~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أنا عايز كود يخليني أضع للوجو في المكان المحدد باللون الأحمر في الصورة ..logoo.png :أسم اللوجو هو بس بشرط : اللوجو يظهر مع للوحة الريسبون بمعني ما يظهر ابدا في القيم مود بس يظهر بس عند اختيار الشخصية والمكان وبعد أختيار الريسبون وتم دخول السيرفر اللوجو يختفي Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 4 minutes ago, HassoN said: dxDrawImage تمام بس تلاحظ اقول ابي الكود ما يظهر ابدا في القيم مود إلي عن للوحة الريسبون بس :\ وبعد دخول السيرفر يختفي Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 تقدر تسوي زي الحركة ذي status = true if (status) then dxDrawImage(...) end وخلاص بتختفي false خليه status و اول ما اللاعب يسجل دخوله ، يرسبن ، الخ ... روح حط ال فاربل حق Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 2 minutes ago, HassoN said: تقدر تسوي زي الحركة ذي status = true if (status) then dxDrawImage(...) end وخلاص بتختفي false خليه status و اول ما اللاعب يسجل دخوله ، يرسبن ، الخ ... روح حط ال فاربل حق بس ما ابيها دي اكس عادي لو سويتها غير الدي أكس الكود هيشتغل؟ Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 2 minutes ago, ~'Virus. said: بس ما ابيها دي اكس عادي لو سويتها غير الدي أكس الكود هيشتغل؟ بتضبط بس بذي الحالة استعمل guiSetVisible بدل الفاربل 1 Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 بس معلش شئ ثاني الكود احس انو ناقصه شئ او اني كاتبه غلط ممكن تكمله Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 status = true function startRendering() if (status) then dxDrawImage(266, 39, 807, 74, "img/logoo", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, startRendering) كان ناقصك الايفنت ، المرة الجاية لاتصور الكود لكن اكتبه عشان اعرف انسخه وما اكتب من اول Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 2 minutes ago, HassoN said: status = true function startRendering() if (status) then dxDrawImage(266, 39, 807, 74, "img/logoo", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, startRendering) كان ناقصك الايفنت ، المرة الجاية لاتصور الكود لكن اكتبه عشان اعرف انسخه وما اكتب من اول اسف أحس اني تعبتك وأستفزاز زائد وشكراً علي مجهودك معي لكن للأسف الكود اللوجو ما يظهر اصلن Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 تاكد من مكان الصورة بالضبط ، تاكد انك حاطها بالميتا ، وشوف ال debugscript Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 4 minutes ago, HassoN said: تاكد من مكان الصورة بالضبط ، تاكد انك حاطها بالميتا ، وشوف ال debugscript تأكدت بس للأسف كل شئ مظبوط الصورة بالميتا + الديبق ما يقول شئ ومكان الصورة موضح بالكود ملف اسمو img في القيم مود Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 3 minutes ago, HassoN said: حاطه جهة كلنت!؟ يب Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 1 minute ago, ~'Virus. said: يب عفواً توني انتبه انه كان ناقص .png ع اخر الصورة ! Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 شكرا اشتغل بس في الحالات ذي وش اسوي ؟ هه ثاني شئ ما يختفي بعد ما اسجل وارسبن Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 الحل انك ، شفت اول صورة رسلتها فوق؟ فيه لوحتين صح؟ روح دور ع الكود حقهم الي يسوي guiSetVisible وروح حط تحته status = true وبعدها دور مرة ثانية ع الكود الي يخفي اللوحتين وحط بعدها status = false ولاتنسا تشيل اول سطر من الكود الي انا ححاطه لك ، وبيضبط ان شاء الله Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 Just now, HassoN said: الحل انك ، شفت اول صورة رسلتها فوق؟ فيه لوحتين صح؟ روح دور ع الكود حقهم الي يسوي guiSetVisible وروح حط تحته status = true وبعدها دور مرة ثانية ع الكود الي يخفي اللوحتين وحط بعدها status = false ولاتنسا تشيل اول سطر من الكود الي انا ححاطه لك ، وبيضبط ان شاء الله مشكلة ان مستر كريم مكرر الكود ذا ومدري أنهي حق اللوحتين بطرح لك الاكود w, h = guiGetScreenSize() x, y = guiGetScreenSize() font="default-bold" fontTam=5 IntroSong = playSound("music/intro.mp3") setElementInterior(player, 0) setCameraInterior(0) fadeCamera ( false, 3 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 19000, 1, true ) setPedSkin ( localPlayer, 124 ) setPedFrozen(localPlayer, true) setElementPosition(localPlayer,786.76556, -2965.19434, 6) showPlayerHudComponent("all", false) showChat(false) --New = true spcGam=dxGetTextWidth ("Q.10",fontTam,font) -- اسم سيرفرك بالنجليزي function intro() ahora = getTickCount() count=ahora-start dxDrawImage(0, 0, x, y, 'img/fondo.png',0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255),false) sizeX=64*1.21 sizeY=64*1.21 varX,varY,varZ = anim(start,1000,spcGam,0,0,0,spcGam,150,"OutBack") dxDrawText("ولكمو",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("",1+x/-varY/6-dxGetTextWidth ("i",fontTam,font),y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(108, 108, 108, 255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,false,false,false,true) dxDrawText(" ♥",x/2+varY/2,y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,false,false,false,true) if (count>1500) then varX2,varY2,varZ2 = anim(start+1500,1000,0,0,0,200,250,360,"OutBack") dxDrawText(" مرحبا بكم في السيرفر", 460, 381, 841, 408, tocolor(0, 254, 132, 255), 2.