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XML file


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Can you show me the working code with which I can edit an XML file and save it? I tried to use the code on the wiki, but something does not work

There is a file:



How do I use code:
1) Delete Attribute (Admin, Otvet) and save xml file

2) Add a new line with the same attributes and save xml file


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	local xml = xmlLoadFile("file.xml") -- your file name
	local children = xmlNodeGetChildren(xml)
	if children then
		for i, v in ipairs(children) do
			local name = xmlNodeGetName(v)
			if (name == "Admin" or name == "Otvet") then
				return true


	local xml = xmlLoadFile("file.xml")
	local child = xmlCreateChild(xml, "report")
	xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "vreamya", "1")
	xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "Name", "2")
	xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "Jaloba", "3")


Edited by HassoN
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23 minutes ago, HassoN said:


	local xml = xmlLoadFile("file.xml") -- your file name
	local children = xmlNodeGetChildren(xml)
	if children then
		for i, v in ipairs(children) do
			local name = xmlNodeGetName(v)
			if (name == "Admin" or name == "Otvet") then
				return true


	local xml = xmlLoadFile("file.xml")
	local child = xmlCreateChild(xml, "report")
	xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "vreamya", "1")
	xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "Name", "2")
	xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "Jaloba", "3")


The file does not change in any way.

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37 minutes ago, slapz0r said:

The file does not change in any way.

Which code are you talking about? Try to be more precise in your issue.


12 minutes ago, slapz0r said:

How to delete a specific line?

<report vreamya="1" Name="1" Jaloba="1" Admin="1" Otvet="1"/>
<report vreamya="2" Name="2" Jaloba="3" Admin="4" Otvet="5"/>

Example line - 2 

<report vreamya="2" ...

xmlFindChild -- line 2
xmlDestroyNode -- destroy it.


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1 hour ago, HassoN said:

Which code are you talking about? Try to be more precise in your issue.


xmlFindChild -- line 2
xmlDestroyNode -- destroy it.


how to read the updated file? I mean
1) Added a new line to the file

2) Clear GridList

3) LoadFile 

But when I upload the file to the grid, there are no new lines, but they were saved to the file

addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function ()
    if ( source == buy_report ) then

function refreshrr ()
local node = xmlLoadFile ( "reports.xml" )
if ( node ) then
    local reports = 0
    while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "report", reports ) ~= false ) do
        local report = xmlFindChild ( node, "report", reports )
        local row = guiGridListAddRow(gridSms)
        guiGridListSetItemText(gridSms, row, columnInt1, xmlNodeGetAttribute(report, "vremya" ), false, true )
        guiGridListSetItemText(gridSms, row, columnInt2, xmlNodeGetAttribute(report, "Name" ), false, false )
        reports = reports + 1

function repotvet (hours, minutes, second, name)
	local xml = xmlLoadFile("reports.xml")
	local child = xmlCreateChild(xml, "report")
	xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "vremya", ""..hours..":"..minutes..":"..second.."")
	xmlNodeSetAttribute(child, "Name", name)
addEvent("repotvet", true)
addEventHandler("repotvet", resourceRoot, repotvet)


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On 02/08/2019 at 13:11, HassoN said:

As I can see it is a report system, and you are trying to load the file from client side. That's totally unsafe, people can modify the content of that file. Use only server side and you may stay update your gridlist by using a trigger.

How to do it?

How to open a saved option?


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2 hours ago, slapz0r said:

How to do it?

How to open a saved option?



local xml = xmlLoadFile("file.xml") -- loads the file
local child = xmlFindChild(xml, "report", 1) -- 1 here represents the index
local myData = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child, "vreamya") -- gets the value of "vreamya"
xmlUnloadFile(xml) -- unloads the file


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44 minutes ago, HassoN said:


local xml = xmlLoadFile("file.xml") -- loads the file
local child = xmlFindChild(xml, "report", 1) -- 1 here represents the index
local myData = xmlNodeGetAttribute(child, "vreamya") -- gets the value of "vreamya"
xmlUnloadFile(xml) -- unloads the file


i use it in "refreshrr" function but didn'e work

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I mean, the original file loads normally, but when you add a new record, it is saved to the file, but the updated file does not output to the gridlist.

If you restart the script, a new record will appear, but if you add another new one then it will not be displayed in the gridlist(but in file saved successfully)

See my code above. How to fix it?

Edited by slapz0r
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Because you update your XML on server side, then you load it from client, therefore it is not updated. You should load it from server, check this out:


-- client

function refreshrr()
	triggerServerEvent("refreshList", resourceRoot)

function sendInfo(myTable)
	for i, v in ipairs(myTable) do
		local row = guiGridListAddRow(gridSms)
		guiGridListSetItemText(gridSms, row, columnInt1, v[1], false, true )
		guiGridListSetItemText(gridSms, row, columnInt2, v[2], false, false )
addEvent("sendInfo", true)
addEventHandler("sendInfo", root, sendInfo)

-- server

function refreshList()
	local node = xmlLoadFile("reports.xml")
	if (not node) then
		return false
	myTable = {}
	local reports = 0
	while ( xmlFindChild(node, "report", reports) ~= false ) do
		local report = xmlFindChild ( node, "report", reports )
		table.insert(myTable, {xmlNodeGetAttribute(report, "vremya"), xmlNodeGetAttribute(report, "Name")})
		reports = reports + 1
	if (#myTable > 0) then
		triggerClientEvent(client, "sendInfo", client, myTable)
addEvent("refreshList", true)
addEventHandler("refreshList", root, refreshList)


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On 02/08/2019 at 02:07, HassoN said:

Which code are you talking about? Try to be more precise in your issue.


xmlFindChild -- line 2
xmlDestroyNode -- destroy it.


How to use it correctly?

Example: There are 2 lines

  1. <report vreamya="1" Name="1" Jaloba="1" Admin="1" Otvet="1"/>
  2. <report vreamya="1" Name="2" Jaloba="1" Admin="1" Otvet="1"/>

How to find exactly the 2nd line and make changes in it?

I mean, how to find the 2nd line and change it, for example, Jaloba = "2"

And the second line will be <report vreamya="1" Name="2" Jaloba="2" Admin="1" Otvet="1"/>

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12 hours ago, slapz0r said:

How to use it correctly?

Example: There are 2 lines

  1. <report vreamya="1" Name="1" Jaloba="1" Admin="1" Otvet="1"/>
  2. <report vreamya="1" Name="2" Jaloba="1" Admin="1" Otvet="1"/>

How to find exactly the 2nd line and make changes in it?

I mean, how to find the 2nd line and change it, for example, Jaloba = "2"

And the second line will be <report vreamya="1" Name="2" Jaloba="2" Admin="1" Otvet="1"/>

Same as the example above

xmlFindChild -- use index 1 this time as you want to modify your 2nd line.
xmlNodeSetAttribute -- modify the text you want


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5 hours ago, HassoN said:

Same as the example above

xmlFindChild -- use index 1 this time as you want to modify your 2nd line.
xmlNodeSetAttribute -- modify the text you want


I understood this, but I need an example of how to use this in the code to change the selected line.

I wouldn’t ask it a second time, if that was enough

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