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Terrible performance in lan/internet game <10fps

Guest Dark40217

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My problem is...

I can get into GTA:SA single player fine and it runs fine at an ok 40-50 fps. I can also get into MTA:SA fine and run the map editor and get ok performance such as 40-50 fps. But when i try to play on an lan/internet server my computer can for some reason only crank out a poor 5-10 fps, this is unplayable. If I then disconnect from a lan/internet server I still have performance problems in the map editor until i restart the program.

Also I have noticed that when i press connect and it is loading the game data and showing the loading pics ect. it plays the theme music over its self, kind of like an echo. I thought maybe its slow because its trying to render twice what it has to. Also it take twic as long to load.

My specs are

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.93 Ghz

RAM: 512MB

VIDEO: ATI Radeon X300 SE


MTA:MTA For San Andreas Race R1.0

SA:San Andreas 1.0

Help would certainly be appreciated

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same here, except for the sound echoes...

Athlon XP 2400+

ASRock K7S41GX

ATI Radeon 9600 (256MB)



and lots of free harddrive space, so that can't be the problem

single player runs fine at about 30 - 40 fps ... but playing mta online makes my system run like crap, below 15 fps... (even on a 16 player server) why is that? i mean, there are a lot more cars around in singleplay mode than there are in multiplayer mode, so MP should run way better, shouldn't it?

sorry for potential bad english, fellas ;D

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I have fixed this problem.....

But I dont know how :(

I have a HP Pavilion and I just ran that stupid recovery console, it seemed to fix it now it runs like it should.

The recovery console resets all the drivers to their original (the ones that came with the computer). The only thing I updated the drivers for were video and sound.

If your willing to go through with it for this game I suggest a format and re-install.

I hope this can help in any way.

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