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText(" .. نرجو أن ينال اعجباكم ..", 529, 420, 747, 447, tocolor(0, 254, 132, 255), 2.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) end if (count>2000) then varX2,varY3,varZ3 = anim(start+2000,1000*8,0,0,0,200,250,360*20,"Linear") dxDrawImage(611.0, 479.0, 133.0, 135.0, "img/load.png",getTickCount()/15,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end end function anim(tag,animTime,de1,de2,de3,hasta1,hasta2,hasta3,typeAnim) local now = getTickCount() local endTime = tag + animTime local elapsedTime = now - tag local duration = endTime - tag local progress = elapsedTime / duration local a, b, c = interpolateBetween ( de1,de2,de3,hasta1,hasta2,hasta3, progress, typeAnim) return a, b, c end function google() start = getTickCount() addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),intro) setTimer ( function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),intro) triggerEvent("onFinishIntro",getRootElement()) end, 7999, 1 ) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),google) function FIntro() rr, gg, bb = 255, 255, 255 dximg = "img/logo.png" removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), FIntro) setTimer(function() addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), FIntro2) end, 600, 1) end setTimer(FIntro, 8000, 1) function FIntro2() if not salp and not seci then salp = true alp = 255 ipx, ipy = math.ceil(w/5.3333), math.ceil(h/48) isx, isy = math.ceil(w/1.5), math.ceil(h/1.4435) end if alp < 255 and not fend then alp = alp+5 if alp > 255 then alp = 255 end elseif alp == 255 and not finish then finish = true setTimer(function() addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), FIntro3) end, 2000, 1) end ipx, ipy = ipx+w/5000, ipy-h/5000 isx, isy = isx-w/3000, isy-h/3000 dxDrawImage(ipx, ipy, isx, isy, dximg, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(rr, gg, bb, alp)) end function FIntro3() if finish then fend = true finish = false setTimer(function() fend = false salp = false ipx, ipy = w/8, math.ceil(h/3.8339) isx, isy = math.ceil(w/1.3333), math.ceil(h/2.0906) dximg = "img/logo2.png" if seci then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), FIntro2) fend = false addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), GTAAR) end seci = true removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), FIntro3) end, 1000, 1) end if alp > 0 then alp = alp-10.2 if alp < 0 then alp = 0 end end end function GTAAR() if alp < 255 and not fend then alp = alp+20.2 if alp > 255 then alp = 255 end elseif alp == 255 and not fend then fend = true setTimer(function() finish = true end, 2000, 1) elseif alp > 0 and finish then alp = alp-20.2 if alp < 0 then alp = 0 end elseif alp == 0 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), GTAAR) guiSetVisible (backgroundd ,true) showCursor(true) getServerName() end dxDrawImage(w/8, h/6, math.ceil(w/1.3333), h/1.7, "img/welcome.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, alp)) end -- local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() background = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 1366, 768, "img/loginbackground.png", false) wnd = guiCreateStaticImage((1363 - 675) / 2, (765 - 478) / 2, 675, 478, "img/login.png", false, background) guiSetVisible(wnd,false) guiSetVisible(background,false) user = guiCreateEdit(155, 141, 395, 42, "", false, wnd) guiEditSetMaxLength(user, 45) pass = guiCreateEdit(155, 239, 395, 42, "", false, wnd) guiEditSetMasked(pass, true) guiEditSetMaxLength(pass, 30) login = guiCreateStaticImage(436, 346, 225, 43, "img/loginbtn.png", false, wnd) Show = guiCreateStaticImage(434, 418, 227, 43, "img/show.png", false, wnd) UnShow = guiCreateStaticImage(15, 418, 228, 43, "img/unshow.png", false, wnd) reg = guiCreateStaticImage(15, 345, 