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SlothBot help


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When i spawn the bots they turn on each other how to fix that? and set them only attacking law enforcers
and also how to make if the bot died by someone that person gets $ 

My code so far

local botpos = {

{-2513.33, -625.5, 132.83,275},
{-2539.88, -598.1, 132.71,269},
{-2523.29, -597.1, 132.71,269},
{-2471.75, -626.18, 132.7,261},
{-2467.76, -611.36, 132.65,275},
{-2488.54, -609.61, 132.63,178},
{-2488.77, -623.56, 132.65,357}

for k , v in ipairs(botpos) do



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It should be


instead of just "Gangster", as the function expects a team-element as input, not the name of the team. When the bots are on the same team they will not attack each other in "guarding" mode.

To reward players for killing the bots, you'll want to use the "onBotWasted" (parameters are element attacker, float weapon, float bodypart) event called by the slothbot resource, and give money to the attacker.

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So how do i define the element can i do it like

ped = createPed(aa,aaa,aaaa,aaaa,aaaa)
if attacker then

This is just example, can i do it like this?


23 hours ago, MrTasty said:

It should be


instead of just "Gangster", as the function expects a team-element as input, not the name of the team. When the bots are on the same team they will not attack each other in "guarding" mode.

To reward players for killing the bots, you'll want to use the "onBotWasted" (parameters are element attacker, float weapon, float bodypart) event called by the slothbot resource, and give money to the attacker.


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