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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

عندي مشكلة في لوحة ابي ازيد لها اشياء ما تبغا تنزاد ..اللوحة :

local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
        clanwarwnd = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 800) / 5, (screenH - 800) / 5, 800, 800, "Clanwar Panel", false)
        guiWindowSetMovable(clanwarwnd, false)
        guiWindowSetSizable(clanwarwnd, false)
		guiSetVisible(clanwarwnd, false)
        cjoin = guiCreateButton(49, 35, 169, 37, "Enable Command 'cjoin'", false, clanwarwnd)
        stgm = guiCreateButton(233, 35, 169, 37, "Start Game + Open Doors", false, clanwarwnd)
        edgm = guiCreateButton(49, 87, 169, 37, "End Game + Close Doors", false, clanwarwnd)
        rfwn = guiCreateButton(233, 87, 169, 37, "Rifa Win  + Top Players", false, clanwarwnd)
        mfwn = guiCreateButton(49, 138, 169, 37, "Mafia Win  + Top Players", false, clanwarwnd)
        adjoin = guiCreateButton(233, 138, 169, 37, "Admins Join Only", false, clanwarwnd)
        slapall = guiCreateButton(49, 185, 169, 37, "Slap All Players", false, clanwarwnd)
        closewnd = guiCreateButton(233, 185, 169, 37, "Close Window", false, clanwarwnd)

و انا اريد زيادة دا الكود 

        Points_EditBox = guiCreateEdit(49, 185, 169, 37, "", false, clanwarwnd)
        Points_Label = guiCreateLabel(0.46, 0.65, 0.08, 0.03, "Points :", false, clanwarwnd)
        guiSetFont(Points_Label, "default-bold-small")
        guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Points_Label, "center", false)

كمان ما اقدر ازيد فيه طوله وعرضه وش المششكلة ؟؟

Edited by Ad[N]a[N]e
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1 hour ago, Ad[N]a[N]e said:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

عندي مشكلة في لوحة ابي ازيد لها اشياء ما تبغا تنزاد ..اللوحة :

local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
clanwarwnd = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 800) / 5, (screenH - 800) / 5, 800, 800, "Clanwar Panel", false)
guiSetVisible(clanwarwnd, false)
cjoin = guiCreateButton(49, 35, 169, 37, "Enable Command 'cjoin'", false, clanwarwnd)
stgm = guiCreateButton(233, 35, 169, 37, "Start Game + Open Doors", false, clanwarwnd)
edgm = guiCreateButton(49, 87, 169, 37, "End Game + Close Doors", false, clanwarwnd)
rfwn = guiCreateButton(233, 87, 169, 37, "Rifa Win  + Top Players", false, clanwarwnd)
mfwn = guiCreateButton(49, 138, 169, 37, "Mafia Win  + Top Players", false, clanwarwnd)
adjoin = guiCreateButton(233, 138, 169, 37, "Admins Join Only", false, clanwarwnd)
slapall = guiCreateButton(49, 185, 169, 37, "Slap All Players", false, clanwarwnd)
closewnd = guiCreateButton(233, 185, 169, 37, "Close Window", false, clanwarwnd)

و انا اريد زيادة دا الكود 

        Points_EditBox = guiCreateEdit(49, 185, 169, 37, "", false, clanwarwnd)
        Points_Label = guiCreateLabel(0.46, 0.65, 0.08, 0.03, "Points :", false, clanwarwnd)
        guiSetFont(Points_Label, "default-bold-small")
        guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Points_Label, "center", false)

كمان ما اقدر ازيد فيه طوله وعرضه وش المششكلة ؟؟

    local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
            clanwarwnd = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 800) / 5, (screenH - 800) / 5, 800, 800, "Clanwar Panel", false)
            guiWindowSetMovable(clanwarwnd, false)
            guiWindowSetSizable(clanwarwnd, false)
             guiSetVisible(clanwarwnd, false)
            cjoin = guiCreateButton(49, 35, 169, 37, "Enable Command 'cjoin'", false, clanwarwnd)
            stgm = guiCreateButton(233, 35, 169, 37, "Start Game + Open Doors", false, clanwarwnd)
            edgm = guiCreateButton(49, 87, 169, 37, "End Game + Close Doors", false, clanwarwnd)
            rfwn = guiCreateButton(233, 87, 169, 37, "Rifa Win  + Top Players", false, clanwarwnd)
            mfwn = guiCreateButton(49, 138, 169, 37, "Mafia Win  + Top Players", false, clanwarwnd)
            adjoin = guiCreateButton(233, 138, 169, 37, "Admins Join Only", false, clanwarwnd)
            slapall = guiCreateButton(49, 185, 169, 37, "Slap All Players", false, clanwarwnd)
            closewnd = guiCreateButton(233, 185, 169, 37, "Close Window", false, clanwarwnd)
            Points_EditBox = guiCreateEdit(49, 185, 169, 37, "", false, clanwarwnd)
            Points_Label = guiCreateLabel(0.46, 0.65, 0.08, 0.03, "Points :", true, clanwarwnd)
            guiSetFont(Points_Label, "default-bold-small")
            guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Points_Label, "center", false)
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 Points_EditBox = guiCreateEdit(49, 185, 169, 37, "", false, clanwarwnd) -- اذا عملت ذي بينعكس عند الاخرين ~
Points_Label = guiCreateLabel(0.46, 0.65, 0.08, 0.03, "Points :", false, clanwarwnd) -- الطول والعرض سويه مثل ذي !!
guiSetFont(Points_Label, "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Points_Label, "center", false)


تبي تزيد للبوتين ؟


وحط اكوادك ,

Edited by DmAr511
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22 hours ago, DmAr511 said:

 Points_EditBox = guiCreateEdit(49, 185, 169, 37, "", false, clanwarwnd) -- اذا عملت ذي بينعكس عند الاخرين ~
Points_Label = guiCreateLabel(0.46, 0.65, 0.08, 0.03, "Points :", false, clanwarwnd) -- الطول والعرض سويه مثل ذي !!
guiSetFont(Points_Label, "default-bold-small")
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Points_Label, "center", false)


تبي تزيد للبوتين ؟


وحط اكوادك ,

ابي اعدل على لوحة دي ابي اكبرها شوي بس دي ما تبي تكبر ض 

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