227, 44, "img/register.png", false, wnd) remember = guiCreateCheckBox(473, 294, 132, 18, "حفظ بياناتي", false, false, wnd) guiSetFont(remember, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(remember, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FEF0") Back = guiCreateStaticImage(263, 418, 156, 43, "img/1.png", false, wnd) triggerServerEvent("onGetSave",localPlayer) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseEnter", root, function() if source == Back then guiSetAlpha(Back, 0.5) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseLeave", root, function () if source == Back then guiSetAlpha(Back, 1) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseEnter", root, function() if source == login then guiSetAlpha(login, 0.5) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseLeave", root, function () if source == login then guiSetAlpha(login, 1) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseEnter", root, function() if source == Show then guiSetAlpha(Show, 0.5) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseLeave", root, function () if source == Show then guiSetAlpha(Show, 1) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseEnter", root, function() if source == UnShow then guiSetAlpha(UnShow, 0.5) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseLeave", root, function () if source == UnShow then guiSetAlpha(UnShow, 1) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseEnter", root, function() if source == reg then guiSetAlpha(reg, 0.5) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseLeave", root, function () if source == reg then guiSetAlpha(reg, 1) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseEnter", root, function() if source == ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX then guiSetAlpha(ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX, 0.5) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseLeave", root, function () if source == ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX then guiSetAlpha(ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX, 1) end end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setElementData(login, "tooltip-text", "تسجيل الدخول", false) setElementData(reg, "tooltip-text", "تسجيل حساب جديد", false) setElementData(user, "tooltip-text", "اسم الحساب", false) setElementData(pass, "tooltip-text", "كلمة المرور", false) setElementData(remember, "tooltip-text", "حفظ البيانات", false) setElementData(Show, "tooltip-text", "اظهار كلمة المرور", false) setElementData(UnShow, "tooltip-text", "اخفاء كلمة المرور", false) setElementData(Back, "tooltip-text", "رجوع للوحة الرئيسية", false) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == Show then guiEditSetMasked(pass,false) exports["notices"]:addNotification("تم اظهار كلمة المرور",'info'); end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == UnShow then guiEditSetMasked(pass,true) exports["notices"]:addNotification("تم اخفاء كلمة المرور",'info'); end end ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() if source == Back then guiSetVisible(wnd,false) guiSetVisible(background,false) guiSetVisible(backgroundd,true) end end ) addEvent("onPutSave",true) addEventHandler("onPutSave",root, function (puser,ppass) guiSetText(user,puser) guiSetText(pass,ppass) end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () local user = guiGetText(user) local pass = guiGetText(pass) if ( source == login ) then if user ~= "" and pass ~= "" then if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(remember) then triggerServerEvent("onLoginWith",localPlayer,user,pass) else triggerServerEvent("onLogin",localPlayer,user,pass) end else exports["notices"]:addNotification("يجب كتابة اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور",'warning'); end elseif ( source == reg ) then if user ~= "" and pass ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("onReg",localPlayer,user,pass) else exports["notices"]:addNotification("يجب كتابة اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور",'warning'); end end end ) addEvent("onCl",true) addEventHandler("onCl",root, function () guiSetVisible(wnd,false) guiSetVisible(background,false) setCameraMatrix(65.13557, 1640.16272, 46.53631) setTime( 12, 0 ) guiSetVisible(skinss, true) guiSetVisible(placess, true) end ) -------------------- SkinsTable = { {'Saudi White - الثوب الأبيض', 