Furious^ONE! Posted July 21, 2019 Share Posted July 21, 2019 Hi, I have error in my script and i try found it but i dont understand.. Quote checkZombies = function() for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",root,true)) do if getElementData(ped, "zombie") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (ped) setPedFootBloodEnabled(ped, true) local zfrontx, zfronty, zfrontz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(ped, 3) local vect1X, vect1Y = zx-x, zy-z local vect2X, vect2Y = zfrontx-zx, zfronty - zy local scal = vect2X*vect1X+vect2Y*vect1Y local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "volume") / 5 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "visibly") / 5 local ready = true if ( distance > sound*1.2 + visibly*1.2 and scal <= 0 ) or ( distance > sound*1.4 + visibly*1.4 ) then -- Расстояние за которую он вас увидит и услышит (средне) ready = false end if ready then triggerServerEvent ( "chasedStartAttackC", getLocalPlayer(), ped ) end end end end setTimer(checkZombies, 2000, 0) setElementData ( localPlayer, "spawnedzombies", 0 ) checkAnimal = function() for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",root,true)) do if getElementData(ped, "animal") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (ped) local zfrontx, zfronty, zfrontz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(ped, 3) local vect1X, vect1Y = zx-x, zy-z local vect2X, vect2Y = zfrontx-zx, zfronty - zy local scal = vect2X*vect1X+vect2Y*vect1Y local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "volume") / 3 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "visibly") / 3 local ready = true if ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 and scal <= 0 ) or ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 ) then -- Расстояние за которую он вас увидит и услышит (ДАЛЕКО) ready = false end if ready then triggerServerEvent ( "animalStopFollow", getLocalPlayer(), ped ) end end end end setTimer(checkAnimal, 2000, 0) setElementData ( localPlayer, "spawnedzombies", 0 ) checkKiller = function() for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",root,true)) do if getElementData(ped, "killer") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (ped) local zfrontx, zfronty, zfrontz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(ped, 3) local vect1X, vect1Y = zx-x, zy-z local vect2X, vect2Y = zfrontx-zx, zfronty - zy local scal = vect2X*vect1X+vect2Y*vect1Y local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "volume") / 5 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "visibly") / 5 local ready = true if ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 and scal <= 0 ) or ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 ) then -- Расстояние за которую он вас увидит и услышит (ДАЛЕКО) ready = false end if ready then triggerServerEvent ( "chasedStartAttackC", getLocalPlayer(), ped ) end end end end setTimer(checkKiller, 2000, 0) setElementData ( localPlayer, "spawnedzombies", 0 ) checkboss4aki = function() for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",root,true)) do if getElementData(ped, "boss4aki") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (ped) local zfrontx, zfronty, zfrontz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(ped, 3) local vect1X, vect1Y = zx-x, zy-z local vect2X, vect2Y = zfrontx-zx, zfronty - zy local scal = vect2X*vect1X+vect2Y*vect1Y local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "volume") / 5 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "visibly") / 5 local ready = true if ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 and scal <= 0 ) or ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 ) then -- Расстояние за которую он вас увидит и услышит (ДАЛЕКО) ready = false end if ready then triggerServerEvent ( "chasedStartAttackC", getLocalPlayer(), ped ) end end end end setTimer(checkboss4aki, 2000, 0) setElementData ( localPlayer, "spawnedzombies", 0 ) checksnegovik = function() for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",root,true)) do if getElementData(ped, "snegovik") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (ped) local zfrontx, zfronty, zfrontz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(ped, 3) local vect1X, vect1Y = zx-x, zy-z local vect2X, vect2Y = zfrontx-zx, zfronty - zy local scal = vect2X*vect1X+vect2Y*vect1Y local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "volume") / 5 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "visibly") / 5 local ready = true if ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*5 and scal <= 0 ) or ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 ) then -- Расстояние за которую он вас увидит и услышит (ДАЛЕКО) ready = false end if ready then triggerServerEvent ( "chasedStartAttackC", getLocalPlayer(), ped ) end end end end setTimer(checksnegovik, 2000, 0) setElementData ( localPlayer, "spawnedzombies", 0 ) checksanta = function() for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",root,true)) do if getElementData(ped, "santa") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (ped) local zfrontx, zfronty, zfrontz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(ped, 3) local vect1X, vect1Y = zx-x, zy-z local vect2X, vect2Y = zfrontx-zx, zfronty - zy local scal = vect2X*vect1X+vect2Y*vect1Y local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "volume") / 5 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "visibly") / 5 local ready = true if ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*5 and scal <= 0 ) or ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 ) then -- Расстояние за которую он вас увидит и услышит (ДАЛЕКО) ready = false end if ready then triggerServerEvent ( "chasedStartAttackC", getLocalPlayer(), ped ) end end end end setTimer(checksanta, 2000, 0) setElementData ( localPlayer, "spawnedzombies", 0 ) checkBots = function() for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",root,true)) do if getElementData(ped, "bots") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (ped) local zfrontx, zfronty, zfrontz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(ped, 3) local vect1X, vect1Y = zx-x, zy-z local vect2X, vect2Y = zfrontx-zx, zfronty - zy local scal = vect2X*vect1X+vect2Y*vect1Y local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "volume") / 3 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "visibly") / 3 local ready = true if ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*5 and scal <= 0 ) or ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 ) then -- Расстояние за которую он вас увидит и услышит (ДАЛЕКО) ready = false end if ready then triggerServerEvent ( "botsStartAttack", getLocalPlayer(), ped ) end end end end setTimer(checkBots, 2000, 0) setElementData ( localPlayer, "spawnedzombies", 0 ) checkbossBenz = function() for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",root,true)) do if getElementData(ped, "bossBenz") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (ped) local zfrontx, zfronty, zfrontz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(ped, 3) local vect1X, vect1Y = zx-x, zy-z local vect2X, vect2Y = zfrontx-zx, zfronty - zy local scal = vect2X*vect1X+vect2Y*vect1Y local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "volume") / 5 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "visibly") / 5 local ready = true if ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*5 and scal <= 0 ) or ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 ) then -- Расстояние за которую он вас увидит и услышит (ДАЛЕКО) ready = false end if ready then triggerServerEvent ( "chasedStartAttackC", getLocalPlayer(), ped ) end end end end setTimer(checkbossBenz, 2000, 0) setElementData ( localPlayer, "spawnedzombies", 0 ) checkbossCrais = function() for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped",root,true)) do if getElementData(ped, "bossCrais") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (ped) local zfrontx, zfronty, zfrontz = getPositionInfrontOfElement(ped, 3) local vect1X, vect1Y = zx-x, zy-z local vect2X, vect2Y = zfrontx-zx, zfronty - zy local scal = vect2X*vect1X+vect2Y*vect1Y local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "volume") / 5 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "visibly") / 5 local ready = true if ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*5 and scal <= 0 ) or ( distance > sound*3 + visibly*3 ) then -- Расстояние за которую он вас увидит и услышит (ДАЛЕКО) ready = false end if ready then triggerServerEvent ( "chasedStartAttackC", getLocalPlayer(), ped ) end end end end setTimer(checkbossCrais, 2000, 0) setElementData ( localPlayer, "spawnedzombies", 0 ) function zombieJump(ped) if (isElement(source)) then setPedControlState(source,"jump",true) setTimer(function(source) if (isElement(source)) then setPedControlState(source,"jump",false) end end,800,1,source) end end addEventHandler("bot_Jump",getRootElement(),zombieJump) addEvent("bot_Jump",true) function getPositionInfrontOfElement(element, meters) if not element or not isElement(element) then return false end if not meters then meters = 3 end local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition(element) local _, _, rotation = getElementRotation(element) posX = posX - math.sin(math.rad(rotation)) * meters posY = posY + math.cos(math.rad(rotation)) * meters return posX, posY, posZ end local fires = 0 local shotCheckAvailable = true function onClientPlayerWeaponFireFunc(weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement ) if getElementData ( localPlayer, "isPlayerZombie" ) then return true end if shotCheckAvailable then if weapon > 9 and weapon ~= 23 then shotCheckAvailable = false setTimer ( function () shotCheckAvailable = true end, 4000, 1 ) local zombs = getElementsByType ( "ped", getRootElement(), true ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) for i,zomb in ipairs(zombs) do if not getElementData ( zomb, "target" ) and not getElementData ( zomb, "zHeared" ) then local zx,zy,zz = getElementPosition (zomb) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) < 50 then triggerServerEvent ("zombieHeared", localPlayer, zomb ) end end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), onClientPlayerWeaponFireFunc ) function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end; return t end SurvivorSystem_client.Lua Quote setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( "area_name", false ) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( "vehicle_name", false ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() versionLabel = guiCreateLabel(1,1,0.3,0.3,"DayZ Survival v1.1",true) guiSetSize(versionLabel, guiLabelGetTextExtent ( versionLabel ), guiLabelGetFontHeight ( versionLabel ), false ) x,y = guiGetSize(versionLabel,true) guiSetPosition( versionLabel, 1-x, 1-y*1.8, true ) guiSetAlpha(versionLabel,0.5) versionLabel2 = guiCreateLabel(1,1,0.3,0.3,"".. string.sub(getPlayerSerial(getLocalPlayer()), 25) .."",true) guiSetSize(versionLabel2, guiLabelGetTextExtent ( versionLabel2 ), guiLabelGetFontHeight ( versionLabel2 ), false ) x,y = guiGetSize(versionLabel2,true) guiSetPosition(versionLabel2, 1-x, 1-y*2.6, true ) guiSetAlpha(versionLabel2,0.5) end) for i,vestData in pairs(VestsTable) do file = vestData[1]:gsub(' ','') if fileExists("mods/"..file..".txd") and fileExists("mods/"..file..".dff")then txd = engineLoadTXD("mods/"..file..".txd",vestData[3]) engineImportTXD(txd,vestData[3]) dff = engineLoadDFF("mods/"..file..".dff",vestData[3]) engineReplaceModel(dff,vestData[3]) else outputChatBox("ERROR: mods/"..file) end end for i,helmetData in pairs(HelmetsTable) do file = helmetData[1]:gsub(' ','') if fileExists("mods/"..file..".txd") and fileExists("mods/"..file..".dff")then txd = engineLoadTXD("mods/"..file..".txd",helmetData[3]) engineImportTXD(txd,helmetData[3]) dff = engineLoadDFF("mods/"..file..".dff",helmetData[3]) engineReplaceModel(dff,helmetData[3]) else outputChatBox("ERROR: mods/"..file) end end Itens = { --{Arquivo="SteelSheet"},ID=1664}, {Arquivo="Compass",ID=1488}, {Arquivo="M203HE",ID=1925}, {Arquivo="Handcuffs",ID=1551}, {Arquivo="ScrapMetal",ID=1577}, {Arquivo="Glass",ID=1654}, {Arquivo="Bandage",ID=1578}, {Arquivo="BloodBag",ID=1580}, {Arquivo="BoxOfMatches",ID=328}, {Arquivo="CookedMeat",ID=2806}, {Arquivo="Engine",ID=929}, {Arquivo="GasCanister",ID=1650}, {Arquivo="Goggles",ID=368}, {Arquivo="Goggles",ID=369}, {Arquivo="GPS",ID=2976}, {Arquivo="Map",ID=1277}, {Arquivo="MedicBox",ID=1558}, {Arquivo="Morphine",ID=1579}, {Arquivo="MorphineAutoInjector",ID=14673}, {Arquivo="RawMeat",ID=2804}, {Arquivo="Roadflare",ID=324}, {Arquivo="RoadflareOn",ID=354}, {Arquivo="Rotor",ID=1669}, {Arquivo="TankParts",ID=1008}, {Arquivo="Tent2",ID=1512}, {Arquivo="Tire",ID=1073}, {Arquivo="Toolbox",ID=2969}, {Arquivo="Watch",ID=2710}, {Arquivo="WireFence2",ID=933}, {Arquivo="WoodPile",ID=1463}, {Arquivo="Mine",ID=1897} } for i,Item in pairs(Itens)do txd = engineLoadTXD("items/"..Item.Arquivo..".txd",Item.ID) engineImportTXD(txd,Item.ID) dff = engineLoadDFF("items/"..Item.Arquivo..".dff",Item.ID) engineReplaceModel(dff,Item.ID) end itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("mods/trap_closed.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1918) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("mods/trap_closed.dff",1918) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1918) itemCOL = engineLoadCOL("mods/trap_closed.col") engineReplaceCOL(itemCOL,1918) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("mods/trap_open.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1920) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("mods/trap_open.dff",1920) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1920) itemCOL = engineLoadCOL("mods/trap_open.col") engineReplaceCOL(itemCOL,1920) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/jackcarrepair.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,2015) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/jackcarrepair.dff",2015) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,2015) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/canopen.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,2014) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/canopen.dff",2014) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,2014) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/Seringa.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,2000) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/Seringa.dff",2000) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,2000) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/sniper.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,285) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/sniper.dff",285) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,285) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/female.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,191) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/female.dff",191) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,191) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/ghillie_suit_woman.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,94) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/ghillie_suit_woman.dff",94) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,94) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/civ_girl.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,93) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/civ_girl.dff",93) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,93) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/civilian.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,179) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/civilian.dff",179) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,179) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/sniper2.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,287) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/sniper2.dff",287) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,287) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/standart.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,73) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/standart.dff",73) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,73) snipertxd = engineLoadTXD("mods/femalestandard.txd") engineImportTXD(snipertxd,191) sniperdff = engineLoadDFF("mods/femalestandard.dff",191) engineReplaceModel(sniperdff,191) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/Antibiotics.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1509) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/Antibiotics.dff",1509) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1509) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/Clothes.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1241) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/Clothes.dff",1241) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1241) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/beans_can.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2601) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/beans_can.dff",2601) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2601) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/soda_bottle.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2856) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/soda_bottle.dff",2856) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2856) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/first_aid_kit.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2891) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/first_aid_kit.dff",2891) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2891) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/heat_pack.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1576) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/heat_pack.dff",1576) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1576) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/pain_killers.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2709) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/pain_killers.dff",2709) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2709) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/pasta_can.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2770) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/pasta_can.dff",2770) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2770) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/CannedSardines.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1242) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/CannedSardines.dff",1242) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1242) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/CanOfTacticalBacon.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1247) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/CanOfTacticalBacon.dff",1247) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1247) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/pistol_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,3013) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/pistol_ammo.dff",3013) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,3013) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/shotgun_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2358) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/shotgun_ammo.dff",2358) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2358) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_small.