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How to determine if something attached to player's hand?


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I'm trying to figure out how to use this function, but doesn't works.

Attached "doboz" to the player's hand:

doboz[thePlayer] = createObject(2912,0,0,0)
exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(doboz[thePlayer], thePlayer, 12,0,0,0.70,0,165,0)

And after that I wants to get if the "doboz" attached to the bone or no:

function xy(thePlayer)
if (exports.bone_attach:isElementAttachedToBone(doboz[thePlayer]))then
addCommandHandler("xy", xy)
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1 hour ago, PaiN^ said:

Is it not working at all or is it saying No in the chat box? if it's the later, make sure that the player who's calling the command "xy" has an element attached and stored in the table doboz. if it's not working at all check the debug.

Uff, I just forgot to close the function with 'end'. It's works now.

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