46}, {'Saudi Black - الثوب الأسود', 124}, {'Cj - سي جي', 0} } PlacesTable = { {'Naqhil - النخيل', {2123.20996, 1397.87036,10.81252}, 2090.78320, 1352.45483, 26.16319, 2121.17480, 1397.20032, 10.81252}, {'Dairy - الدائري', {1700.37024, 1377.66125, 10.76069}, 1750.06689, 1466.01208, 33.82446, 1691.81689, 1406.40369, 11.70338}, {'Long street - الشارع الطويل', {-3029.71167, 8151.00195, 5.00000}, -3003.84033, 8001.17578, 42.45436, -3037.01245, 8098.71191, 5.00000}, {'Starten - البداية', {-3366.28711, -3000.31177, 5.26875}, -3396.31470, -2995.29639, 40, 270} } GUIEditor = { label = {} } RememberMe = { Selection = {} } SetThisPlace = { Button = {} } AccountName = { Edit = {} } GoToServer = { Button = {} } SetThisSkin = { Button = {} } AccountPassword = { Edit = {} } CustomSkinID = { Edit = {} } PreviewPlace = { Button = {} } Login = { Button = {} } Skins = { GridList = {} } PreviewSkin = { Button = {} } Places = { GridList = {} } RegisterNew = { Button = {} } ReturnHomePage = { Button = {} } RematchPassword = { Edit = {} } NewAccountName = { Edit = {} } NewAccountPassword = { Edit = {} } RegisterAccount = { Button = {} } local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() setElementData(localPlayer, 'POSITION', false) setElementData(localPlayer, 'SKIN', false) TimerFound = 5 Cplayer = getLocalPlayer() ReturnToUserPanel = {} ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX = guiCreateStaticImage(0.43, 0.91, 0.15, 0.04, "img/BackSpawn.png", true) guiSetFont(ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX, "NormalTextColour", "FFFAC800") guiSetVisible(ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX, false) placess = guiCreateStaticImage(1094,36,261,290,"img/panel.png",false) skinss = guiCreateStaticImage(1094,331,261,350,"img/panel.png",false) guiSetVisible (placess, false) guiSetVisible (skinss, false) guiSetVisible (GoToServer.Button.EnterUserPanel, false) Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel = guiCreateGridList(9, 23, 242, 194, false, placess) guiGridListAddColumn(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel, "الاماكن", 0.9) guiSetFont(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel, "default-bold-small") Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel = guiCreateGridList(9, 23, 243, 183, false, skinss) guiGridListAddColumn(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel, "الشخصيات", 0.9) guiSetFont(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel, "default-bold-small") guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[7], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[7], 0, 138, 255) CustomSkinID.Edit.EnterUserPanel = guiCreateEdit(9, 211, 76, 28, "", false, skinss) id = guiCreateLabel(100,217,140,18,"اختيار الشخصية بالرقم",false,skinss) SetThisSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel = guiCreateButton(9, 280, 243, 27, "وضع الشخصية المحددة", false, skinss) guiSetFont(SetThisSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(SetThisSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, "NormalTextColour", "FF2AFF00") SetThisPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel = guiCreateButton(9, 254, 241, 25, "وضع المكان المحدد", false, placess) guiSetFont(SetThisPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(SetThisPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel, "NormalTextColour", "FF2AFF00") GoToServer.Button.EnterUserPanel = guiCreateButton(9, 314, 243, 27,"الدخول إلى السيرفر",false,skinss) guiSetFont(GoToServer.Button.EnterUserPanel, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(GoToServer.Button.EnterUserPanel, "NormalTextColour", "FFFAC800") PreviewSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel = guiCreateButton(9, 245, 243, 27, "عرض الشخصية المحددة", false, skinss) guiSetFont(PreviewSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(PreviewSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0029") PreviewPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel = guiCreateButton(9, 221, 241, 27, "عرض المكان المحدد", false, placess) guiSetFont(PreviewPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(PreviewPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0029") -- setElementData(ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX, "tooltip-text", "spawn رجوع للوحة", false) setElementData(SetThisSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, "tooltip-text", "اختيار