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Vanishing vehicle


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I have a little problem with my script. I did for when he goes to the marker, he creates a vehicle, and I'm trying to create for when the player leaves the vehicle, wait 5 minutes, with the player off the vehicle, the vehicle disappears, and it didn't. can help me?

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If I understood you, you want that when a player enters a marker he gets a vehicle and after 5 mins of him leaving the marker the vehicle disappear?

If so, you may use:

onMarkerHit -- when player enters your marker
createVehicle -- create your vehicle
onMarkerLeave -- when player leaves the marker
setTimer -- set a timer of 5 mins
destroyElement -- destroy the vehicle.


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No, I meant that when he enters the marker, he creates a vehicle, and the player teleports to the vehicle, but when he leaves the vehicle, if he doesn't return, the vehicle will disappear in 5 minutes, it's like a  work to deliver pizza, if he leaves and doesn't come back(from the vehicle), the vehicle disappears.

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In that case:


addEventHandler -- onMarkerHit
createVehicle -- use a table to create the vehicle so each player has his own vehicle.
warpPedIntoVehicle -- warp the player into your newly created vehicle.
addEventHandler -- onVehicleExit
setTimer -- set it to 5 mins
destroyElement -- destroy the vehicle

-- also you need:

addEventHandler -- onVehicleEnter
killTimer -- to kill your timer in case the player return to his vehicle.


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the script to pick up the vehicle and teleport until it worked, but the problem is that when I get out of the vehicle the vehicle disappears instantly, I want it to disappear in 5 minutes, see what I'm doing wrong

function leavevehicle(player)
    if veh1[player] and isElement(veh1[player]) then
    t = setTimer ( leavevehicle, 5000, 1, destroyElement(veh1[player])) -- I put 5 seconds to see the fastest results, but still it disappears instantly
addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), leavevehicle)function entervehicle(player)
    killTimer (t)
addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(),entervehicle)
Edited by ODutii
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local myTimers = {}

function leaveVehicle(player)
    if veh1[player] and isElement(veh1[player]) then
		myTimers[player] = setTimer(destroyElement, 5000, 1, veh1[player])
addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), leavevehicle)

function entervehicle(player)
	if (isTimer(myTimers[player])) then
addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(),entervehicle)


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