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Screen size all players


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A long time ago i was suffering with this issue too. I figured it out, and since that, i'm using this.

This will put the dx on the center of the screen always.

local screenSize = {guiGetScreenSize()}
local panelW, panelH = 300, 150	--// panelW = panel Widht | panelH = panelHeight
local panelX, panelY = screenSize[1]/2-panelW/2, screenSize[2]/2-panelH/2

--// use
addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function()
    dxDrawRectangle(panelX, panelY, panelW, panelH, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200) )
    --// if you want to make a button of course smaller, you can do like this
    dxDrawRectangle(panelX, panelY, panelW, panelH - 125, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200) )


Edited by itHyperoX
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@Zcraks you can also use this

local screX, screY = guiGetScreenSize()
local px,py = 1366,768 -- your resolution where everything fits perfect
local x,y =  (screX/px), (screY/py)

simple example:

dxDrawText('Hello guys!', x*450, y*300, x*300, y*100)

OR you can make it happen for everything on one go by replacing the original function. Example:

function all_dxDrawText(...)
	local arr = {...} -- get arguments
	arr[1] = x*arr[1] -- do some magic stuff
	arr[2] = y*arr[2]
	arr[3] = x*arr[3]
	arr[4] = y*arr[4]
	return dxDrawText(unpack(arr)) -- use modified arguments

all_dxDrawText('Hello guys!', x*450, y*300, x*300, y*100)


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On 09/06/2019 at 02:37, Zcraks said:

I have a problem with rendering DX at different screen size. If 1980x1920 then it works and if 1366x768 it does not work.

How about you scale over the Y axis only?

That solved all my problems. Because in most cases scaling shouldn't include the ration, but the pixel density only. (With some exceptions)


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