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Patching your 1.01 or 2.00 version of gta_sa.exe



Important note: before using this patch, first re-download the latest version of MTA from https://multitheftauto.com/ and re-install it, as the installer contains a procedure to automatically make your GTA installation compatible (without modifying original game files) that for technical reasons isn't included in the MTA auto-updater, on which many users may rely for years without installing MTA, therefore creating a problem if their GTA installation changes at some point.

So, if you currently have no compatibility or have an unsupported version of GTA (prompting you to come here) or any other similar problem, please first re-install MTA. If  this doesn't help, then proceed with the below instructions.

This topic offers a patcher which will patch the following unsupported versions of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas:

  • USA 1.01
  • USA 2.00
  • European 1.01
  • European 2.00
  • German 1.00
  • German 1.01
  • German 2.00

This patch does NOT turn your gta_sa.exe into a crack/No-CD, but converts your gta_sa.exe to a 1.00 EU version. Please make necessary backups in case something goes wrong; we are not responsible for damaged or lost files.

I have tested this personally, though please post if you have any problems while using the patcher.

Although you will be reverting back to a fully moddable version of the game, you will also lose improvements contained within 1.01+, so downgrade at your own risk. Remember, you can always upgrade back to 1.01 from this patched version. Should you experience any problems you can always reinstall GTA:SA.

Pick one of the following mirrors to download:

Thanks to Mike for testing and mista.maja for helping me get a German gta_sa.exe, and to nippy401 for letting me get ahold of GTA:SA 2.00 :)

I have added 2.0 support for DE, untested.

Regarding users of the Steam version of GTA: San Andreas

This patch is not compatible with the Steam version of San Andreas, primarily because the .exe is completely different. You don't need to use this patcher for the Steam version, as the procedure to make MTA compatible with it is now included in the installer of recent MTA versions.

So if you have the Steam version, follow these steps:

1) install the Steam version of GTA. If you already have it installed, make sure the game, more specifically the EXE is unmodded, or else MTA may be unable to perform the operation.

2) download the latest version of MTA (make sure of this) from https://multitheftauto.com/ > "Download" and install it. If MTA was already installed, make sure to re-install it (your files and saved settings won't be lost, MTA will be overwritten only) to ensure the Steam compatibility operation is performed by the installer.

* Make sure to repeat this process every time you re-install your Steam version of GTA, or "verify files" (repair install it) in Steam, or whenever a problem occurs with launching GTA.


Last resort

This topic and the patcher was created to help a group of users that happen to have either modded, or upgraded versions of GTA:SA.
MTA San Andreas is designed for, and thus best supported on, the original versions of GTA:SA (US 1.0 and EU 1.0 EXE's) without later GTA updates (1.01 and later) applied to it.. these updates only change the EXE and not other game files, and break MTA compabibility.

So that also means if nothing in this topic works for you, the last resort (actually the method of preference in any case) would be to re-install GTA from DVD so that you will get the original EXE (US or EU 1.0) which MTA supports entirely. As far we know, no DVD version contains an updated EXE (1.01 or later) and they are all 1.0.

If you find a retail version with an updated EXE, this patcher is still likely to work for it, unlike any modded GTA versions (based on 1.01 or later) from shady sources which the patcher may not recognize. So because of the higher success rate for original game in any shape, we recommend you to only get the original game from retail (DVD or digital download) and we tend to only offer support if this is the case. MTA will not provide support for attempts to downgrade/make compatible cracked, or heavily modded installations of GTA. Besides the ethical aspect, MTA is also designed to best support unmodded versions and stability or functioning isn't even guaranteed in other scenario's.

For more information on places where you can buy legitimate and supported versions of GTA, we advise you to visit this wiki page: 



NOTE: There have been numerous cases of people externally linking directly to the file. If you wish to link to the downgrader, I request that you link to this TOPIC, not directly to the file. This is to ensure that users having trouble post in this thread rather than creating new topics. If you would like to mirror it please contact an administrator.

* Topic update date: 29th March 2020


updated Steam compatibility information
added more information


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I just got the patch, but it isn't working, when I insert the disk, I keep getting 'Insert CD/DVD'

Do I have to download a no dvd fix?

I am not interested in multiplayer, I just want to play single player with some mods.

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i´ve got the german v. 2 but the downgrader says me: "unknown version"! what can i do??

please i need another downgrader, that can downgrade my version... ;(

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I dont need to downgrade but I have check the version of my GTA SA it is 1.000001 (or w/e, I saw it in regedit) but when I installed the mod it hangs in the "loading screen" so I have to restart my PC and all does the same. I have backup gta3.img so I could revert it back but still reinstalling the mod having same problems. Just wondering how to fix it I hope you could help me.

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ok this is a simple question but i need to know it. after you install the downgrader, where it normaly says V2.00 does that go away and if so does it say another version or does it just go blank? :)

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Does it work whit a cracked exe ?becuse it says "This program cannot patch the installed version of San Andreas because of the following reason C:\Program files\rockstar games\san andreas\gta_sa.exe: unkown version" HELP :!::?::!::?::!: really wanna try MTA

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Does it work whit a cracked exe ?becuse it says "This program cannot patch the installed version of San Andreas because of the following reason C:\Program files\rockstar games\san andreas\gta_sa.exe: unkown version" HELP :!::?::!::?::!: really wanna try MTA

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  achilles2011 said:
  BrophY said:
No it doesnt, and we dont give any support to people using cracks

Why not? I am using a no CD crack because my CD/DVD drives decided to stop working :( And i need V.1! Do you know a different way i can get V.1?

Its the forum rules, and being moderator I have to enforce them.

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  Nolan16 said:
This program cannot patch the installed version of san Andreas because of the following reason: c:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/gta_sa.exe:Unknown version.

this is what it says when i try it dosent work for me just bought the game today :(

i have same problem.

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Hi there, I applied mods to My Gta san andreas 2.0 game (EU version) ,but it ended up with a black screen halfway the loading time, and then I got this "send" or "not send" message.I reinstalled the game and was able to play again, without mods. After some time I downgraded my 2.0 version to 1.0 because I really wanted to play with mods, I tested to load some 2.0 saved games to see if the 1.0 version worked (no mods at this time) and it did. Now, I added a mod (replaced a dff and txt file in GTA3.img) and I chose "new game". The loading screen got halfway, then turned black and the "send", "do not send" messsage popped up. After this I tried to load a saved game (version 2.0 save) but exactly the same thing happened.

So I was wondering, can I fix this problem somehow? because I really want to test some mods :( I think dwight88 is having the same problem but I couldn't find an answer. So I beg you please help me !

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  supersam said:
dude i cant do :~ with mine it says something about my gta.sa.exe folder saying tht it cant find it i only bought mine yesterday and i tried loades of stuff

maybe u have to put the patch in the san andreas installation directory and then run it. :):) tell me if it worked.;)

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