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,3026) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_small.dff",3026) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,3026) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/smg_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2041) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/smg_ammo.dff",2041) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2041) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/sniper_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2358) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/sniper_ammo.dff",2358) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2358) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/soda_can.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2647) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/soda_can.dff",2647) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2647) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/water_bottle.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2683) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/water_bottle.dff",2683) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2683) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_alice.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1248) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_alice.dff",1248) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1248) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_coyote.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1252) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_coyote.dff",1252) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1252) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_czech.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2472) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_czech.dff",2472) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2472) --Skin ammo itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/stanag_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1271) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/stanag_ammo.dff",1271) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1271) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/ak_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1913) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/ak_ammo.dff",1913) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1913) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/mp5_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1920) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/mp5_ammo.dff",1920) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1920) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/rambo_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1921) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/rambo_ammo.dff",1921) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1921) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/m107_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1926) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/m107_ammo.dff",1926) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1926) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/shot_ammo.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1927) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/shot_ammo.dff",1927) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1927) --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/Tactical_Backpack.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1815) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/Tactical_Backpack.dff",1815) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1815) --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_mossy_coyote.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1743) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_mossy_coyote.dff",1743) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1743) --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_desert_coyote.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1742) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_desert_coyote.dff",1742) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1742) --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_survival.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2405) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_survival.dff",2405) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2405) -- --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_british.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2406) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_british.dff",2406) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2406) -- --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_patrol.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1486) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_patrol.dff",1486) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1486) --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/mountain_backpack.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1517) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/mountain_backpack.dff",1517) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1517) --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_czech1.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1520) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_czech1.dff",1520) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1520) --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_czech2.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1541) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_czech2.dff",1541) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1541) --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_czech3.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1542) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_czech3.dff",1542) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1542) -- --Novas Mochilas itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/backpack_vest.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,1777) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/backpack_vest.dff",1777) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,1777) -- itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/tent.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,3243) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/tent.dff",3243) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,3243) col = engineLoadCOL("items/tent.col") engineReplaceCOL(col,3243) engineSetModelLODDistance(3243,60) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/bigtent.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,2779) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/bigtent.dff",2779) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,2779) col = engineLoadCOL("items/bigtent.col") engineReplaceCOL(col,2779) engineSetModelLODDistance(2779,60) itemTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/wirefence.txd") engineImportTXD(itemTXD,983) itemDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/wirefence.dff",983) engineReplaceModel(itemDFF,983) weaponTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/camera.txd") engineImportTXD(weaponTXD,367) weaponDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/camera.dff",367) engineReplaceModel(weaponDFF,367) weaponTXD = engineLoadTXD("items/katana.txd") engineImportTXD(weaponTXD,339) weaponDFF = engineLoadDFF("items/katana.dff",339) engineReplaceModel(weaponDFF,339) setTimer(function() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then toggleControl("radar",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("clock",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("radar",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("money",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("health",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("breath",false) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Map") >= 1 then toggleControl("radar",true) end if 1 <= getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"GPS") then setPlayerHudComponentVisible("radar",true) end if 1 <= getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Watch") then setPlayerHudComponentVisible("clock",true) end end end,1000,0) function playerZoom(key,keyState) if key == "n" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Night Vision Goggles") >= 1 then if nightvision then nightvision = false setCameraGoggleEffect("normal") local hour,minutes = getTime() setClientNight(hour,minutes) else nightvision = true setCameraGoggleEffect("nightvision") setFarClipDistance(1000) end end elseif key == "i" and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Infrared Goggles") >= 1 then if infaredvision then infaredvision = false setCameraGoggleEffect("normal") setClientNight(hour,minutes) else infaredvision = true setCameraGoggleEffect("thermalvision") end end end bindKey("n","down",playerZoom) bindKey("i","up",playerZoom) function setClientNight(hour,minutes) if hour == 21 then setSkyGradient(0,100 / minutes,196 / minutes,136 / minutes,170 / minutes,212 / minutes) setFarClipDistance(120 +(880 - minutes * 14.6)) setFogDistance(-150 +(250 - minutes * 4.16)) elseif hour == 7 then setSkyGradient(0,1.6 * minutes,638.9599999999999,307.35999999999996,481.1,748.36) setFarClipDistance(120 + minutes * 14.6) setFogDistance(-150 + minutes * 4.16) elseif hour == 22 or hour == 23 then setSkyGradient(0,0,0,0,0,0) setFarClipDistance(120) setFogDistance(-150) elseif hour >= 0 and hour <= 7 then setSkyGradient(0,0,0,0,0,0) setFarClipDistance(120) setFogDistance(-150) else setSkyGradient(0,100,196,136,170,212) setFarClipDistance(1000) setFogDistance(100) end end local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/22.