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Arrest script

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So i'm currently scripting a arrest system\resource for my server.
When the police officer enters a vehicle the arrested criminal will be warped into the vehicle.

But how can I make the arrested criminal to leave the vehicle when the police officer leaves the vehicle?


function policeStations(thePolice, thePrisoner, underArrest)
	if (underArrest == true) then
		policeArrestLSmarker = createMarker (1542.12, -1719.37, 12.55, "cylinder", 2, 0, 0, 255, 120)
		setElementVisibleTo (policeArrestLSmarker, root, false)
		setElementVisibleTo (policeArrestLSmarker, thePolice, true)
		policeArrestLSblip = createBlip (1542.12, -1719.37, 12.55, 30, 2)
		setElementVisibleTo (policeArrestLSblip, root, false)
		setElementVisibleTo (policeArrestLSblip, thePolice, true)
	elseif (underArrest == false) then
		destroyElement (policeArrestLSmarker)
		destroyElement (policeArrestLSblip)

function onPlayerWantedlevelHit(theAttacker, theWeapon)
	if (theAttacker) and (theWeapon == 3) then
		if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(theAttacker)) == "Police Officer" then
			local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel (source)
			local PrisonerArrestState = getElementData (source, "policeArrest:isPrisonerArrested")
			local PoliceArrestState = getElementData (theAttacker, "policeArrest:hasPolicePrisoner")
			if ((PrisonerArrestState) == false) and (wlevel > 0) then
				local underArrest = true
				policeStations (theAttacker, source, underArrest)
				setElementData (source, "policeArrest:isPrisonerArrested", true)
				setElementData (theAttacker, "policeArrest:hasPolicePrisoner", true)
				setElementData (theAttacker, "policeArrest:arrestedWho", source)
				setElementParent (theAttacker, source)
				showCursor (source, true)
				toggleAllControls (source, false, true, false)
				followPoliceOfficer (theAttacker, source)
				setElementData (source, "arrestTimeout", setTimer (freeThePrisoner, 20000, 1, source, theAttacker))
				-- 1200000
addEventHandler ("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement (), onPlayerWantedlevelHit)

function followPoliceOfficer(thePolice, thePrisoner)
	if (getElementData (thePrisoner, "policeArrest:isPrisonerArrested") == true) and (getPedOccupiedVehicle (thePrisoner) == false) then
		local policeX, policeY, policeZ = getElementPosition (thePolice)
		local prisonerX, prisonerY, prisonerZ = getElementPosition (thePrisoner)
		copangle = (360 - math.deg (math.atan2 ((policeX - prisonerX), (policeY - prisonerY)))) % 360
		setPedRotation (thePrisoner, copangle)
		setCameraTarget (thePrisoner, thePrisoner)
		local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D (policeX, policeY, prisonerX, prisonerY)
		if (distance > 16) then
			local policeX, policeY, policeZ = getElementPosition (thePolice)
			setElementPosition (thePrisoner, policeX - 1, policeY, policeZ)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "sprint", true)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "walk", false)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "forwards", true)
			local zombify = setTimer (followPoliceOfficer, 300, 1, thePolice, thePrisoner)
		elseif (distance > 12) then
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "sprint", true)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "walk", false)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "forwards", true)
			local zombify = setTimer (followPoliceOfficer, 300, 1, thePolice, thePrisoner)
		elseif (distance > 6) then
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "sprint", false)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "walk", false)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "forwards", true)
			local zombify = setTimer (followPoliceOfficer, 300, 1, thePolice, thePrisoner)
		elseif (distance > 1.5) then
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "sprint", false)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "walk", true)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "forwards", true)
			local zombify = setTimer (followPoliceOfficer, 300, 1, thePolice, thePrisoner)
		elseif (distance < 1.5) then
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "sprint", false)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "walk", false)
			setControlState (thePrisoner, "forwards", false)
			if isPedInVehicle (thePolice) then
				theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (thePolice)
				if (getVehicleOccupant (theVehicle, 2) == false) then
					warpPedIntoVehicle (thePrisoner, theVehicle, 2)
				elseif (getVehicleOccupant (theVehicle, 3) == false) then
					warpPedIntoVehicle (thePrisoner, theVehicle, 3)
--			else
--				removePedFromVehicle (thePrisoner)
			local zombify = setTimer (followPoliceOfficer, 300, 1, thePolice, thePrisoner)

function freeThePrisoner (thePrisoner, thePolice)
	setElementData (thePrisoner, "policeArrest:isPrisonerArrested", false)
	setElementData (thePrisoner, "policeArrest:arrestedWho", false)
	showCursor (thePrisoner, false)
	setControlState (thePrisoner, "sprint", false)
	setControlState (thePrisoner, "walk", false)
	setControlState (thePrisoner, "forwards", false)
	toggleAllControls (thePrisoner, true)
	setElementData (thePolice, "policeArrest:hasPolicePrisoner", false)
	exports["GTARPGtopBar"]:sendClientMessage ("The arrested player has been released!", thePolice, 255, 0, 0, true, 15)
	exports["GTARPGtopBar"]:sendClientMessage ("You took to long to bring the criminal to the station!", thePolice, 255, 0, 0, true, 15)
	exports["GTARPGtopBar"]:sendClientMessage ("The police officer was not able to arrest you.", thePrisoner, 255, 255, 255, true, 10)
	exports["GTARPGtopBar"]:sendClientMessage ("You are free to go for now!", thePrisoner, 0, 255, 0, true, 10)
	local underArrest = false
	policeStations (thePolice, thePrisoner, underArrest)
	TimoutTimer = (getElementData (thePrisoner, "arrestTimeout"))
	if isTimer(TimoutTimer) then
		 setElementData (thePrisoner, "arrestTimeout", nil)
		 TimeoutTimer = nil

function freeThePrisonerOnQuit()
	if (getElementData (source, "currentstatus") == "underarrest") then
		local players = getElementsByType ("player")
		for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do
			if (getElementData (thePlayer, "policeArrest:arrestedWho") == source) then
				freeThePrisoner (thePlayer)
				exports["GTARPGtopBar"]:sendClientMessage ("The police officer has left.", thePrisoner, 255, 255, 255, true, 8)
				exports["GTARPGtopBar"]:sendClientMessage ("You are free to go for now!", thePrisoner, 0, 255, 0, true, 8)
addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), freeThePrisonerOnQuit)

function enableControls(thePlayer)
	showCursor (thePlayer, false)
	setControlState (thePlayer, "sprint", false)
	setControlState (thePlayer, "walk", false)
	setControlState (thePlayer, "forwards", false)
	toggleAllControls (thePlayer, true)
	setElementData (thePlayer, "policeArrest:isPrisonerArrested", false)
	setElementData (thePlayer, "policeArrest:arrestedWho", false)
addCommandHandler ("free", enableControls)



Edited by Potato_Tomato420
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When i use removePlayerFromVehicle it will spawn the arrested criminal inside the vehicle.

Can i use removePlayerFromVehicle and then setElementPosition to spawn the arrested criminal near the vehicle instead in the vehicle? Of is there a better way to handle this?


setControlState (thePrisoner, "enter_exit", true)
Edited by Potato_Tomato420
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