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event is not added a clientside mta


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=== server=side
function markerHit(markerHit,matchingDimension)
	if (matchingDimension) then -- Make sure the player is in the same dimension as the marker (so they're actually going into it).
        outputChatBox("You have just entered a marker.",source,255,255,0) -- Output that they are.
        triggerClientEvent ( source, "startMaking", source, markerdata )
addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerHit", root,markerHit)

function startMake(data)
    markerdata = data
    addEventHandler ("onClientRender", localPlayer, isInMarker )

addEvent("startMaking", true)
addEventHandler("startMaking", localPlayer, startMake)

Where I made a mistake?

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  • You have an error in your client code. (which stops the code from starting) Check the debug console.
  • The clientside script isn't set in the meta.xml as clientside. (but as "server" - side or without type which is also serverside)
  • You hit the marker before your client script has been loaded. (happens when your download transfer bar is visible)
  • If serverside is in another resource as clientside. Both resources have to be running.


Info: This line decides if the event is added or not.

addEvent("startMaking", true)



Edited by IIYAMA
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