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Interesting results both good and bad

Guest Doomer1

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Admittedly I knew this was still in development so I did not go into this expecting the world. After a few failed attempts to get the two game sessions to see each other and some confusion on how the multiplayer worked I got it running. My fiance and I began a DM match and although I was disappointed to see an empty town I began exploring. After a few minutes of driving around I found my fiance and decided it was time to kill her for all those evenings she forced me to watch Pauly Shore flicks. So I gunned the engine and chased her to the police station where she wrecked her car against the wall to the hospital. This is where it got really odd. My screen and radar showed her right in front of me, but when I glanced at her screen she was running toward the police station. I showed her still in the car? Odd but okay its a beta. After she found another vehicle she reappeared on my screens where she should be and the chase began again but whenever I got close to her the radar and visuals misrepresented her true location. So that was my first bug. Later I took a wrong turn and went swimming in the river. I died still in the car I was driving. When I respawned I was in the car on top of a building looking at the spawn points. So I drove off the building......(guys we need exploding cars just an FYI) So I was now driving around not in a group with no weapon. WHen I finally stopped and got out of the car I was back on top of the building where I choes the mafia again. But this time I had no weapon. Bug number 2. Trust me trying to kill your fiance with a car and bad dialogue is not easy. I think the mod is progressing very well. Would like to see more activity or weapons available in town, some traffic would be nice (no peds would be okay) would make getting a vehicle in deserted areas a bit easier. Also please open all the bridges I figured out how to get around but the bridges would make the chases a bit more interesting.

Excellent work gang, keep plugging at it and PLEASE do this to Vice City. Cars are nice but I am a biker dude and need two wheeled freedom to kill with a grin.

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