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,22) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/56.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,56) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/67.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,67) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/68.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,68) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/69.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,69) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/70.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,70) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/84.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,84) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/92.txd") local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/97.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,97) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/105.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,105) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/107.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,107) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/108.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,108) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/111.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,111) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/126.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,126) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/127.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,127) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/128.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,128) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/152.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,152) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/162.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,162) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/167.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,167) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/188.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,188) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/192.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,192) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/195.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,195) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/206.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,206) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/209.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,209) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/212.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,212) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/229.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,229) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/230.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,230) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/258.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,258) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/264.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,264) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/274.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,274) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/277.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,277) local skin = engineLoadTXD("skins/280.txd") engineImportTXD(skin,280) --[[function math.round(number,decimals,method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if method == "ceil" or method == "floor" then return math[method](number * factor)/ factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end]] function math.round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end statsLabel = {} statsWindows = guiCreateStaticImage(0.85, 0.18, 0.19, 0.17, "images/debug.png",true) guiSetAlpha(statsWindows,0.8) statsLabel["zombieskilled1"] = guiCreateLabel(0.43, 0.19, 0.35, 0.15, "0", true, statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(statsLabel["zombieskilled1"], "right", false) guiSetFont(statsLabel["zombieskilled1"], "default-medium-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["zombieskilled1"],"identifikation","zombieskilled") statsLabel["murders1"] = guiCreateLabel(0.43, 0.04, 0.35, 0.15, "0", true, statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(statsLabel["murders1"], "right", false) guiSetFont(statsLabel["murders1"], "default-medium-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["murders1"],"identifikation","murders") statsLabel["headshots1"] = guiCreateLabel(0.43, 0.48, 0.35, 0.15, "0", true, statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(statsLabel["headshots1"], "right", false) guiSetFont(statsLabel["headshots1"], "default-medium-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["headshots1"],"identifikation","headshots") statsLabel["banditskilled1"] = guiCreateLabel(0.43, 0.33, 0.35, 0.15, "0", true, statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(statsLabel["banditskilled1"], "right", false) guiSetFont(statsLabel["banditskilled1"], "default-medium-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["banditskilled1"],"identifikation","banditskilled") statsLabel["humanity1"] = guiCreateLabel(0.43, 0.62, 0.35, 0.15, "0", true, statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(statsLabel["humanity1"], "right", false) guiSetFont(statsLabel["humanity1"], "default-medium-small" ) setElementData(statsLabel["humanity1"],"identifikation","humanity") statsLabel["blood1"] = guiCreateLabel(0.43, 0.76, 0.35, 0.15, " 12000", true, statsWindows) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(statsLabel["blood1"], "right", false) guiSetFont(statsLabel["blood1"], "default-medium-small" ) guiLabelSetColor(statsLabel["blood1"], 255, 255, 255) setElementData(statsLabel["blood1"],"identifikation","blood") statsLabel["murders"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.05, 0.31, 0.45, "Murders:",true,statsWindows) statsLabel["murders"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.05, 0.31, 0.45, "Murders:",true,statsWindows) guiSetFont (statsLabel["murders"], "default-medium-small" ) guiLabelSetColor(statsLabel["murders"], 255, 255, 255) statsLabel["zombieskilled"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.19, 0.41, 0.45, "Zombies killed:",true,statsWindows) statsLabel["zombieskilled"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.19, 0.41, 0.45, "Zombies killed:",true,statsWindows) guiSetFont (statsLabel["zombieskilled"], "default-medium-small" ) guiLabelSetColor(statsLabel["zombieskilled"], 255, 255, 255) statsLabel["banditskilled"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.33, 0.41, 0.45,"Bandits killed:",true,statsWindows) statsLabel["banditskilled"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.33, 0.41, 0.45,"Bandits killed:",true,statsWindows) guiSetFont (statsLabel["banditskilled"], "default-medium-small" ) guiLabelSetColor(statsLabel["banditskilled"], 255, 255, 255) statsLabel["headshots"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.47, 0.41, 0.45, "Headshots:",true,statsWindows) statsLabel["headshots"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.47, 0.41, 0.45, "Headshots:",true,statsWindows) guiSetFont (statsLabel["headshots"], "default-medium-small" ) guiLabelSetColor(statsLabel["headshots"], 255, 255, 255) statsLabel["humanity"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.61, 0.41, 0.45, "Humanity:",true,statsWindows) statsLabel["humanity"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.61, 0.41, 0.45, "Humanity:",true,statsWindows) guiSetFont (statsLabel["humanity"], "default-medium-small" ) guiLabelSetColor(statsLabel["humanity"], 255, 255, 255) statsLabel["blood"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.76, 0.41, 0.25, "Blood:",true,statsWindows) statsLabel["blood"] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.76, 0.41, 0.25, "Blood:",true,statsWindows) guiSetFont (statsLabel["blood"], "default-medium-small" ) guiLabelSetColor(statsLabel["blood"], 255, 255, 255) if getElementData(localPlayer,"logedin") then guiSetVisible(statsWindows,true) else guiSetVisible(statsWindows,false) end function showDebugMonitor () local visible = guiGetVisible(statsWindows) guiSetVisible(statsWindows,not visible) end bindKey("F5","down",showDebugMonitor) function showDebugMintorOnLogin () guiSetVisible(statsWindows,true) end addEvent("onClientPlayerDayZLogin", true) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDayZLogin", root, showDebugMintorOnLogin) function refreshDebugMonitor() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["zombieskilled1"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["zombieskilled1"]," "..value) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["headshots1"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["headshots1"]," "..value) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["banditskilled1"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["banditskilled1"]," "..value) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["murders1"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["murders1"]," "..value) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["blood1"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["blood1"]," "..value) local value = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getElementData(statsLabel["humanity1"],"identifikation")) guiSetText(statsLabel["humanity1"]," "..math.round(value,2)) end end setTimer(refreshDebugMonitor,2000,0) function playRandomHitSound() local number = math.random(1,3) local sound = playSound("sounds/hit"..number..".mp3") end function playerGetDamageDayZ(attacker,weapon,bodypart,loss) cancelEvent() damage = 100 headshot = false if weapon == 37 then return end if weapon == 49 then if loss > 30 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"brokenbone",true) setControlState("jump",true) x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local Som3D = playSound3D("sounds/Actions/Brokenbone.ogg",x,y,z) setSoundMaxDistance(Som3D,15) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")- math.floor(loss * 10)) end setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")- math.floor(loss * 5)) elseif weapon == 63 or weapon == 51 or weapon == 19 or weapon == 16 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",0) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")<= 0 and not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead")== true then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer",getLocalPlayer(),attacker,headshot) end elseif weapon and weapon > 1 and attacker and getElementType(attacker)== "player" then do local number = math.random(1,8) if number >= 6 or number <= 8 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding")+ math.floor(loss * 10)) end local number = math.random(1,7) if number == 2 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"pain",true) end damage = getWeaponDamage(weapon,attacker) if bodypart == 9 then var = "aa" for _,vest in pairs(HelmetsTable)do if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),vest[2])then var = vest[2] break end end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),var)== true then damage = damage*0.7 else damage = damage* 12000 headshot = true end end if bodypart == 3 then var = "aa" for _,vest in pairs(VestsTable)do if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),vest[2])then var = vest[2] break end end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),var)== true then damage = damage*0.2 end end if bodypart == 7 or bodypart == 8 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"brokenbone",true) x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local Som3D = playSound3D("sounds/Actions/Brokenbone.ogg",x,y,z) setSoundMaxDistance(Som3D,15) end playRandomHitSound() setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")- math.random(damage * 0.75,damage * 1.25)) if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bandit") then setElementData(attacker,"humanity",getElementData(attacker,"humanity")- math.random(40,200)) if 0 > getElementData(attacker,"humanity") then setElementData(attacker,"bandit",true) end else setElementData(attacker,"humanity",getElementData(attacker,"humanity")+ math.random(40,200)) if getElementData(attacker,"humanity")> 5000 then setElementData(attacker,"humanity",5000) end if getElementData(attacker,"humanity")> 2000 then setElementData(attacker,"bandit",false) end end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")<= 0 and not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead") then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer",getLocalPlayer(),attacker,headshot,getWeaponNameFromID(weapon)) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead",true) end end elseif weapon == 54 or weapon == 63 or weapon == 49 or weapon == 51 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")- math.random(100,1000)) local number = math.random(1,5) if loss > 30 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"brokenbone",true) setControlState("jump",true) x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local Som3D = playSound3D("sounds/Actions/Brokenbone.ogg",x,y,z) setSoundMaxDistance(Som3D,15) end if loss >= 100 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",49) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",50) end local number = math.random(1,11) if number == 3 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"pain",true) end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")<= 0 and not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead")== true then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer",getLocalPlayer(),attacker,headshot,getWeaponNameFromID(weapon)) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead",true) end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage",getLocalPlayer(),playerGetDamageDayZ) function pedGetDamageDayZ(attacker,weapon,bodypart,loss) cancelEvent() if attacker and attacker == getLocalPlayer() then damage = 100 if weapon == 37 then return end if weapon == 63 or weapon == 51 or weapon == 19 then setElementData(source,"blood",0) if 0 >= getElementData(source,"blood") then triggerServerEvent("onZombieGetsKilled",source,attacker) end elseif weapon and weapon > 1 and attacker and getElementType(attacker)== "player" then damage = getWeaponDamage(weapon,attacker) if bodypart == 9 then damage = damage * 12000 headshot = true end setElementData(source,"blood",getElementData(source,"blood")- math.random(damage * 0.75,damage * 1.25)) if 0 >= getElementData(source,"blood") then triggerServerEvent("onZombieGetsKilled",source,attacker,headshot) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage",getRootElement(),pedGetDamageDayZ) function checkStats() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding")> 20 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")- getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding")) else setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",0) end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")< 0 and not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead") then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer",getLocalPlayer(),false,false) end end end setTimer(checkStats,3000,0) function createBloodForBleedingPlayers() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))do bleeding = getElementData(player,"bleeding")or 0 if bleeding > 0 then px,py,pz = getPedBonePosition(player,3) pdistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,px,py,pz) if bleeding > 600 then number = 5 elseif bleeding > 300 then number = 3 elseif bleeding > 100 then number = 1 else number = 0 end if pdistance <= 120 then fxAddBlood(px,py,pz,0,0,0,number,1) end end end end end setTimer(createBloodForBleedingPlayers,300,0) function createBloodForBleedingPlayers() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local bleeding = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding")or 0 if bleeding > 0 then local px,py,pz = getPedBonePosition(getLocalPlayer(),3) if bleeding > 600 then number = 5 elseif bleeding > 300 then number = 3 elseif bleeding > 100 then number = 1 else number = 0 end fxAddBlood(px,py,pz,0,0,0,number,1) end end end setTimer(createBloodForBleedingPlayers,300,0) function checkInfection() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"infection") then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",math.random(200,400)) end end end setTimer(checkInfection,120000,0) function checkBrokenbone() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"brokenbone") then if not isPedDucked(getLocalPlayer()) then end toggleControl("jump",false) toggleControl("sprint",false) else toggleControl("jump",true) toggleControl("sprint",true) end end end setTimer(checkBrokenbone,1400,0) function setPain() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"pain") then x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) createExplosion(x,y,z + 15,6,false,1.5,false) --[[local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) createExplosion(x,y,z + 15,8,false,1,false) local x,y,z,lx,ly,lz = getCameraMatrix() x,lx = x + 1,lx + 1 setCameraMatrix(x,y,z,lx,ly,lz) setCameraTarget(getLocalPlayer())]] end end setTimer(setPain,1500,0) function checkCold() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"temperature")<= 31 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"cold",true) end end setTimer(checkCold,3000,0) function setCold() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"cold") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) createExplosion(x,y,z + 15,8,false,0.5,false) local x,y,z,lx,ly,lz = getCameraMatrix() end end setTimer(setCold,1500,0) function debugJump() if getControlState("jump") then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"jumping",true) setTimer(debugJump2,650,1) end end setTimer(debugJump,100,0) function debugJump2() setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"jumping",false) end weaponNoiseTable = { {22,20}, {23,0}, {24,60}, {28,40}, {32,40}, {29,40}, {30,60}, {31,60}, {25,40}, {26,60}, {27,60}, {33,40}, {34,60}, {36,60}, {35,60} } function getWeaponNoise(weapon) for i,weapon2 in ipairs(weaponNoiseTable)do if weapon == weapon2[1] then return weapon2[2] end end return 0 end function debugShooting() if getControlState("fire") then local weapon = getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer()) local noise = getWeaponNoise(weapon)or 0 setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"shooting",noise) if shootTimer then killTimer(shootTimer) end shootTimer = setTimer(debugShooting2,100,1) end end setTimer(debugShooting,100,0) function debugShooting2() setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"shooting",0) shootTimer = false end function nightvision () local weapon = getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer()) if weapon == 44 and (getControlState("n")) then dxDrawImage(0, 0, 300, 300, "nvd.png") end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, nightvision ) function isVestOn() for _,vest in pairs(VestsTable)do if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),vest[2]) == true then return true end end return false end fading = 0 fading2 = "up" local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function updateIcons() if (getElementData (localPlayer, "hideTable") or {}).icons then return true end if isMainMenuActive() then dxDrawImage(screenWidth-780,screenHeight-243,780,243,"images/survivorsteam.png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),true) end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if fading >= 0 and fading2 == "up" then fading = fading + 5 elseif fading <= 255 and fading2 == "down" then fading = fading - 5 end if fading == 0 then fading2 = "up" elseif fading == 255 then fading2 = "down" end if (getCameraGoggleEffect() == "nightvision") or (getCameraGoggleEffect() == "thermalvision") then dxDrawImage( 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, "images/night_vision.png") end if isVestOn() then vestLife = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"vestLife") if vestLife > 60 then r,g,b = 95,141,71 elseif vestLife > 40 then r,g,b = 241,241,11 elseif vestLife > 25 then r,g,b = 234,74,15 else r,g,b = 235,15,15 end dxDrawImage(screenWidth*0.94, screenHeight*0.81, screenHeight*0.053, screenHeight*0.053, "images/vest.