الشخصية", false) setElementData(SetThisPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel, "tooltip-text", "اختيار المكان", false) setElementData(GoToServer.Button.EnterUserPanel, "tooltip-text", "دخول", false) setElementData(PreviewSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, "tooltip-text", "عرض الشخصية", false) setElementData(PreviewPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel, "tooltip-text", "عرض المكان", false) -- addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function() if (source == PreviewSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel) then local getSelectedSkin = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel) local getSkinID = guiGetText(CustomSkinID.Edit.EnterUserPanel) if (getSelectedSkin == -1) and (getSkinID == "") then exports["notices"]:addNotification("قم بتحديد شخصية أو ضع رقم الشخصية الخاصة أولا .!",'warning'); return end if (getSelectedSkin ~= -1) and (getSkinID ~= "" and tonumber(getSkinID)) then exports["notices"]:addNotification("قم باختيار خيار واحد فقط من الشخصيات او المربع",'warning'); return end if (getSelectedSkin == -1) and (getSkinID ~= "" and not tonumber(getSkinID)) then exports["notices"]:addNotification("قم بوضع الشخصية بشكل صحيح",'error'); return end if (getSelectedSkin == -1) and (getSkinID ~= "" and tonumber(getSkinID)) then SkinID = getSkinID end if (getSelectedSkin ~= -1) and (getSkinID == "") then SkinID = guiGridListGetItemData(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel, getSelectedSkin, 1) end setTime( 2, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd(49) guiSetVisible(skinss, false) guiSetVisible(placess, false) fadeCamera(true) if (isElement(SKIN)) then destroyElement(SKIN) end SKIN = createPed(SkinID, 2223.52832, 991.5, 85.93750, 300) setPedAnimation( SKIN, "RIOT", "RIOT_ANGRY") setCameraMatrix(2226.98193, 993.50775, 85.93750, 205) createExplosion(2223.52832, 991.5, 85.93750,0,true,-1.0,false) guiSetVisible(ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX, true) elseif (source == ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX) then guiSetVisible(ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX, false) guiSetVisible(placess, true) guiSetVisible(skinss, true) setTime( 12, 0 ) setCameraMatrix(65.13557, 1640.16272, 46.53631) elseif (source == PreviewPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel) then local getSelectedPlace = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel) if (getSelectedPlace == -1) then exports["notices"]:addNotification("قم بتحديد مكان أولا .!",'warning'); return end setCameraMatrix(PlacesTable[getSelectedPlace +1][3],PlacesTable[getSelectedPlace +1][4],PlacesTable[getSelectedPlace +1][5],PlacesTable[getSelectedPlace +1][6],PlacesTable[getSelectedPlace +1][7],PlacesTable[getSelectedPlace +1][8]) guiSetVisible(ReturnToUserPanel.ButtonX, true) setTime( 12, 0 ) playSoundFrontEnd(49) guiSetVisible(skinss, false) guiSetVisible(placess, false) fadeCamera(true) end end ) for _, place in ipairs(PlacesTable) do local item = guiGridListAddRow(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel) local itemText = guiGridListSetItemText(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel , item, 1, place[1], false, false) local itemID = guiGridListSetItemData(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel , item, 1, place[2]) local itemColor = guiGridListSetItemColor(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel, item, 1, 255, 255, 0) end for _, skin in ipairs(SkinsTable) do local item = guiGridListAddRow(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel) local itemText = guiGridListSetItemText(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel , item, 1, skin[1], false, false) local itemID = guiGridListSetItemData(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel , item, 1, skin[2]) local itemColor = guiGridListSetItemColor(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel , item, 1, 255, 255, 0) end addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function() if (source == Login.Button.EnterUserPanel) then if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(RememberMe.Selection.EnterUserPanel) == true) then getRememberMeStatus = true else if(guiCheckBoxGetSelected(RememberMe.Selection.EnterUserPanel) == false) then getRememberMeStatus = false end end local AccountName = guiGetText(AccountName.Edit.EnterUserPanel) local AccountPass = guiGetText(AccountPassword.Edit.EnterUserPanel) if (AccountName ~= "" and AccountPassword ~= "") then triggerServerEvent( 'checkForLogin', Cplayer, getRememberMeStatus, AccountName, AccountPass ) else outputChatBox( '* ERROR : #FFFFFF قم بأدخال اسم الحساب او كلمة السر بشكل صحيح .!', 255, 0, 0, true ) return end elseif (source == RegisterNew.Button.EnterUserPanel) then triggerServerEvent( 'checkLoginedOrNot', Cplayer ) elseif (source == RegisterAccount.Button.RegAccWindow ) then local NewAccountName = guiGetText(NewAccountName.Edit.RegAccWindow) local NewAccountPass = guiGetText(NewAccountPassword.Edit.RegAccWindow) local AccountRematchPass = guiGetText(RematchPassword.Edit.RegAccWindow ) if (NewAccountName ~= "" and NewAccountPass ~= "" and AccountRematchPass ~= "") then if (NewAccountPass ~= AccountRematchPass) then outputChatBox( '* ERROR : #FFFFFF كلمات السر التي أدخلتها غير متطابقة .!', 255, 0, 0, true ) return end triggerServerEvent( 'checkForRegisterNewAccount', Cplayer, NewAccountName, NewAccountPass ) end elseif (source == SetThisSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel) then local getSkinID = guiGetText(CustomSkinID.Edit.EnterUserPanel) if (getSkinID ~= "" and not tonumber(getSkinID)) then exports["notices"]:addNotification("قم بوضع رقم الشخصية بشكل صحيح .!",'warning'); return end if (getSkinID == "") then local getSelectedItem = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel) if (getSelectedItem == -1) then exports["notices"]:addNotification("قم بتحديد شخصية أو ضع الرقم في المربع اولا",'warning'); return end local SkinID = guiGridListGetItemData(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel, getSelectedItem, 1) triggerServerEvent( 'setSkinData', Cplayer, SkinID ) guiSetEnabled(SetThisSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, false) setTimer(guiSetEnabled, 5000, 1, SetThisSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, true) else local getSelectedItem = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Skins.GridList.EnterUserPanel) if (getSelectedItem ~= -1) then exports["notices"]:addNotification("قم باختيار خيار واحد فقط من الشخصيات او المربع",'warning'); return end local SkinID = guiGetText(CustomSkinID.Edit.EnterUserPanel) triggerServerEvent( 'setSkinData', Cplayer, SkinID ) guiSetEnabled(SetThisSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, false) setTimer(guiSetEnabled, 5000, 1, SetThisSkin.Button.EnterUserPanel, true) end elseif (source == SetThisPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel) then local getSelectedItem = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel) if (getSelectedItem == -1) then exports["notices"]:addNotification("قم بتحديد مكان أولا .!",'warning'); return end local PlaceName = guiGridListGetItemText(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel, getSelectedItem, 1) local xSpawn, ySpawn, zSpawn = unpack(guiGridListGetItemData(Places.GridList.EnterUserPanel, getSelectedItem, 1)) triggerServerEvent( 'setPositionData', Cplayer, PlaceName, xSpawn, ySpawn, zSpawn ) guiSetEnabled(SetThisPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel, false) setTimer(guiSetEnabled, 5000, 1, SetThisPlace.Button.EnterUserPanel, true) elseif (source == GoToServer.Button.EnterUserPanel) then if (guiGetEnabled(Login.Button.EnterUserPanel) ~= false) then outputChatBox( '* ERROR : #FFFFFF لم تسجل دخولك إلى الحساب الخاص بك .!', 255, 0, 0, true ) return end if (getElementData(localPlayer, 'POSITION') == false) or (getElementData(localPlayer, 'SKIN') == false) then exports["notices"]:addNotification("قم باختيار الشخصية والمكان قبل الدخول",'error'); return end guiSetEnabled(GoToServer.Button.EnterUserPanel, false) TimerForGo = setTimer(function() TimerFound = TimerFound - 1 XvalueTimer = setTimer(guiSetText, 1000, 0, GoToServer.Button.EnterUserPanel, 'سيتم الدخول خلال : ' .. TimerFound) if (TimerFound == -1) then guiSetVisible(skinss, false) guiSetVisible(placess, false) showCursor(false) destroyElement ( IntroSong ) showPlayerHudComponent("all", true) setPedFrozen(localPlayer, false) showChat(true) if (isElement(SKIN)) then destroyElement(SKIN) end setCameraTarget(Cplayer) triggerServerEvent( 'SpawnPlayerInSelectedSettinges', Cplayer ) killTimer(XvalueTimer) killTimer(TimerForGo) TimerFound = 5 end end, 1000, 0) elseif (source == ReturnHomePage.Button.RegAccWindow) then guiSetVisible(RegAccWindow, false) guiSetVisible(EnterUserPanel, true) end end ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- backgroundd = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 1366, 768, "img/background.png", false) guiSetVisible(backgroundd, false) ping = guiCreateLabel(167, 280, 108, 72, "", false, backgroundd) guiSetFont(ping, "sa-gothic") imgping = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 245, 131, 103, "img/wifi.png", false, backgroundd) background1 = guiCreateStaticImage(486, 5, 394, 68, "img/dot_white.png", false, backgroundd) guiSetAlpha(background1, 0.79) guiSetProperty(background1, "ImageColours", "tl:FF050404 tr:FF050404 bl:FF050404 br:FF050404") date = guiCreateLabel(42, 10, 358, 56, "", false, background1) guiSetFont(date, "sa-gothic") guiLabelSetColor(date, 31, 254, 73) background2 = guiCreateStaticImage(381, 89, 604, 73, "img/dot_white.png", false, backgroundd) guiSetAlpha(background2, 0.79) guiSetProperty(background2, "ImageColours", "tl:FF050404 tr:FF050404 bl:FF050404 br:FF050404") time = guiCreateLabel(213, 10, 358, 56, "", false, background2) guiSetFont(time, "sa-gothic") guiLabelSetColor(time, 30, 254, 231) enter = guiCreateStaticImage(1047, 681, 309, 77, "img/goserver.png", false, backgroundd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ كود اللوجو function startRendering() if (status) then dxDrawImage(266, 39, 807, 74, "img/logoo.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, startRendering) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ كود اللوجو --------------------+][PrOgraming code :) ][+------------------------ addEventHandler ( 'onClientPreRender' , root , function ( ) local RealTime = getRealTime ( ) local Hour = RealTime.hour local Minutes = RealTime.minute local Seconds = RealTime.second guiSetText ( time,' '..Hour..':'..Minutes..':'..Seconds..'') end ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientPreRender' , root , function ( ) local RealTime = getRealTime ( ) local Day = RealTime.monthday local Month = RealTime.month local Year = 2017 guiSetText ( date,''..Day..'/'..Month..'/'..Year..'') end ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function () if ( guiGetVisible( imgping ) == true ) then guiSetText(ping,""..getPlayerPing(localPlayer)) end end ) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseEnter", root, function() if source == enter then guiSetAlpha(enter, 0.61) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientMouseLeave", root, function () if source == enter then guiSetAlpha(enter, 1) end end) setElementData(enter, "tooltip-text", "الذهاب للوحة التسجيل", false) setElementData(ping, "tooltip-text", "البنق", false) setElementData(date, "tooltip-text", "التاريخ واليوم والسنة", false) setElementData(time, "tooltip-text", "الساعة والدقائق والثواني", false) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function() -- عند الضغط علي زر معين يفتح لك لوحة اخري ويغلق الحالية if source == enter then guiSetVisible (backgroundd ,false) guiSetVisible(wnd,true) guiSetVisible(background,true) end end ) if fileExists("Client.Lua") then fileDelete("Client.Lua") end Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 سطر 322 بتلاقي كود setCameraMatrix(65.13557, 1640.16272, 46.53631) ضيف بعده status = true سطر 587 بتلاقي كود showPlayerHudComponent("all", true) ضيف بعده status = false Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 تعجز الكلمات عن وصفك صراحة كلمة شكراً ما تكفي أحب اقول مليون شكراً حسن Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 بس في مشكلة ثاني مستر كريم مسوي شئ خطأ بالبرمجة القيم مود ما يضيف حسابات جديدة !! Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 ضيف المود لقروب ادمن من خلال الاسل Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 3 minutes ago, HassoN said: ضيف المود لقروب ادمن من خلال الاسل يب مجربها اقولك الخطأ من البرمجة بس مدري وش هو Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 8, 2019 Share Posted July 8, 2019 debugscript وريني الكود الي يضيف حسابات + جيب رسالة ال Link to comment
