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triggerClientEvent. How correctly ?

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local dbSecurityConnection = dbConnect( 'sqlite', 'accs.db')
local getAnswerData = dbQuery( dbSecurityConnection, ' SELECT `fname`,`sname` FROM `accountsSecurity` WHERE Login = ?  ', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) )
local result = dbPoll( getAnswerData, -1 )

if result then
    for rid, row in ipairs ( result) do
        for column, value in pairs ( row ) do
		local fname = row["fname"]
		local sname = row["sname"]
        outputChatBox (fname..'_'..sname, source, 0, 255, 0, true   )

How do I use this on the client side?

I mean, for example, I have a label on a client

And how to make "fname" from server side to client in this label?

smth like that

guiSetText ( myLabel, fname )


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local dbSecurityConnection = dbConnect( 'sqlite', 'accs.db')
local getAnswerData = dbQuery( dbSecurityConnection, ' SELECT `fname`,`sname` FROM `accountsSecurity` WHERE Login = ?  ', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) )
local result = dbPoll( getAnswerData, -1 )
triggerClientEvent ( source , "DBTABLE" , source , result )

-----# CLIENT 

addEvent ( "DBTABLE" , true ) 
addEventHandler ( "DBTABLE" , root , function ( Table )
    if Table and #Table > 0 then
        guiSetText ( myLabel, Table[1]["fname"] )
end )


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1 hour ago, #x1AhMeD-09 said:

local dbSecurityConnection = dbConnect( 'sqlite', 'accs.db')
local getAnswerData = dbQuery( dbSecurityConnection, ' SELECT `fname`,`sname` FROM `accountsSecurity` WHERE Login = ?  ', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) )
local result = dbPoll( getAnswerData, -1 )
triggerClientEvent ( source , "DBTABLE" , source , result )

-----# CLIENT 

addEvent ( "DBTABLE" , true ) 
addEventHandler ( "DBTABLE" , root , function ( Table )
    if Table and #Table > 0 then
        guiSetText ( myLabel, Table[1]["fname"] )
end )


and how to make that united in 1 label. (fname and sname)

Edited by slapz0r
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1 hour ago, #x1AhMeD-09 said:

 i don't understand what do you trying to say

rpnickname = DGS:dgsCreateLabel(100,310,100,40,"Nick:",false)

addEvent ( "DBTABLE" , true ) 
addEventHandler ( "DBTABLE" , root , function ( Table )
	local d1 = Table[1]["fname"]
	local d2 = Table[1]["sname"]
    if Table and #Table > 0 then
		DGS:dgsSetText ( rpnickname, d1.."_"..d2)
end )

-- display nick in other function
local name3 = DGS:dgsGetText(rpnickname)

The database has data (fname = first name, sname = second name)

Each player is different, indicated by the player himself during registration.

I made the player see his name like that:


but now the player sees his name above ALL PLAYERS but i need to do so that everyone would have a different nickname above their heads (which they type in register(fname and sname field in .db)

What am I doing wrong? How to fix it

For example, you entered during registration in the field(fname = Alex, sname = Faber) and now you will see this nickname above ALL PLAYERS. NOW IT"S DONE BUT 

I need to make sure everyone has their own nickname(fname, sname) and this should see all players

Edited by slapz0r
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The simplest way would be using serverside element data. You can only use triggerEvents for that, if you can synchronize the fullName data from all players yourself.



setElementData(source, "fullName", result)



local players = getElementsByType("player", root, true)
for i=1, #players do
	local player = players[i]
	local fullName = tostring(getElementData(player, "fullName") or "")




14 minutes ago, slapz0r said:

What am I doing wrong? How to fix it 

You are sending the message from the server to the OWNER of the nick name. So nobody else has this data. This requires much more code to achieve this functionality.



Edited by IIYAMA
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7 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:


The simplest way would be using serverside element data. You can only use triggerEvents for that, if you can synchronize the fullName data from all players yourself.



setElementData(source, "fullName", result)



local players = getElementsByType("player", root, true)
for i=1, #players do
	local player = players[i]
	local fullName = tostring(getElementData(player, "fullName") or "")




You are sending the message from the server to the OWNER of the nick name. So nobody else has this data. This requires much more code to achieve this functionality.



@IIYAMA how to fix this problem in my code?

Edited by slapz0r
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@IIYAMA Used your code

		local players = getElementsByType("player", root, true)
		for i=1, #players do
		local player = players[i]
		local fullName = tostring(getElementData(player, "fullName") or "")
		DGS:dgsSetText ( tester2owibka123, fullName.."_")

I do not understand what it gives. After restarting the values are different


and should be Lyashko_Lolka

Lyashko = fname

Lolka = sname

What's wrong?

1 hour ago, IIYAMA said:



Can't, as you didn't post your other function... I can't read your mind after all.



function onClientRender()
  local cx, cy, cz, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix()
  for k, player in pairs(g_StreamedInPlayers) do
    if isElement(player) and isElementStreamedIn(player) then
        local vx, vy, vz = getPedBonePosition(player, 8)
        local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz)
        if dist < drawDistance and isLineOfSightClear(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz, true, false, false) then
          local x, y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(vx, vy, vz + 0.3)
          if x and y then
            local name = getPlayerName(player)
			local id = getElementData ( player, "ID", s_id )
            local w = dxGetTextWidth(name, 1, "default-bold")
            local h = dxGetFontHeight(1, "default-bold")
			local name3 = DGS:dgsGetText(rpnickname)
			dxDrawText("#FFFFFF"..name3.."#1E90FF ["..id.."]", x - 2 - w / 2, y - 0 - h - 12, w, h, tocolor(255, 0, 0), 1, "default-bold","left","top",false,false,false,true)
            local health = getElementHealth(player)
            local armour = getPedArmor(player)
            if health > 0 then
              local rate = 500 / getPedStat(player, 24)
              drawHPBar(x, y - 6, health * rate, dist)
              if armour > 0 then
                drawArmourBar(x, y - 12, armour, dist)
      table.remove(g_StreamedInPlayers, k)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, onClientRender)

@IIYAMA This is a script displaying health, armor, nickname and id . And I need to instead of "getPlayerName(player)" need "First _ SecondName"(fname_sname) from table .db

Edited by slapz0r
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