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b,255)) end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "infection") then dxDrawImage(screenWidth * 0.97, screenHeight * 0.81, screenHeight * 0.053, screenHeight * 0.053, "images/infection.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 0, 0,fading)) end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setPlayerNametagShowing(player,false) if player ~= getLocalPlayer() then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(player) local pdistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,px,py,pz) if pdistance <= 2 then local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(px,py,pz + 0.95,0.06) if sx and sy then if getElementData(player,"bandit") then text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(player),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").."(Bandit)" else text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(player),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") end local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,1.02,"default-bold") dxDrawText(text,sx - w / 2,sy,sx - w / 2,sy,tocolor(100,255,100,200),1.02,"default-bold") end end end end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle"))do local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(veh) local vehID = getElementModel(veh) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if veh ~= vehicle and vehID ~= 548 then local pdistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,px,py,pz) if pdistance <= 6 then local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(px,py,pz + 0.95,0.06) if sx and sy then local w = dxGetTextWidth(getVehicleName(veh),1.02,"default-bold") dxDrawText(getVehicleName(veh),sx - w / 2,sy,sx - w / 2,sy,tocolor(100,255,100,200),1.02,"default-bold") end end end end if not playerTarget then return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(playerTarget) local x,y,distance = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x,y,z + 0.5) distance = 20 if getElementData(playerTarget,"bandit") then text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").."(Bandit)" else text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") end local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,distance * 0.033,"default-bold") dxDrawText(text,x - w / 2,y,x - w / 2,y,tocolor(100,255,100,200),distance * 0.033,"default-bold") end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),updateIcons) playerTarget = false function targetingActivated(target) if target and getElementType(target)== "player" then playerTarget = target else playerTarget = false end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerTarget",getRootElement(),targetingActivated) function infection(source) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"infection") then local aleatorySound = math.random(1,3) local sound = playSound("sounds/Actions/Infection/action_cough"..aleatorySound..".ogg") setSoundVolume(sound,1.2) setTimer(function() destroyElement(sound) destroyElement(1000) end,1000,1) end end end setTimer(infection,10000,0) function dayZDeathInfo() fadeCamera(false,1,0,0,0) setTimer(showDayZDeathScreen,1000,1) playSound("sounds/Actions/Death.mp3") end addEvent("onClientPlayerDeathInfo",true) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDeathInfo",getRootElement(),dayZDeathInfo) dayZDeathInfo = function() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) fadeCamera(true,5) setCameraMatrix (x,y,z, 0,0,5000) local sound1 = playSound3D ("sounds/Actions/Death.mp3", x,y,z, true) setSoundMaxDistance( sound1,10) setTimer(function() destroyElement(sound1) end,8000, 1) end addEvent("onClientPlayerDeathInfo",true) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDeathInfo",getRootElement(),dayZDeathInfo) whiteWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(0,0,1,1,"images/white.png",true) guiSetVisible(whiteWindow,false) function showPlayerDamageScreen(visibly2,stateControle2) guiSetVisible(whiteWindow,true) visibly = visibly2 or visibly stateControle = stateControle2 or stateControle if visibly >= 0.15000000000000002 and stateControle == "up" then stateControle = "down" end if visibly < 0 then guiSetVisible(whiteWindow,false) return end if stateControle == "up" then visibly = visibly + 0.025 elseif stateControle == "down" then visibly = visibly - 0.025 end guiSetAlpha(whiteWindow,visibly) setTimer(showPlayerDamageScreen,50,1) end function showWhiteScreen(attacker,weapon,bodypart) showPlayerDamageScreen(0,"up") end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage",getLocalPlayer(),showWhiteScreen) supportWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(0.05,0.25,0.9,0.5,"images/scrollmenu_1.png",true) guiSetVisible(supportWindow,false) supportGridlist = guiCreateGridList(0.05,0.1,0.9,0.7,true,supportWindow) nameColumn = guiGridListAddColumn(supportGridlist,"Name",0.2) messageColumn = guiGridListAddColumn(supportGridlist,"Message",0.8) messageInput = guiCreateEdit(0.05,0.825,0.9,0.075,"",true,supportWindow) closeButton = guiCreateButton(0.9,0.015,0.09,0.05,"Close",true,supportWindow) function openSupportChat() local showing = guiGetVisible(supportWindow) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") guiSetVisible(supportWindow,not showing) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"supporter")or getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"admin") then guiSetVisible(supporterWindow,not showing) end if showing then guiSetVisible(supporterWindow,false) end showCursor(not showing) toggleControl("chatbox",showing) if showing == false then unbindKey("o","down",openSupportChat) unbindKey("j","down",showInventory) else bindKey("o","down",openSupportChat) bindKey("j","down",showInventory) end end bindKey("o","down",openSupportChat) function outputEditBox() local showing = guiGetVisible(supportWindow) guiSetVisible(supportWindow,false) showCursor(false) toggleControl("chatbox",true) bindKey("o","down",openSupportChat) bindKey("j","down",showInventory) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",closeButton,outputEditBox,false) bindKey("o","down",outputEditBox) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted",messageInput,function(theElement) if not isSpamTimer() then local text = guiGetText(theElement) triggerServerEvent("onServerSupportChatMessage",getLocalPlayer(),getLocalPlayer(),text) end setAntiSpamActive() guiSetText(messageInput,"") end) function outputSupportChat(sourcePlayer,text) local row = guiGridListAddRow(supportGridlist) if sourcePlayer == "Sandra" or sourcePlayer == "James" or sourcePlayer == "Paul" then name = sourcePlayer.."(Bot)" elseif not getElementData(sourcePlayer,"logedin") then name = string.gsub(getPlayerName(sourcePlayer),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").."(Guest)" elseif getElementData(sourcePlayer,"admin") then name = string.gsub(getPlayerName(sourcePlayer),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").."(Admin)" elseif getElementData(sourcePlayer,"supporter") then name = string.gsub(getPlayerName(sourcePlayer),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").."(Supporter)" else name = string.gsub(getPlayerName(sourcePlayer),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").."