~'Virus. Posted July 8, 2019 Author Share Posted July 8, 2019 11 minutes ago, HassoN said: ضيف المود لقروب ادمن من خلال الاسل يب مجربها اقولك الخطأ من البرمجة بس مدري وش هو ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ ذا ملف السيرفر + الديبق ما يقول شئ -- Login Register System executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS players_save( serial TEXT, user TEXT, pass TEXT)") function AddPlayer(serial,user,pass) executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO players_save(serial,user,pass) VALUES(?,?,?)",serial,user,pass) end function isPlayerSave(serial) local sel = executeSQLQuery("SELECT serial FROM players_save WHERE serial=?",serial) if sel == 0 then return false else return true end end function getUserAndPass(serial) local user,pass = "","" if isPlayerSave(serial) then local sel = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM players_save WHERE serial=?",serial) for i,player in ipairs(sel) do if i == 1 then user = player.user pass = player.pass end end return user,pass end return false end addEvent("onGetSave",true) addEventHandler("onGetSave",root, function () local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if isPlayerSave(serial) then local user,pass = getUserAndPass(serial) triggerClientEvent(source,"onPutSave",source,user,pass) end end ) addEvent("onLoginWith",true) addEventHandler("onLoginWith",root, function (user,pass) local acc = getAccount(user,pass) local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if acc then logIn(source,acc,pass) --outputChatBox("* You Have Been Successfuly Login",source,0,255,0) exports["notices"]:addNotification(root,"تم تسجيل الدخول بنجاح",'success'); AddPlayer(serial,user,pass) triggerClientEvent(source,"onCl",source) else --outputChatBox("* Worng Username Or Password",source,255,0,0) exports["notices"]:addNotification(root,"كلمة المرور او اسم المستخدم غير صحيحة",'error'); end end ) addEvent("onLogin",true) addEventHandler("onLogin",root, function (user,pass) local acc = getAccount(user,pass) if acc then logIn(source,acc,pass) --outputChatBox("* You Have Been Successfuly Login",source,0,255,0) exports["notices"]:addNotification(root,"تم تسجيل الدخول بنجاح",'success'); triggerClientEvent(source,"onCl",source) else --outputChatBox("* Worng Username Or Password",source,255,0,0) exports["notices"]:addNotification(root,"كلمة المرور او اسم المستخدم غير صحيحة",'error'); end end ) addEvent("onReg",true) addEventHandler("onReg",root, function (user,pass) local acc = getAccount(user,pass) if acc then exports.killmessages:outputMessage("* This Account is Already Exist",source,255,0,0) exports["notices"]:addNotification(root,"هذا الحساب موجود بالفعل",'warning'); else addAccount(user,pass) --outputChatBox("* Username = " .. user .. "",source,0,255,0) --outputChatBox("* Password = " .. pass .. "",source,0,255,0) exports["notices"]:addNotification(root,"تم تسجيل حساب جديد بنجاح قم بتسجيل الدخول الان",'success'); end end ) -- End addEvent( 'SpawnPlayerInSelectedSettinges', true ) addEventHandler( 'SpawnPlayerInSelectedSettinges', root, function() local xSpawn, ySpawn, zSpawn = unpack(getElementData(source, 'POSITION')) local PlayerSkin = getElementData(source, 'SKIN') local randomX = math.random(1, 10) - math.random(1, 10) local randomY = math.random(1, 10) - math.random(1, 10) spawnPlayer(source, xSpawn + randomX, ySpawn + randomY, zSpawn) setElementModel(source, PlayerSkin) fadeCamera(source, true) end ) addEventHandler( 'onPlayerWasted', root, function() setElementData(source, 'Wasted?', true) local xSpawn, ySpawn, zSpawn = unpack(getElementData(source, 'POSITION')) local PlayerSkin = getElementData(source, 'SKIN') local randomX = math.random(1, 10) - math.random(1, 10) local randomY = math.random(1, 10) - math.random(1, 10) spawnPlayer(source, xSpawn + randomX, ySpawn + randomY, zSpawn) setElementModel(source, PlayerSkin) setElementData(source, 'Wasted?', false) end ) addEvent( 'setPositionData', true ) addEventHandler( 'setPositionData', root, function(PlaceName, xSpawn, ySpawn, zSpawn) setElementData(source, 'POSITION', false) setElementData(source, 'POSITION', {xSpawn, ySpawn, zSpawn}) local PlaceName = string.gsub(PlaceName, '[A-Z-a-z]', '') exports["notices"]:addNotification(root," المكان الذي قمت بأختياره هو" .. PlaceName .. "",'info'); end ) addEvent( 'setSkinData', true ) addEventHandler( 'setSkinData', root, function(SkinID) setElementData(source, 'SKIN', false) setElementData(source, 'SKIN', SkinID) exports["notices"]:addNotification(root," الشخصية الخاصة بك هي " .. SkinID .. "",'info'); end ) Link to comment
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