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  function kikarplayer (theClient, commandName, kickedName, ...) 
        local account = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (theClient))
     	if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..account, aclGetGroup ("Admin")) then 
		   if not ... then
                return outputChatBox ("#bf2e2e* Erro: /kick [nick] [motivo]",theClient,255,255,255,true) 
            local reason = table.concat({...}," ") 
            local kickerName = getPlayerName(theClient):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") 
            local kickedPlayer = getPlayerFromName(kickedName) 
            if not isElement(kickedPlayer) then 
                outputChatBox ("#bf2e2e* Erro: Player Invalido!",theClient,255,255,255,true) 
            outputChatBox ( "#c9c9c9[#1a6cefFW-INFORMA#c9c9c9]O #1a6cef" .. kickerName .. "  #c9c9c9Kickou o Player #1a6cef" ..getPlayerName(kickedPlayer):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").. "#c9c9c9 | Motivo #1a6cef" ..reason.. "#c9c9c9", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true )  
            banPlayer ( kickedPlayer, theClient, reason ) 
            outputChatBox ("#bf2e2e* Erro: Você Não tem Permissão!",theClient,255,255,255,true) 
    addCommandHandler ( "kick", kikarplayer )


 ERROR: Loading script failed: [FW]Comandos/Server.Lua:4: unexpected symbol near '�'
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doesn't seem to appear in the provided script, which could mean encoding problems. Anyway, while checking the code I also found it to contain a couple U+FEFF characters (ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE). The bytes 0xFEFF are apparently also used by UTF-8 for BOM (Byte Order Mark) which could be part of encoding issues, perhaps. Best would be to simply filter out invisible and special characters which shouldn't be there.

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