(Player)" end guiGridListSetItemText(supportGridlist,row,nameColumn,name,false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(supportGridlist,row,messageColumn,text,false,false) if sourcePlayer == "Sandra" then r,g,b = 255,30,120 elseif sourcePlayer == "James" or sourcePlayer == "Paul" then r,g,b = 255,255,22 elseif getElementData(sourcePlayer,"admin") then r,g,b = 255,22,0 elseif getElementData(sourcePlayer,"supporter") then r,g,b = 22,255,0 else r,g,b = 255,255,255 end guiGridListSetItemColor(supportGridlist,row,nameColumn,r,g,b) end addEvent("onSupportChatMessage",true) addEventHandler("onSupportChatMessage",getRootElement(),outputSupportChat,true) local antiSpamTimer = {} function setAntiSpamActive() if not isTimer(antiSpamTimer) then antiSpamTimer = setTimer(killAntiSpamTimer,1000,1) else killTimer(antiSpamTimer) antiSpamTimer = setTimer(killAntiSpamTimer,2500,1) end end function isSpamTimer() if isTimer(antiSpamTimer) then outputChatBox("Please do not spam the support chat!",255,255,0,true) return true else return false end end function killAntiSpamTimer() killTimer(antiSpamTimer) end function getRankingPlayer(place) return playerRankingTable[place].Player end function getElementDataPosition(key,value) if key and value then local result = 1 for i,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do local data = tonumber(getElementData(player,key)) if data and value < data then result = result + 1 end end return result end end function positionGetElementData(key,positions) if key and positions then local Position = {} for index,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do local data = tonumber(getElementData(player,key)) if data then for i1 = 1,positions do if Position[tonumber(i1)] then if Position[tonumber(i1)].Wert < tonumber(data) then local Position_Cache1 = Position[tonumber(i1)].Player local Position_Cache2 = Position[tonumber(i1)].Wert local Position_Cache3,Position_Cache4 for i2 = i1,positions do if Position[tonumber(i2)] then Position_Cache3 = Position[tonumber(i2)].Player Position_Cache4 = Position[tonumber(i2)].Wert Position[tonumber(i2)].Player = Position_Cache1 Position[tonumber(i2)].Wert = Position_Cache2 Position_Cache1 = Position_Cache3 Position_Cache2 = Position_Cache4 else Position[tonumber(i2)] = {} Position[tonumber(i2)].Player = Position_Cache1 Position[tonumber(i2)].Wert = Position_Cache2 break end end Position[tonumber(i1)] = {} Position[tonumber(i1)].Player = player Position[tonumber(i1)].Wert = data break end else Position[tonumber(i1)] = {} Position[tonumber(i1)].Player = player Position[tonumber(i1)].Wert = data break end end end end return Position end end --[[function math.round(number,decimals,method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if(method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor)/ factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number))end end]] function formatTimeFromMinutes(value) if value then local hours = math.floor(value / 60) local minutes = math.round((value / 60 - math.floor(value / 60))* 100 / 1.6666666666666667) if minutes < 10 then minutes = "0"..minutes end value = hours..":"..minutes return value end return false end playerRankingTable = {} function checkTopPlayer() playerRankingTable = positionGetElementData("alivetime",#getElementsByType("player")) end checkTopPlayer() setTimer(checkTopPlayer,10000,0) function onQuitGame(reason) checkTopPlayer() end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),onQuitGame) yA = 0 local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function scoreBoard() if getKeyState("tab")== false then return end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then local offset = dxGetFontHeight(1.55,"default-bold") dxDrawImage(screenWidth * 0.15,screenHeight * 0.2,screenWidth * 0.7,screenHeight * 0.2 + yA,"images/background_scoreboard.png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255)) dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.15,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2,screenWidth * 0.7,screenHeight * 0.0025,tocolor(255,255,255,220)) dxDrawText("Name",screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,tocolor(50,255,50,200),1.5,"default-bold") w1 = dxGetTextWidth("Name",1.5,"default-bold") dxDrawText("Murders",screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,tocolor(50,255,50,200),1.5,"default-bold") w2 = dxGetTextWidth("Murders",1.5,"default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 - w2 * 0.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2,screenHeight * 0.2,screenWidth * 0.0025,screenHeight * 0.2 + yA,tocolor(255,255,255,220)) dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2,screenHeight * 0.2,screenWidth * 0.0025,screenHeight * 0.2 + yA,tocolor(255,255,255,220)) dxDrawText("Zombies Killed",screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,tocolor(50,255,50,200),1.5,"default-bold") w3 = dxGetTextWidth("Zombies Killed",1.5,"default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2,screenHeight * 0.2,screenWidth * 0.0025,screenHeight * 0.2 + yA,tocolor(255,255,255,220)) dxDrawText("Alive Time",screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,tocolor(50,255,50,200),1.5,"default-bold") w4 = dxGetTextWidth("Alive Time",1.5,"default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1 + w4 + w2 * 0.1,screenHeight * 0.2,screenWidth * 0.0025,screenHeight * 0.2 + yA,tocolor(255,255,255,220)) dxDrawText("Players:"..#getElementsByType("player"),screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1 + w4 + w2 * 0.1 + w4 / 3,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,screenWidth * 0.8,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset,tocolor(50,255,50,200),1.5,"default-bold") playerInList = false local playerAmount = #getElementsByType("player") if playerAmount > 10 then playerAmount = 10 end for i = 1,playerAmount do yA = i * offset local offset2 = dxGetFontHeight(1.5,"default-bold") local player = getRankingPlayer(i)or false if not player then break end r,g,b = 255,255,255 if getPlayerName(player)== getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) then r,g,b = 50,255,50 playerInList = true end dxDrawText(i,screenWidth * 0.155,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") dxDrawText(string.gsub(getPlayerName(player),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""),screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") local murders = getElementData(player,"murders") dxDrawText(murders,screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") local zombieskilled = getElementData(player,"zombieskilled") dxDrawText(zombieskilled,screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") local alivetime = getElementData(player,"alivetime")or 0 dxDrawText(formatTimeFromMinutes(alivetime),screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") end playerLocalAdd = 0 if not playerInList then playerLocalAdd = offset r,g,b = 50,255,50 dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.15,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 +(playerAmount + 2)* offset - offset / 2,screenWidth * 0.7,screenHeight * 0.0025,tocolor(255,255,255,220)) local rank = getElementDataPosition("alivetime",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"alivetime")) dxDrawText(rank,screenWidth * 0.155,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") dxDrawText(string.gsub(getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""),screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") local murders = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"murders") dxDrawText(murders,screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") local zombieskilled = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"zombieskilled") dxDrawText(zombieskilled,screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") local alivetime = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"alivetime")or 0 dxDrawText(formatTimeFromMinutes(alivetime),screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,screenWidth * 0.175,screenHeight * 0.2 + offset +(playerAmount + 2)* offset,tocolor(r,g,b,200),1.5,"default-bold") end yA = playerAmount * offset + playerLocalAdd end end --addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),scoreBoard) function updatePlayTime() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then local playtime = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"alivetime") setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"alivetime",playtime + 1) end end setTimer(updatePlayTime,60000,0) bindKey("u","down","chatbox","radiochat") local pingFails = 0 function playerPingCheck() if getPlayerPing(getLocalPlayer())> 9999 then pingFails = pingFails + 1 if pingFails == 5 then triggerServerEvent("kickPlayerOnHighPing",getLocalPlayer()) return end startRollMessage2("Ping","Your ping is over "..gameplayVariables.ping.."!("..pingFails.."/5)",255,22,0) if isTimer(pingTimer) then return end pingTimer = setTimer(function() pingFails = 0 end,30000,1) end end setTimer(playerPingCheck,4000,0) function toggleEngine() if getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(getLocalPlayer()) ~= 0 then return end veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) vehCol = getElementData(veh,"parent") needengine = getElementData(vehCol,"needengines") needtires = getElementData(vehCol,"needtires") needrotor = getElementData(vehCol,"needrotor") needparts = getElementData(vehCol,"needparts") needglass = getElementData(vehCol,"needglass") engine = getElementData(vehCol,"Engine_inVehicle")or 0 tires = getElementData(vehCol,"Tire_inVehicle")or 0 rotor = getElementData(vehCol,"Rotor_inVehicle")or 0 parts = getElementData(vehCol,"Parts_inVehicle")or 0 fuel = getElementData(vehCol,"fuel") if needengine == engine and needtires == tires and needrotor == rotor and (fuel > 0) and needparts == parts then setVehicleEngineState(veh,not getVehicleEngineState(veh)) end if getVehicleEngineState(veh)== true then triggerEvent("displayClientInfo",getLocalPlayer(),"Vehicle","Engine started!",22,255,0) else triggerEvent("displayClientInfo",getLocalPlayer(),"Vehicle","Engine stopped!",255,22,0) end end bindKey("k","down",toggleEngine) ----------------------------------- addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage",getLocalPlayer(),function(attacker,weapon,bodypart,loss) if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"vestLife") or not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"helmetLife") then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"vestLife",100) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"helmetLife",100) end if weapon and weapon > 1 and attacker and getElementType(attacker)== "player" then damage = getWeaponDamage(weapon,attacker) / 100 if bodypart == 9 then if getActiveHelmetVar(getLocalPlayer()) then helmetLife = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"helmetLife") setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"helmetLife", helmetLife - damage) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getActiveHelmet(getLocalPlayer())) >= 1 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getActiveHelmet(getLocalPlayer()),getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getActiveHelmet(getLocalPlayer())) - 1) end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"helmetLife") <= 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"helmetLife",100) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getActiveHelmetVar(getLocalPlayer()),false) end end end if bodypart == 3 then if getActiveVestVar(getLocalPlayer()) then vestLife = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"vestLife") setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"vestLife",vestLife - damage) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getActiveVest(getLocalPlayer())) >= 1 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getActiveVest(getLocalPlayer()),getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getActiveVest(getLocalPlayer())) - 1) end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"vestLife") <= 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"vestLife",100) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),getActiveVestVar(getLocalPlayer()),false) end end end end end) --------------------------------- function AddDeathPedClothes(ped,player) t0,m0 = getPedClothes(player,0) t1,m1 = getPedClothes(player,1) t2,m2 = getPedClothes(player,2) t3,m3 = getPedClothes(player,3) t4,m4 = getPedClothes(player,13) t5,m5 = getPedClothes(player,14) t6,m6 = getPedClothes(player,15) t7,m7 = getPedClothes(player,16) setTimer(function() addPedClothes(ped,t0,m0,0) addPedClothes(ped,t1,m1,1) addPedClothes(ped,t2,m2,2) addPedClothes(ped,t3,m3,3) addPedClothes(ped,t4,m4,13) addPedClothes(ped,t5,m5,14) addPedClothes(ped,t6,m6,15) addPedClothes(ped,t7,m7,16) end,100,1) end addEvent("AddDeathPedClothes",true) addEventHandler("AddDeathPedClothes",getRootElement(),AddDeathPedClothes) --------------------------------- --------------------------------- function getCurrentSniperModelID() for i,weaponData in pairs(weaponTable)do if weaponData[3] == 34 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"currentweapon_1") == weaponData[1] then return weaponData[6] end end end function getCurrentHelmetID() for i,helmet in pairs(HelmetsTable)do if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),helmet[2]) then return helmet[3] end end end bindKey("aim_weapon","both",function(_,state) if getPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer)== 6 then if state == "down" then alpha = 0 else alpha = 255 end for _,v in pairs(getElementsByType("object",root,true))do if isElementAttachedToBone(v) and (getElementModel(v) == getCurrentSniperModelID() or getElementModel(v) == getCurrentHelmetID()) then setElementAlpha(v,alpha) end end end end) --------------------------------- function healthandblod() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementHealth(getLocalPlayer())<= 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",-1) setElementHealth(getLocalPlayer(),100) end end end setTimer(healthandblod,3000,0) --------------------------------- function soundtrap(player) playSound("sounds/trap.ogg") end addEvent("playTrapSound",true) addEventHandler("playTrapSound",getRootElement(),soundtrap) --------------------------------- binoculars = guiCreateStaticImage(0,0,1,1,"images/binoculars.png",true) guiSetVisible(binoculars,false) function isPlayerUsingBinoculars(button, press) if getPedWeapon(localPlayer) == 43 then if getElementData(localPlayer,"currentweapon_3") == "Binoculars" then visible = binoculars else visible = rangefinder end if button == "mouse2" then if press then guiSetVisible(visible,true) showChat(false) else guiSetVisible(visible,false) showChat(true) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientKey",root,isPlayerUsingBinoculars) --RECOIL DAS ARMAS function shakeCamera(weapon) x,y,z = getPedBonePosition ( getLocalPlayer(), 26 ) if weapon == 30 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.2,false) elseif weapon == 31 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.1,false) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), shakeCamera ) -------------SET GPS Blips Map--------------- playerBlibs1 = {} amouunt1 = 0 function updateGPS2 () if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then return end amouunt1 = 0 for i, blip in ipairs(playerBlibs1) do if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end end playerBlibs1 = {} for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player,"GPSChannel") == getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"GPSChannel") and getElementData(localPlayer,"GPSChannel") ~= 0 and player ~= localPlayer and getElementData(player,"GPS") > 0 then amouunt1 = amouunt1+1 playerBlibs1[amouunt1] = createBlipAttachedTo(player,0,2,255,0,0) setBlipVisibleDistance(playerBlibs1[amouunt1],1000) end end end setTimer(updateGPS2,5000,0) --------------------------- local alpha = 255 bindKey ( "aim_weapon", "both", function ( _, state ) if getPedWeaponSlot ( localPlayer ) == 6 then if ( state == "down" ) then alpha = 0 elseif ( state == "up" ) then alpha = 255 end for _, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "object", root, true ) ) do if isElementAttachedToBone ( v ) then local id = getElementModel ( v ) if ( id == 1800 ) then -- Balanced Vest setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1481 ) then -- Press Vest setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1744 ) then -- Police Vest setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1759 ) then -- Light Tactical Vest setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1922 ) then -- Balistic Vest setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) ----------------------------- elseif ( id == 1604 ) then -- Ghillie Helmet setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1515 ) then -- Helmet setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1924 ) then -- Helmet Tactical setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1923 ) then -- Helmet Military setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1834 ) then -- Helmet ONU setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) ----------------------------- elseif ( id == 1867 ) then -- TEC-9 setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1484 ) then -- PDW setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1866 ) then -- Bizon PP-19 setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2059 ) then -- MP5A5 setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2061 ) then -- MP5SD6 setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) ----------------------------- elseif ( id == 1852 ) then -- Machete setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1853 ) then -- Chainsaw setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1854 ) then -- Hatchet setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1855 ) then -- Baseball Bat setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1870 ) then -- Baseball Bat Barbed setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1871 ) then -- Baseball Bat With Nails setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1857 ) then -- Crowbar setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1856 ) then -- Shovel setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) ----------------------------- elseif ( id == 1486 ) then -- Child Briefcase Backpack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1777 ) then -- Vest Pouch Pack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2405 ) then -- Taloon Backpack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 3026 ) then -- Assault Pack(ACU) setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1248 ) then -- Hunting Backpack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2406 ) then -- British Assault Pack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2472 ) then -- Czech Backpack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1520 ) then -- Czech Backpack Black setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1541 ) then -- Czech Backpack Finn setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1542 ) then -- Czech Backpack Flack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1517 ) then -- Mountain Backpack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1252 ) then -- Coyote Backpack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1742 ) then -- Coyote Desert Backpack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1743 ) then -- Coyote Mossy Backpack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1815 ) then -- Tactical Backpack setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) end end end end end ) Link to comment
Ceeser Posted July 21, 2019 Share Posted July 21, 2019 (edited) Hey, since this are not just a few lines of code.. The screen shows the error in nz_c.Lua. I assume ist the upper script, because you didnt write its name next to it. Well in that case: local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x,y,z, zx,zy,zz ) This is the line 128 of the upper script and i betthis is not the actual line 128 of your script where the error occurs - getDistanceBewerrnPoints3D would say something like this in case of failure: "Bad argument @getDistanceBewerrnPoints3D, expected number at argument X, got ..." So please tell us the correct line in the scripts here (or paste to the full script, or at least from beginning to error line). ..or maybe highlight the error line or put it once seperate below Edited July 21, 2019 by Ceeser Link to comment
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