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Help attemp global index


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or ind,val in ipairs(levels) do
		if ind > currank and val.reach <= exp then
			rank = ind
			arank = tonumber(rank)+1
			areach = val[arank]
			areach = areach.reach
			oreach = val.reach
			newrank = true

rank,reach,oreach = getRankForEXP(plr,"Level",new)
		setElementData(plr, "LevelXP", reach)
		setElementData(plr, "oLevelXPreach", oreach)

The problem is areach , it is like it doesn't define.

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The snippet you've posted seems to be so carelessly copied and pasted it doesn't look valid. I can take a couple guesses such as 'or' actually being 'for', etc. but it would be better if you posted a more complete example, including the definition of the levels table, and the definition of getRankForEXP (if it's not the code right above, stripped of it's function definition line)

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Its just to protect the code, you want the full one?

levels = {
	{ reach = 0 },
	{ reach = 50 },
	{ reach = 100 },
	{ reach = 180 },
	{ reach = 240 },
	{ reach = 300 },
	{ reach = 370 },
	{ reach = 450 },
	{ reach = 560 },
	{ reach = 690 },
	{ reach = 800 },
	{ reach = 1000 },
	{ reach = 1400 },
	{ reach = 1600 },
	{ reach = 1700 },
	{ reach = 2000 },
	{ reach = 3000 },
	{ reach = 4000 },
	{ reach = 5000 },	
function getRankForEXP(plr,exp)
newrank = false
	currank = tonumber(getElementData(plr,"Level")) or 0
	curreach = tonumber(getElementData(plr,"LevelXP")) or 100
	curoreach = tonumber(getElementData(plr,"oLevelXPReach")) or 0

	for ind,val in ipairs(levels) do
		if ind > currank and val.reach <= exp then
			rank = ind
			arank = tonumber(rank)+1
			areach = levels[arank]
			areach = areach.reach
			oreach = val.reach
			newrank = true
	if newrank then
		return rank,areach,oreach
				return currank, curreach, curoreach



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rank = ind
arank = tonumber(rank)+1
areach = levels[arank] -- arank is not guarenteed to be a valid index, thereby returning a nil value
oreach = val.reach -- and thus this line would fail by attempting to index such nil value

You need to check if whether the player is at the last level before trying to calculate areach. Also, you should definitely look into using local variables more, it's inefficient to use global variables.

function getRankForEXP(plr,exp)
  local newrank = false
  local currank = tonumber(getElementData(plr,"Level")) or 0
  local curreach = tonumber(getElementData(plr,"LevelXP")) or 100
  local curoreach = tonumber(getElementData(plr,"oLevelXPReach")) or 0

  local rank, areach, oreach -- declare these local in this scope, so when they're written to they don't use _G but rather upvalues
  for ind,val in ipairs(levels) do
    if ind > currank and val.reach <= exp then
      rank = ind
      areach = levels[ind+1] -- optimised this a little
      if areach then
        areach = areach.reach
        -- TODO: final level, no areach
      oreach = val.reach
      newrank = true
  if newrank then
    return rank,areach,oreach
  return currank, curreach, curoreach


Edited by MrTasty
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