = tonumber(rowID["id"])
local X = tonumber(rowID["x"])
local Y = tonumber(rowID["y"])
local Z = tonumber(rowID["z"])
local Rotation = tonumber(rowID["rotation"])
local Dimension = tonumber(rowID["dimension"])
local Interior = tonumber(rowID["interior"])

function Draw()
	local object = getElementsByType("object")
	for k,element in ipairs(object) do
		if getElementModel(element) == 1000 then
			ID = getElementID(element)
			dxDrawTextOnElement (element, ID, 0.75, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, tocolor(0,0,0,255))
addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), Draw)

But I need more information at the moment I can get the ID client side, but how do I can get the other results from SQL on there to be shown like:

			dxDrawTextOnElement (element, ID, 0.75, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawTextOnElement (element, X, 0.75, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawTextOnElement (element, Y, 0.75, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawTextOnElement (element, Z, 0.75, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawTextOnElement (element, ROTATION, 0.75, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawTextOnElement (element, DIMENSION, 0.75, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, tocolor(0,0,0,255))
			dxDrawTextOnElement (element, INTERIOR, 0.75, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, tocolor(0,0,0,255))


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local query = dbQuery(connection 'SELECT `id`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `rotation`, `dimension`, `interior` FROM `table` WHERE `ID` = ?', ID);
local result = dbPoll(query, -1);

triggerClientEvent(source, 'mysqlResultsData', result);



addEvent('mysqlResultsData', true)
addEventHandler('mysqlResultsData', resourceRoot, function()
	-- etc
end )


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On 25/10/2019 at 06:50, XaskeL said:

local query = dbQuery(connection 'SELECT `id`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `rotation`, `dimension`, `interior` FROM `table` WHERE `ID` = ?', ID);
local result = dbPoll(query, -1);

triggerClientEvent(source, 'mysqlResultsData', result);



addEvent('mysqlResultsData', true)
addEventHandler('mysqlResultsData', resourceRoot, function()
	-- etc
end )


I have done the following:


local result1 = mysql:query("SELECT id, x, y, z, rotation, dimension, interior FROM table")
local rowID1 = mysql:fetch_assoc(result1)
local ID1 = tonumber(rowID1["id"])
local X1 = tonumber(rowID1["x"])
local Y1 = tonumber(rowID1["y"])
local Z1 = tonumber(rowID1["z"])
local Rotation1 = tonumber(rowID1["rotation"])
local Dimension1 = tonumber(rowID1["dimension"])
local Interior1 = tonumber(rowID1["interior"])
triggerClientEvent(source, 'ResultsDataB', result1);

addEvent('ResultsDataB', true)
addEventHandler('ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, function()
end )

But I'm not getting anything just this Warning: 

Bad argument @ 'triggerClientEvent' [Expected element at argument 3, got number '71']



With your code it does not work gives me errors in local result = dbPoll(query, -1); 

Also with something like this (not sure if it should even work)

	local query1 = mysql:query( 'SELECT id, x, y, z, rotation, dimension, interior FROM table');
local result2 = mysql:dbPoll(query1, -1);

triggerClientEvent(source, 'mysqlResultsData', result2);

It gives the following error 

call: failed to call 'mysql:dbPoll' [string "?"]
Bad argument @ 'triggerClientEvent' [Expected element at argument 3, got boolean]


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17 hours ago, DNL291 said:

source must be a reference to the player element. Show your current code here please.

At the moment I have the following code:


function ttttt(source)
	local result1 = mysql:query("SELECT id, x, y, z, rotation, dimension, interior FROM test WHERE id=1")
			local rowID1 = mysql:fetch_assoc(result1)
			local ID1 = tonumber(rowID1["id"])
			local X1 = tonumber(rowID1["x"])
			local Y1 = tonumber(rowID1["y"])
			local Z1 = tonumber(rowID1["z"])
			local Rotation1 = tonumber(rowID1["rotation"])
			local Dimension1 = tonumber(rowID1["dimension"])
			local Interior1 = tonumber(rowID1["interior"])
triggerClientEvent(source, 'ResultsDataB', source, result1);
addCommandHandler("tscript", ttttt, false, false)

addEvent('ResultsDataB', true)
addEventHandler('ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, function()
	local object = getElementsByType("object")

	for k,element in ipairs(object) do
		if getElementModel(element) == 1319 then
		ID = getElementID(element)
			dxDrawTextOnElement (element, Dimension1, 1.3, _, _, _, _, _, 3, _, tocolor(0,0,0,255))
end )

And at the moment it does not give any error and does nothing when I do /tscript

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Wrong base element provided.



addEventHandler('ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, function()

This event will only trigger when the resourceRoot is provided or a (+n indirect) child of the resourceRoot.

A player is not a child or an indirect child of the resourceRoot. See: (players blue and resourceRoot purple)





So to solve that issue.

triggerClientEvent(source, 'ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, result1);
Edited by IIYAMA
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2 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

Wrong base element provided.



addEventHandler('ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, function()

This even will only trigger when the resourceRoot is provided or a (+n indirect) child of the resourceRoot.

A player is not a child or an indirect child of the resourceRoot. See: (players blue and resourceRoot purple)





So to solve that issue.

triggerClientEvent(source, 'ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, result1);

Alright, with that line of code, I'm getting just a single outputDebugString and it says "INFO: nil"

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15 minutes ago, SuperM said:

Alright, with that line of code, I'm getting just a single outputDebugString and it says "INFO: nil"

triggerClientEvent(source, 'ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, rowID1 );

And debug with iprint.

addEventHandler('ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, function(rowID1)


Edited by IIYAMA
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43 minutes ago, SuperM said:

Still getting just one outputDebugString with "INFO: nil"
And my query is workig, this is what I get from SQL when I run it: 2EpKggspQCC-VmtpU50B0A.png



You are 'thinking' that the variables are being send over, which is not the case. You can only send the data, which can gets stored in to new variables.



Data goes in here:

triggerClientEvent(source, 'ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, IN1, IN2, IN3);


and come out here:

addEventHandler('ResultsDataB', resourceRoot, function(OUT1, OUT2, OUT3)


By using the same variable names, you can indeed pretend that you did send them over.




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