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Send group message error


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I want to check if the player is in a specific group and if so then gets a message.

I have an isPlayerInGroup function:

function isPlayerInGroup(player, groupId)
	if isElement(player) and groupId then
		groupId = tonumber(groupId)

		if groupId and availableGroups[groupId] then
			local playerGroups = getElementData(player, "player.groups") or {}
			if playerGroups and playerGroups[groupId] then
				return true

	return false

and how can I send to all players who are in example group id 1? this code is working with localPlayer but then just get the message who are clicked on the button.

if exports.s_groups:isPlayerInGroup(localPlayer,1) then


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why you export the function you can just 

function isPlayerInGroup(player, groupId)
	if isElement(player) and groupId then
		groupId = tonumber(groupId)

		if groupId and availableGroups[groupId] then
			local playerGroups = getElementData(player, "player.groups") or {}
			if playerGroups and playerGroups[groupId] then
				return true

	return false

function text()
  if isPlayerInGroup(localplayer,1) then



if the code have error show me the debug

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7 hours ago, salh said:

why you export the function you can just 

function isPlayerInGroup(player, groupId)
	if isElement(player) and groupId then
		groupId = tonumber(groupId)

		if groupId and availableGroups[groupId] then
			local playerGroups = getElementData(player, "player.groups") or {}
			if playerGroups and playerGroups[groupId] then
				return true

	return false

function text()
  if isPlayerInGroup(localplayer,1) then



if the code have error show me the debug

Because it's in another Lua file and I want to call in client side and the isPlayerInGroup is server side.

As I said the function works but I want to send that message to all players who are in the ID 1 group not for only the localPlayer.

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3 hours ago, thund3rbird23 said:

As I said the function works but I want to send that message to all players who are in the ID 1 group not for only the localPlayer.

The variable name localPlayer isn't suppose to be used on serverside, because it only makes sense for the player that runs the MTA application and the server on his own pc. No other player in your server will be able to met that condition.

Note: If this code is fully clientside, you will not be able to send a message to other players.


Do you remember this loop you posted in your other topic?

It will allow you to go through all the players in the server.





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3 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

The variable name localPlayer isn't suppose to be used on serverside, because it only makes sense for the player that runs the MTA application and the server on his own pc. No other player in your server will be able to met that condition.

I know what's localPlayer means. Just wrote that in the function for illustrate the code works with localPlayer but I need to send to all players who are in the ID 1 group.

6 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

Note: If this code is fully clientside, you will not be able to send a message to other players.

Okay, so the function isPlayerInGroup is in server side:

function isPlayerInGroup(player, groupId)
	if isElement(player) and groupId then
		groupId = tonumber(groupId)

		if groupId and availableGroups[groupId] then
			local playerGroups = getElementData(player, "player.groups") or {}
			if playerGroups and playerGroups[groupId] then
				return true

	return false

And I think I need to write another server side function (?):

function sendGroupMessage(groupId, msg)
	for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		if isPlayerInGroup(v, tonumber(groupId)) then
			outputChatBox("#F9BF3B[" .. availableGroups[groupId] .. "]#ffffff " .. msg, v, 255, 255, 255, true)
addEvent("sendGroupMessage", true)
addEventHandler("sendGroupMessage", root, sendGroupMessage)

And after that I need to trigger server event:

 triggerServerEvent("sendGroupMessage", 1, "Test")

Or I'm totally wrong?

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1 hour ago, IIYAMA said:

By just looking at the initial setup, it looks very logic. That is without looking at syntax and any other issues at all.

If I triggering the server event:

triggerServerEvent("sendGroupMessage", root, "Test")

Then don't gets errors... but if I debug the sendGroupMessage function, then prints: "elem:player[Jeff] 1 Test nil"

function sendGroupMessage(groupId, msg)
	for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		if exports.s_groups:isPlayerInGroup(v, tonumber(groupId)) then
			outputChatBox("#F9BF3B[" .. availableGroups[groupId] .. "]#ffffff " .. msg, v, 255, 255, 255, true)
addEvent("sendGroupMessage", true)
addEventHandler("sendGroupMessage", root, sendGroupMessage)

So I don't get anything in the chatbox and the groupId returns the message which provided in the triggerServerEvent instead of the groupid and the msg is nil.

Edited by thund3rbird23
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3 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

Where is that suppose to come from? It is not as if groupid is something from default MTA.

That's come from another Lua file. But eh, too difficult to make in this way, I think it's have an easier way to do that.

Let's say I have 3 groups: 1, Police, 2: Government, 3: Maffia and if the player in the police group then I want to send him a message but for everyone who are in that group, not for only one or for only localplayer.

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Okay, finally a few hours I figured out how it works. But thank you all for your time and replies.

function sendGroupMessage(msg)
for index, player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do 
		if exports["s_groups"]:isPlayerInGroup(player, 1) then 
		outputChatBox("#F9BF3B[Police]#ffffff " .. msg, player, 255, 255, 255, true)
addEvent("sendGroupMessage", true)
addEventHandler("sendGroupMessage", getRootElement(), sendGroupMessage)


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